1 Introduction
l Eclipse Form is the new feature of Eclipse 3.0
l Eclipse Form is a set of plugins that custom widgets and support classes, previously used by PDE and UPDATE components, which has become a public API in Eclipse 3.0.
l Eclipse Form provides:
n Suitable for "form" concepts in the content area (editor or view)
n Toolkit used to manage color, hyperlink groups, and other icons like SWT controls
N like a new layout manager like an HTML form
n Take a custom control (hyperlink, image link, scrollable Composite, etc.)
N per page is a multi-page editor (like PDE)
2, get started
(1) HelloWorld example
l The following example Creates an empty Form in the view
Public class formview extends viewpart {
Private formtoolkit.
Private scrolledform form;
Public void createpartControl (Composite Parent) {
Toolkit = new formtoolkit (parent.getdisplay ());
Form = Toolkit.createscrolledform (PARENT);
Form.Settext ("Hello, Eclipse Forms");
Public void setfocus () {
Form.Setfocus ();
Public void dispose () {
Toolkit.dispose ();
Super.dispose ();
l First to create a formtoolkit object instance
l Create a FormToolkit (here is scrolledform)
l Call the ScrolledForm's setText () method, set the title content on the top of the Form
l Note: Finally, the FormToolkit object for Dispose is managed.
l To run in Workbench, you need plugin.xml to add org.eclipse.ui.forms to the required plug-in list, and register the view
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
Eclipse Version = "3.0"?>
ID = "forMsamples" Name = "Formsamples Plug-in" Version = "1.0.0" Provider-name = "Nelson_tu" Class = "org.xqtu.samples.formsamplesplugin"> library> runtime> requires> Point = "org.eclipse.ui.views"> Class = "org.xqtu.samples.views.formview" Name = "form sample" ID = "formview" /> extension> plugin> (2) Add content Public void createpartControl (Composite Parent) { Toolkit = new formtoolkit (parent.getdisplay ()); Form = Toolkit.createscrolledform (PARENT); Form.Settext ("Hello, Eclipse Forms"); Composite body = form.getBody (); GridLayout Layout = New GridLayout (); Body.setLayout (layout); HyperLink Link = Toolkit.createHyperLink (Body, "Click Here.", SWT.Wrap); Link.addhyperLinkListener (New HyperLinkAdapter () { Public void linkactivated (Hyperlinkevent E) { System.out.println ("Link ActiVated!"); } }); } l First get the content of the FORM, it is a Composite object l Set its layout for GridLayout l Create a hyperlink control via FormToolkit l Add hyperlink event listener, respond to the click of the hyperlink (3) Add universal control l Since the content of the Form is a Composite object, SWT control is allowed. l But the SWT control is designed to fit the window, the dialog is used, so it is problematic in Form. l In Form, use FormToolkit to create a corresponding general control Public void createpartControl (Composite Parent) { Toolkit = new formtoolkit (parent.getdisplay ()); Form = Toolkit.createscrolledform (PARENT); Form.Settext ("Hello, Eclipse Forms"); Composite body = form.getBody (); GridLayout Layout = New GridLayout (); Body.setLayout (layout); HyperLink Link = Toolkit.createHyperLink (Body, "Click Here.", SWT.Wrap); Link.addhyperLinkListener (New HyperLinkAdapter () { Public void linkactivated (HyperLinkevent E) {system.out.println ("Link ActiVated!"); } }); Layout.numcolumns = 2; GridData gd = new griddata (); gd.horizontalspan = 2; Link.setLayOutdata (GD); Label label = Toolkit.createLabel (Body, "Text Field Label:"); Text text = Toolkit.createText (body, ""); Text.setLayOutdata (New GridData (GridData.Fill_hizontal); Text.SetData (formtoolkit.key_draw_border, formtoolkit.text_border); Button button = Toolkit.createButton (body, "An Example of a Checkbox in A Form", SWT.CHECK); GD = new griddata (); gd.horizontalspan = 2; Button.setLayOutdata (GD); Toolkit.PaintBordersFor (Body); } l The above example adds three general controls: Label, Text and Checkbox l Since the default version of the Text control is 3D, but to achieve a FLAT appearance like PDE, you need to do additional work: n Call the setData () method, add additional information to the redo border N calling formtoolkit's PaintBordersfor () method Heavy view of the Flat appearance