Java I18n

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

- What to be internationalized Messages Labels on GUI Online help Sounds Graphics Icons Dates Times Numbers Currencies Measurements Phone Numbers Honorifics and personal titles Postal address Page layouts -? Language Code & Country Code ietf / http / related / iso639.txt (Language Code) (Country Code) - Find out which Locale definitions are supported by the DateFormat class locale list [] = DateFormat.getAvailableLocales (); - Example Code String languageCode = "en"; String countryCode = "US"; locale currentLocale = new locale (languageCode, countryCode); ResourceBundle labels = ResourceBundle.getBundle ( "LabelsBundle", Currentlocale; system.out.println (labels.getstring ("ok");

- The order of ResourceBundle looking up properties file If defaule locale is en_US Locale currentLocale = new Locale ( "fr", "CA", "UNIX"); ResourceBundle introLabels = ResourcBundle.getBundle ( "ButtonLabel", currentLocale); ButtonLable_fr_CA_UNIX ButtonLable_fr_CA ButtonLable_fr ButtonLable_en_US ButtonLable_en ButtonLable - How to format Numbers and Currencies Double amount = new Double (345987.246); numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance (currentLocale); amountOut = numberFormatter.format (amount); ============= =============================================== Double currency = New Double (9876543.21); currencyformatter = Numberformat.getCurrencyInstance (curRenTlocale); currencyout = currencyformatter.format (currency); ========================= =========================================== percentformatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance (currentlocale); percentout = percentformatter.format (Percent) ); - how to format Dates and Times Dateformatter = DateFormat.getdateins TANCE (DateFormat.default, currentlocale); today = new date (); Dateout = DateFormatter.Format (Today);


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