Shark1.0 interacts with your own small database; if you want to interact it with other databases, you need to modify some relevant profiles, taking the MySQL database as an example:
a. Modify Shark.conf
Replace Sharkdb in Shark..conf into Shark
Find this hypersonicsql (I am 106 lines); comment below it;
Find this mysql, remove the two lines below it.
The following two modifications are as follows:
DatabaseManager.db.shark.connection.user = "root";
DatabaseManager.db.shark.connection.password = "";
Locate recreatedb.bat in your Shark installation directory to open and edit it
Find this HypersonicsQL Database this
Comment it out below
Find this Mysql Database this
Remove it from the comment below.
c. Copy your JDBC database to the lib directory of the Shark installation directory
d. Built a database named Shark in your mysql database
Run recreatedb.bat