VC Write a program for serial communication in Windows

zhaozj2021-02-11  222

Since Win95, the program for serial communication is written. Since there are so many people asking this style, Babe gives a Visual C 4.2 written Window 95 serial communication function collection (only 32 digits), it is: this It is part of my program, so there are some parts that have nothing to do with specific applications. But I think the key is principle, not the program itself. Some use introductions later help understand this long program.

Header (.H) #include "StdAfx.h" #define GWL_PGPSINFO 0 #define GPSEXTRABYTES sizeof (LONG) #define MAXPORTS 4 #define CN_SEND WM_USER 100 #define RXQUEUE 4096 #define TXQUEUE 4096 // cursor states #define CS_HIDE 0x00 #define CS_SHOW 0x01 // Flow control flags #define FC_DTRDSR 0x01 #define FC_RTSCTS 0x02 #define FC_XONXOFF 0x04 // ascii definitions #define ASCII_BEL 0x07 #define ASCII_BS 0x08 #define ASCII_LF 0x0A #define ASCII_CR 0x0D #define ASCII_XON 0x11 #define ASCII_XOFF 0x13 / / data structures typedef struct tagGPSINFO {HANDLE idComDev; BYTE bPort; BOOL fConnected; BYTE bByteSize, bParity, bStopBits; DWORD dwBaudRate; HANDLE hPostEvent, hWatchThread, hWatchEvent; HWND hTermWnd; DWORD dwThreadID; OVERLAPPED osWrite, osRead;} ​​GPSINFO, * PGPSINFO; #define comdev (x) (x -> idcomdev) #define port (x) (x -> bPort) #define connection (x) (x -> fconnected) #define bytesize (x) (x -> bbytesize) #define Parity (x) (x -> bparity) #define stopbits (x -> bstopbits) #define baudrate (x) (x -> dwbaudrate) #define poste (x) (x -> hpostevent) #define hthread (x) (x -> hwatchthread) #define threadid (x) (x -> dwthreadid) #define Write_OS (x) (X) (X) -> OSWRITE #Define read_OS (x) (x-> osread) // function prototypes (private) LRESULT NEAR CREATEGPSINFO (hwnd, byte nport = 1); Bool Near DestroyGpsInfo (); int Near ReadcomMblock (lpstr, int); BOOL NEAR WriteCommBlock (LPSTR, DWORD); BOOL NEAR OpenConnection (); BOOL NEAR SetupConnection (); BOOL NEAR CloseConnection (); // function prototypes (public) DWORD FAR PASCAL CommWatchProc (LPSTR); see below embodied (for this Article, I have 2 times 2 times) CPP implementation part: #include "stdafx.h" #include "com.h" hwnd hgpsWnd = null; pgpsinfo npgpsinfo =

NULL; LRESULT NEAR CREATEGPSINFO (HWND HWND, BYTE NPORT) {if (null == (npgpsinfo = (pgpsinfo))) Return (LRESULT) -1); hgpsWnd = hwnd; comDev npGPSInfo) = 0; CONNECTED (npGPSInfo) = FALSE; PORT (npGPSInfo) = nPort; BAUDRATE (npGPSInfo) = CBR_9600; BYTESIZE (npGPSInfo) = 8; PARITY (npGPSInfo) = NOPARITY; STOPBITS (npGPSInfo) = ONESTOPBIT; WRITE_OS (npGPSInfo ) .Offset = 0; WRITE_OS (npGPSInfo) .OffsetHigh = 0; READ_OS (npGPSInfo) .Offset = 0; READ_OS (npGPSInfo) .OffsetHigh = 0; // create I / O event used for overlapped reads / writes READ_OS (npGPSInfo) . HEVENT = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (read_OS (npgpsinfo) .hevent == null) {localfree (npgpsInfo); return (-1);} Write_OS (npgpsInfo) .hevent = CreateEvent (null, True, false, null; if (null == write_os (npgpsInfo) .hevent) {closeHandle (read_OS (npgpsinfo); localfree (npgpsInfo); Return (-1);} return ((LRESULT) TRUE); } Bool Near DestroyGpsInfo () {if (! Npgpsinfo) Return (false); if (connect (npgpsinfo) CloseConnection (); CloseHandle (Re AD_OS (npGPSInfo) .hEvent); CloseHandle (WRITE_OS (npGPSInfo) .hEvent); CloseHandle (POSTEVENT (npGPSInfo)); LocalFree (npGPSInfo); return (TRUE);} BOOL NEAR OpenConnection () {char szPort [15]; BOOL fRetVal; HCURSOR hOldCursor, hWaitCursor; HANDLE hCommWatchThread; DWORD dwThreadID; COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeOuts; if return (FALSE) (npGPSInfo!); hWaitCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT); hOldCursor = SetCursor (hWaitCursor); wsprintf (szPort, "COM% d ", PORT (npGPSInfo)); if ((COMDEV (npGPSInfo) = CreateFile (szPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL)) == (HANDLE) -1) return (FALSE);

else {SetCommMask (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), EV_RXCHAR); SetupComm (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), 4096,4096); PurgeComm (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR); CommTimeOuts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0xFFFFFFFF; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; CommTimeOuts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; CommTimeOuts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; SetCommTimeouts (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), & CommTimeOuts);} fRetVal = SetupConnection (); if (fRetVal) {CONNECTED (npGPSInfo) = TRUE; if (NULL == (hCommWatchThread = CreateThread ((LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CommWatchProc, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, & dwThreadID))) {CONNECTED (npGPSInfo) = FALSE; CloseHandle (COMDEV (npGPSInfo)); fRetVal = FALSE;} else {THREADID (npGPSInfo) = dwThreadID; hTHREAD (npGPSInfo) = hCommWatchThread; EscapeCommFunction (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), SETDTR);}} else {CONNECTED (npGPSInfo) = FALSE; CloseHandle (COMDEV (npGPSInfo));} SetCursor (Holdcursor); Return (FRETVAL);} Bool Near SetupConnection {BOOL FRETVAL; DCB DCB; if (! NpgpsInfo) Return (false); dcb.dcblength = sizeof (DCB); getcommstate (Comdev (npgpsInfo), & DCB); dcb.baudrate = baudrate (npgpsInfo); dcb.bytesize = BYTESIZE (npGPSInfo); dcb.Parity = PARITY (npGPSInfo); dcb.StopBits = STOPBITS (npGPSInfo); dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; dcb.fInX = dcb.foutx = false; dcb.fbinary = true; dcb.fparity = true; fretval = setcommstate (Comdev (npgpsinfo), & DCB); return (fretval);} Bool Near CloseConnection () {if (! npgpsInfo) Return (! False); connection (npgpsinfo) = false;

SetCommMask (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), 0); while (THREADID (npGPSInfo) = 0!); EscapeCommFunction (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), CLRDTR); PurgeComm (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR); CloseHandle (COMDEV (npGPSInfo)); return (TRUE);} int NEAR ReadCommBlock (LPSTR lpszBlock, int nMaxLength) {BOOL fReadStat; COMSTAT ComStat; DWORD dwErrorFlags; DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwError; if (npGPSInfo) return (FALSE);! ClearCommError (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), & dwErrorFlags, & ComStat); dwLength = min ((DWORD) nMaxLength, ComStat.cbInQue); if (dwLength> 0) {fReadStat = ReadFile (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), lpszBlock, dwLength, & dwLength, & READ_OS (npGPSInfo)) ; if (fReadStat!) {if (GetLastError () == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {OutputDebugString ( "/ n / rIO Pending"); while (! GetOverlappedResult (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), & READ_OS (npGPSInfo), & dwLength, TRUE)) {dwError = GetLastError (); if (dwerror == error_io_incumplete) Continue;}} else {dwlength = 0; ClearcomMerror (Comdev (npgpsinfo), & dwerrorflags, & combst);}}}}}}}}}}}}} AR WriteCommBlock (LPSTR lpByte, DWORD dwBytesToWrite) {BOOL fWriteStat; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwErrorFlags; DWORD dwError; COMSTAT ComStat; if return (FALSE) (npGPSInfo!); FWriteStat = WriteFile (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), lpByte, dwBytesToWrite, & dwBytesWritten, & WRITE_OS (npGPSInfo)); (! GetOverlappedResult (COMDEV (npGPSInfo), & WRITE_OS (npGPSInfo), & dwBytesWritten, TRUE) if (! fWriteStat) {if (GetLastError () == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {while) {dwError = GetLastError (); if (dwerror == error_io_incumplete) Continue; else {Clearcommrror (Comdev (NPGPSINFO), & COMSTAT; Break;}}} else {CLEARCOMMERROR (Comdev (NpgpsInfo), &


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