From vchelp
A person who is primarily aimed at the students who graduated from the boundary;
I hope everyone has to help;
1. What is NPC, NP-HARD?
2. What is the time complexity of bubble sorting?
Speaking at least one algorithm than it;
What is the limit time complexity of sorting?
3. There is a linked list, how to determine it is a loop list?
If the list is one-way?
What can the point in the loop may be anywhere?
If the cache space is limited, what is a constant?
Can I only use 2 caches?
4. There is a file, saved several integers, how to get one of the integers with average probability?
If the number of integers is unknown?
If an integer is stored in a string, such as: (that is, how to get a random string)
If you only allow files to be changed once?
5. With two groups of data, in memory, you need 1 and 2 minutes for them; then use two threads to be sorted together, how much time?
C / C :
1. Similarities and aspects of C and C ;
2. Differences between C, C , VC, BC, TC;
3. Try ... Catch keywords in C ;
4. The usage of enumeration, and the difference between it and the macro;
5. Const's usage, as well as declaring constant variables and macros;
6. The difference between reference and pointer in C ;
7. What is the meaning of Virtual and inline in C ?
The characteristics of virtual functions;
The characteristics of the inline function;
Whether a function is the virtual function is the inline function?
8. The following keywords' meaning and usage:
Extern, extern "c", static, explicit, register, # undef, # impNDEF
9. What is the function overload and coverage?
Why does C does not support function overload?
Why can C support function overload?
10. In the VC, what is the meaning of Debug and Release option within the compilation toolbar?
11. Write the MY_MEMCPY function to implement a function similar to the library function Memcpy, and cannot use any library functions;
12. Write the My_STRCPY function, implement similar functions similar to the library function strcpy, and cannot use any library functions;
13. Write the GBK_STRLEN function, calculate the length of the string containing Chinese characters, and the Chinese characters are treated as a character;
It is known: Chinese character encoding is double byte, where the first one is <0, the tail byte is outside of 0 ~ 63; (if one byte is -128 ~ 127)
14. Function assert usage;
15. Why do you see this code in front of the header file:
#ifndef _STDIO_H_
#define _STDIO_H_
16. Why is the array name as a parameter, change the contents of the array, and other types of intravenys do not change the value of the variables? -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
:( I've looked at it, many are all known to solve it, the dish is a word! C is the foundation, it seems to be calm and see ~~