The performance of Eclipse 3.1m5a is not ideal, then 3.1m6 to be released on April 1, how much is it in system performance? I saw a blog today, I mentioned this problem. From the data, 3.1m6 is larger than 3.1m5a, but compared to 3.0, there are still some places.
Some of these data:
JDT Core:
- Performance:
- 3.1M6 vs. 3.1m5a:
- Full Build from 2% To 7.7% Faster:
- BATCH Compiler 3% FASTER
- Scanner 31.8% To 36.7% FASTER
- Parser 13.8% FASTER
- 3.1M6 vs. 3.0:
- Full Build, STILL FROM 1.5% To 9% SLOWER -> 3.1M7
- BATCH Compiler 9% SLOWER -> 3.1M7
- Scanner 36.2% To 44.9% FASTER
Parser 11% .2 to 14.8% FASTER
- Search & Type Hierarchies Are Faster Than 3.0 (5% To 20% FASTER)
- Codeassist Is About The Same (if One Disagrees, We NEED PR)
- Adding Perf Tests for Codeassist, Scanner & Parser
- Reduced Footprint of Javamodel (About 25% in Some Scenario)
- Code Formatter Now Accepts Mixed Tab & Space Scenario (73104)