Author: Elf (that is, little brother to me) out to: Web.Share address: http: // id = 87?
Let me mean that it is necessary to have a scatter, upgrade, happy ^ _ ^ thinking that I can't have this loose, it is easy to be grouped by the bamboo, there is a little bit of experience for SEO, I wrote this small paragraph, share this small text Oh, it is still a lot of friends who are interested! Because 9CBS does not support HTML syntax, it may seem to have electricity, everyone can go to the above address, maybe it will be easy to see clearly, huh, huh!
The younger brother left the contact information, I hope to be able to make friends! ~~
QQ: 3190576msn: lstup@hotmail.come-mail: Forum: Contact phone, add address, don't use it --_- ||
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ======================== SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization, translated into search engine optimization, also called website optimization. SEO sometimes also refers to Search Engine Optimizer, which is the search engine optimizer. SEO has officially formed in the United States in 1998. At the end of 2001, the SEO has become a new hot spot in the United States at the end of 2001, and the SEO has become a new hotspot, which represents the coming economy era. This wave swept to Japan in the summer of 2002, China started SEO heat at the beginning of 2004.
Positioning keyword
The standard for high quality keywords is: (1) - There must be some people will search. (2) - To be related to your business. (3) - It is best not to pay attention to it, so that the degree of competition is low, the cost is low. Chinese has not more accurate help to select tools for keywords, but you can refer to the following two URLs: (1) - (2) - COM / regURL / PV_PRICE / Query_ConsuMer.asp
The difference between Yahoo and Google
Some people ask the difference between Yahoo and Google.
1. Google focuses on semantic analysis and links, Yahoo pays attention to Title and H1, H2, H3.
2, Google is much better than Yahoo updates.
Since I can optimize the page itself, I can have a good rankings in Yahoo, and these page optimizations can be controlled, so Yahoo optimization is easier than Google optimization, and the time is shorter, especially for popular key Words, the difference between the two is more obvious. From another perspective, you can optimize Google, how high is not a certain level, may just be a link resource with more hands can be used; if the service period has passed, the link pointing to your link Your ranking will fall. If you optimize Yahoo, your web optimization itself is good, your rankings are solid, your service provider has made some solid work for you. I want to especially emphasize the powerful semantic analysis capabilities of Google. I have searched "SEO Getting Started in Google today, and the result is a web page for" SEO foundation ". This web page has made good optimization for the "SEO foundation". I saw the source file of this page, there is no "entry". This website is a new station, there is not much external link, the home page PR is 0, why this is a web page that contains a lot of "SEO entry"? And seven pages in the first page are for the "SEO foundation" and highlight the red body word, see Google to see "Getting Started" and "Foundation" as extremely close words. Then, "SEO Getting Started" in Yahoo, found that the top three pages did not target the "SEO foundation", all of the SEO entry.
Factors affecting website rankings
Factors affecting the rankings can be roughly divided into external factors and internal factors. Pay attention to internal factors represented by Baidu, while Google pays more attention to external factors. Let's take a brief description of the external and internal factors. Simply put the external factor refers to your link resource, link resource packages exported, import, reverse, etc. The internal factors come from many aspects, such as:
, picture of Alt, H1 - H6, Color = Red .....</p>
<p>Dance actually refers to the process of rearranging the search engine for Google or Baidu to rearrange its search results. During the DANCE (Google - 3 to 5 days, Baidu is about one week), you can find that the search results will have a large fluctuating. The origin of Dance: In the update process, the search engine (Google, Baidu) is not possible to close the server for maintenance, even if only one minute, the line will bring you unimaginable losses. So there is this term that we see now - Dance.</p>
<p>How do you check Google Dance? Google has 8 main WWW web server online, which are 1. - (is our usual 2. - (can also be entered via 3. - (can also be entered via 4. 5. WWW-EX.GOOGLE. COM6. 7. 8.</p>
<p>During the Google Dance process, you can check the 8 Google web servers listed on the previous page. The results they display in a certain period of time will have a big difference, just like dancing. For this reason, their update procedures are called "Dancing / Dancing", so they have the name of Google Dance.</p>
<p>Want to see if Google Dance is in progress, the simplest and straightforward approach is to to do a query. In the blue strip above the Google Search Results page, this will be displayed: "A total of 626,000 query results, this is 1-10 items. Search is 0.48 seconds." Then you go to and Do the same condition on the same condition, if the number of search results obtained by the same query is different, then the Google is being updated.</p>
<p>Title puts the keyword in Title is a wise practice. But don't get over, what is the right to put the key? There is no unified standard on the network, usually do not recommend more than 75 words. But isn't it reasonable within 75? Personally think that Title's keyword should not exceed 30, because the role of keywords after the top 30 has been slightly micro. It is best to control 10 - 20. The combination of Title is also technically. We assume that a website needs to perform optimization. Taking "Shenzhen Austrian Auto Rental" as an example, we can write "Shenzhen Austrian car rental in the home" Shenzhen Austrian car rental - Shenzhen car rental, wedding car rental, rental car offer ... "He said, best Don't exceed 30, but this is obviously a lot of content, is this reasonable? In fact, this is reasonable. Under the premise of no more than 75, it is reasonable, but only those behind are not so persuasive. In the keyword page in the page, the keyword is a good aspect of Baidu. In the previous car rental, keyword positioning [Shenzhen] car rental should be used in the page to have car rental and Shenzhen car rental these keywords. In the form of the form, the H1 -H6 in the page is the most important way. If you feel well, you can use the CSS redemption. Also <font color = "red"> </ font> and <b> </ b> of course, these don't use too much, otherwise and easily considered to be cheating. Generally controlled in the H tag control at 1-2, RED is not better than 20. And B doesn't matter, the picture alt property is designed, the page is not possible to be a pure text expression, that is too dead, not good, so The picture element is introduced. The picture element cannot be identified by the search engine, then the key place is the picture of the alt. Plus Alt attributes for each image is a good habit. ALT's name suggestion, don't be too long, such as: Shenzhen Auto Rental, Car Rental Co., Ltd., wedding car rental, business car ... A picture is where there is so much content? Obviously, deceiving search engines, don't be idiot, he will delete your station immediately! Meta Many friends think Meta is very important, but why I will put this behind the next position? It is actually very small in Meta's work in the search engine. Whether it is commonly used keywords, Description or some other labels are the same as Title and Alt, don't translate the keyword, generally in 15. Personally, if you don't design the Mate keyword, don't put it, because the current Mate is very fragile, it is easy to be considered cheating, don't try! Website Structure Website Structure is very important for all search engines. If there is no need, don't let your website exceed 3 floors, too deep structure is not conducive to being included. The clear structure is a very good start. The search engine likes a clear site. You must have 3 or more, then you recommend you to make a site map on the top page or other easy link. , Clear all the results of all sites. Many friends like to make a site map, in fact, is unable to scope, for search engines. There is no import link (dead connection) is a very unhappy approach, although it can be included in the search engine, but this efficiency has been discounted! There are also some factors, such as the page name of the website, if the site of the car rental, QiChe.htm's name is easier to allow search engines than 000.HTM, and increase your keyword.</p>
<p>Update frequency, PR value, etc. External factors, not pure external factors herein, just more focused on Google in this class! Link resources have one or more sites with high traffic, so you can easily improve your rankings. Factors affecting link quality: the number of links in the page. If there is more than 100 connections in a page, then your importance is 1% or 0, because the part of a page exceeds 100 connections is considered invalid. Description section. The description part is a good place to give the keyword. <a href => Web Design, Web Programming, Sharing Communication </a> This is written. A tag text, it has become a very high quality connection, but the text is not too much! And Titil, Mate these truths. PR value. This is the factor in the page, and it is found that it is more reasonable to put it in the outside, affecting the provision of the article, sorry. If there is a high-powered site to connect to you, not only can improve your PR, but also improve the rankings, many people don't think so, in fact, PR is brought about by Google's importance to your website. sense. At the same time, it is of course an impact on the ranking.</p>
<p>Supplement: Summary the factors affecting the ranking</p>
<p>Website structure rationality</p>
<p>Website page size</p>
<p>PR value</p>
<p>The occurrence of keywords (package Title, Mate, H1 -H6, B, etc.)</p>
<p>Website update frequency</p>
<p>Website traffic</p>
<p>Is there a site that is considered authoritative by Google</p>
<p>Factors affecting website updates</p>
<p>1. Google basically has lowered the role of Meta to a very low, whether it is commonly used Keywords, Description, or some other tags.</p>
<p>2, website itself update frequency</p>
<p>3, PR value</p>
<p>4, website structure</p>
<p>5, the server (speed is also very important, if the speed is slow to search the robot, you can time out, then ...)</p>
<p>Eafin (E peak .NET) (a leaf maple boat)</p>
<p>I saw it. Every time I searched, I saw a bunch of this advertisement. I was unhappy. Why did our China's SEO cannot compete in the normal search engine optimization method like foreign SEO ... Send a PR value For 10 optimization stations (foreign, it should be made in the right way ... the same page, how much is the PR, it is worth studying ...) //www.pr10.dark-9.p</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey">
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