Monses the Chinese output in UNIXLinux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Original: License (Java) JVM in UNIX / Linux supports Chinese output

First, let JVM support Chinese output on UNIX / Linux

If the user uses UNIX's remote server, it will encounter the problem that the Chinese font output is output in the image. In particular, because many administrators don't like to set the host's locale to zh (because it means that there may be garbled or must be loaded. Dictionary pattern terminal icon ENCON, but many cases do not have this condition). Most programmers' Java experience is limited to the JSP script, and some skilled programmers have issued a GUI program that has been developed by middleware, servlet, applet, or running on Windows. If the development of JFreeChart is running using Windows as a host, you can skip this segment, but if you use a UNIX type server, you often encounter unexpected Chinese display difficulties, and even until the output of the Chinese font, The program reports Display exception errors. The reason is that Java AWT turned out to be a program written for (X) Windows GUI, which often requires the display mode setting display mode, in server mode (like JSP or servlet), will not have XWindowns at all. Operation, this will cause the CAN NOT DIT Display Setting to 0: 0 in many programs, including JFreeChart. The solution is to increase the settings of -djava.awt.headless = true in the JVM startup. However, in this way, it will bring to the code that uses the code of the frame.getimage () method, causing the program to abort, and programs that use ImageBuffer will not be affected.

Java AWT, Java Swing, Java 2D API and programs are applied to Linux / UNIX, which is a problem that must be resolved, otherwise even JFReereport cannot be used. Servlet also encounters a similar problem, but the solution is relatively simple, servlet package has built a solution, in general, set two sentences at the servlet:

Response.setContentType ("text / html; charset = UTF-8"); Request.SetCharacterencoding ("UTF-8");

There is no existence in Chinese garbled. Compared with simple JSP / servlet character sets, this problem is much more complicated, even more complicated than in general Linux. Under normal circumstances, JRE only contains several fonts (font), but can be supported from the X system, like Windows to get the font support; therefore, if developers and users are developed on the Chinese Windows system, it is probably not found The existence of the problem. But once the program is released on the UNIX / Linux system, the Chinese characters in the graphic become a question mark or small box. At this time, the program like JSP / servlet is completely normal. In general, Java uses En_OTF-8 by default, or ISO_8859_1 is read into the string, so the JSP is usually used to force the transformation from 8859_1 to GB3312 / GBK, but in the case, in the above case, this It is completely invalid to force transformation. why? If the programmer's system concept is clear, it will understand that the JSP / Servlet string output, just outputting a font, then reorganized by the client (generally browser) in the client desktop, using customers The end font, in contrast, the graphical program such as JFreeChart is an image, which is used by the font of the server-side JRE, and has nothing to do with the font of XWindows. When the system itself does not have a word type (font), this is common, and only fonts that support Chinese can only solve this problem at fundamentals.

The font setting principle of JRE is similar to XWindows, and extensions the same tool. In fact, the binary font file extends the same criteria, the font sets, like Lenovo, Foundation, Microsoft, and Linux XWindows, completely You can copy each other, just the way the font is read, and the setting mode is slightly different. The catalog mentioned Linux Chinese articles, which is mainly to increase the support of Chinese fonts, a lot of nonsense, I don't know if it is, but I swatted to exclaim "I don't repeat". So I review it first, then the settings with JRE, the principle will look more clear. At present, Linux fonts have two places, one is the font under Linux console, and the other is the font of XWIN and other applications, including a pseudo console program like ENCON. Each program that applies fonts can have their own font settings; however, as Linux integration is strengthened, it is tenden to call XFS font services to pass the default UNIXSocket7000 port. Therefore, the font settings can be done with the settings of XFS. Some articles claim to stop XFS, actually unnecessary; XFS call is just as a fontpath option in Xfconfig, as another method of adding fonts, is to add a directory containing font to FontPath, then manually TTMKFDIR - just this is the XFS design instead of you. Users actually need to do, or directly add font files to fonts: // / in the graphics tool, or handmade the font file to the directory of the corresponding locale in the Directory of the XFS, generally in / usr / share / lib / fonts / zh_cn / trueType, restart XFS is getting it. As a directory, which is manually added to Xfconfig, in XWIN, simply, the font bitmap file is universal, including the JRE, in a directory, the user needs to do, where is the notification XWIN these directory where, set The location is in / etc / x11 / xconfig's FontPath item. Run the TTMKFDIR command to generate a fonts.dir file, actually a comparison table called by the font, and the user can edit the files such as Fonts.alias. The purpose is to make the fonts have an easy name. Therefore, the key to the font is in the font bitmap file (copy to a directory), the control file (generated by ttmkfdir command), and the font alias setting, the different is that these are automatically completed by XFS in XWIN, in JRE It is necessary to develop from hand. For JRE, the font bitmap directory is fixed, in the $ jre_home / lib / fonts directory; Fonts.Dir * directory comparison table file is also the same, and is also generated by the TTMKDIR program, and equivalent to the alias and other settings. File, focus on the * * "file under the $ jre_home / lib directory. If the JVM can directly support Chinese output, then the * * The font model indicated in the property file is support Chinese ( In other words, JSDK comes with the font file that does not support Chinese). Press, JVM Search the font attribute file in the following order , Angle brackets are the system properties detected by JVM: . _ _ _ . font .properties. _ . _ _ . FONT.PROPERTIES However, in most cases, you only need to face a Font.Properties file. Re-editing a file is a hard work, but fortunately there is a in Linux, which is originally to turn to Turbolinux users, but in most cases, it can be modified based on it. Rename this file to, override the original file, but the system still does not support Chinese, check it, you will find "-tlc-song-medium-r in the file -NORMAL - * -% D - * - * - C - * - GBK -0 "The font does not have in the Fonts.Dir comparison table, which is included in the Turbolinux system font. The following method has two, one is to install this font, the other is to change another font type library and re-specified. Turbolinux's font installation file name is TTF-zh-song * rpm, can be found on the Internet, copy the TTF file under / usr / lib / x11 / fonts / tt to $ jre_home / lib / fonts directory after installation, re- Generate a Fonts.Dir file. The second way is to focus on the font library, the TTF file under the Fonts directory on Microsoft Windows is generally available, but more all is from to download it. The character set file, copy the TTF to the fonts directory of the JRE after installation; in addition, XWIN If you support Chinese, you can find one or two font files that support Chinese from / usr / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType.


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