Kingofark's 2nd "5 reviews" - Five Reviews C ++ (2)

zhaozj2021-02-08  558

[Declaration]: This article is created by Kingofark. All content in this article represent only Kingofark personal opinions, regardless of any other individual or group. Anyone or group can be copied, spread this article, but there is a complete statement. Kingofark is not responsible for non-adaptation of individuals or groups of individuals or groups that do not fulfill the above requirements. This declaration.

Kingofark's 2nd "5 reviews" - Five Reviews C (2)

[Kingofark]: The first "5 review" published is a considerable thing. Kingofark did not intend to "comment", but only the book is inseparable. The text is written, and the "hybrid" is said, and there is no major relationship with "comment". The so-called "recommendation", and more areas of personal emotional paranoia, nothing more than an output of subjective random number generators, so please don't take things back - the civil statement, listen , You can do not believe, it is not advisable. ...... Ok, return to the topic -, that ... can you suspend me tomatoes to me? Ok, a lot. Thank you - this period continues the C theme involved, the content involved is still a topic of C language itself, including 3 reference books, a "extracurricular book" and a famous journal. ... Oh, you can continue to throw tomatoes.

[1]: "Standard C Collection", [United States] Al Stevens / Clayton Walnum, Lin Li / Don't Hongxia and other translations, Electronic Industry Press 2001

[Recommendation]: 1

[Recommended reason]:

The US IDG "Collection" series of books have bought two, one is "Flash 4 Collection" - unfortunately, the content of the book is too professional, the author can't find too much practical information to the door to the door "(buy fault Book? Oh, it seems to be like this); the other is the "Standard C Collection" here, the original title is "Standard C Bible".

The book is "traditional" reference form in the form of content, divided into five parts. The first part "C language", introduces the basic element of the computer language, starting from the "C language and C language brief history", then it is - keyword, function, if-else-the, data type , Until the concept and description of the library function, pretreatment, class, template, etc. The second part "class" focuses on the operator overload, inherits, and class templates, but in the last chapter of this section (Chapter 16) "Object-Oriented Program Design" is a title, with a 9-page space to make a profile (not in the brilliant) - a misleading of people, "all of them are not OO", " The psychological impact of "Yangchun" beginners can be imagined), at least "first-play" (in order to let beginners "obviously open"? Why not let the order reading, the entry of the rules will be a thing to understand. Higher wide angle views and understanding?) - It seems to be more in the first part, the author is so intent; the third part "C standard library"; the fourth part "standard template library", I didn't talk about auto_ptr (of course, I didn't rule out the case didn't find it; because the book did not index, if the auto_ptr is in which corner of the auto_ptr is, the author will be worshiping the wind - really can't find!), Its content coverage can be seen, it is not worth mentioning; The fifth "C Advanced Theme", discussed (actually) is Namespace, transformation (CAST) and localization (std :: locale) - how to use STL, don't know how Namespace concept? How is it not to be advanced! ? - Impressed the author's instructions for the author's example in the book: (a simple program is written in Listing 26-2, using "Using Namespace std;" before main ()

"... However, please note that there is no programming convention that can be recommended because the name spatial statement is basically set a specific namespace in the global level, which is almost completely violated the initial goals of the name space. Listing 26-3 Example may encounter problems when it is included in the program in the program. "


The entire book contains a complete example code, which will help begin schools, and certainly bring problems - because the book does not have an index, the reference to the applers have to repeatedly turn over the rich example code to find the words you need. There is also a heart-of-hearted place to book a sentence to C :

"C is a process-oriented programming language with object-oriented expansion content."


Let's take a look at how C designer Bjarne Stroustrup introduces C :

"C is a language using static-type, general-purpose), which supports object-oriented programming by class mechanism and virtual function mechanism, supporting generic programming through template mechanisms. And support detailed system programming by providing the underlying language facility. "(Excerpted from a Brief Look AT C , Kingofark Translation)

"C is a general-purpose programming language with a bias" systems programming That- is a better C,

- Supports Data Abstract,

- Supports Object-Oriented Programming, And

- supports generic programming "(Excerpted from The C Programming Language 3rd Edition)

The words can be said, but the basic meaning must be quite trip. Fortunately, the sentence did not affect the entire book's description of standard C . As an ordinary language reference book, the content of this book is not rich enough, the details are not comprehensive, and the STL involves strong people, and the recommended name (whether Chinese or English), the recommendation is 1.

The translation is still nice, the author feels general, does not affect reading.

Want to authoritative C reference book, let's take a look at the following [six].

[2]: "Master the standard C class", [United States] Cameron Hughes / Tracey Hughes, Jianlian Technology Translation, People's Posts Publishing House 2000

[Recommendation]: 3.5

[Recommended reason]:

The original book was published in 1999. The book is one of the People's Posts Publishing House "Computer Technology Translation" books (the "C Object-Oriented Efficient Programming" introduced by the previous five evaluation plans is also this series), and it is organized to introduce C standard library / STL Basic concepts and usage. The full text did not reveal the insider behind the STL behind the STL, but the point of purely standing in the library user, first introduced the basic knowledge required by the library, and then the library The subject matter contained (iostream, container, memory management, generic algorithm, etc.) one by one, listening and explaining the use.

Page 470, paracene is not big, in depth and breadth, a class of classics about the C standard library, but the author believes that the book is a major use of chart as auxiliary means to interpret the concept. And examples have a quite effective effect on the reader's understanding. The maps include a schematic ("Figure 1.1 how to draw an astronomical telescope from the external input device, the temporary buffer, transmitted to the memory location", "Drawing diagram (description class hierarchy, storage model structure, functional relationship Figure, etc.), behavioral map (listed logic or physical structure, image description algorithm or operation of the image), etc., these pictures are simple, the image is realistic (for example, "Figure 10.7" although only a logic map, However, by the illustration of the state and content before and after the auto_ptr object, it describes the transfer of Auto_PTR ownership); most of them is the summary of various contents (such as the algorithm provided by various Container) and comparison (Comparison of access methods supported by the container), which is very convenient for reader reference and overview, and some tables are used to demonstrate execution of operations (such as "Table 9.4 Single-step tracking accumulation algorithm) percentage function object use", etc.).

In addition, the thirteenth chapter in the book "Interfacing C " is also an extraordinary chapter. This chapter is small (12 pages), including Java API, C and Java communication, Java local interface, and "an example of JNI" four section. In fact, the content of this chapter may not be abundant, and even feel some rushing and unknown clouds, and the reason why it causes the author to pay attention to the content of this chapter and the other description of the book ( Container, generic algorithm, etc. The following is taken from the article thirteenth chapter: "Although the C language has a large and daunting class, it covers the entire field from memory management to the internationalization, but there are still several fields that cannot be accessed: especially Internet programming and database programming. ... If the target is for Internet or SQL, Based on PC-based database, it provides access to Platform-Independent. Then integrate C class libraries and Java class libraries, for vendors And the private ownership is a good choice. C class library and Java class library integration ..., and integrated class from two languages ​​is not a good method for development platform independent software. Java The Swing class and the AWT class can also provide a platform independent graphical user interface (GUI) for software written with C . "

No matter what our opinions we have, at least it seems to reflect some of the topics related to C .

Everyone can see the translation quality of the book from the books referenced by the books. The author is flattening: not excellent, but it is not very bad - generally, does not affect reading. One thing to let the author worry, the Container, etc. in STL, and the "Collection Container", "Image Containers"), which feels more than one, is not very good (?).

The discs of the book include an example code and a quick reference in the HTML document format. "There is an important C class and object information in a quick reference ... including the UML class relationship of each class in the C standard class library" - but it is not as good as the help of the development environment; And "UML Class Diagram" does not know why is very unclear (Chinese translational production problem is still a quality problem?), It is more disappointed.

The author gives the book gives the recommendation of 3.5, and in fact, the author is very difficult, mainly three reasons: one, the author (kingofark) is not familiar with the standard library, there is no experience in practical experience Therefore, it is not possible to stand at a high angle to measure the reference value of the book; the second, the author as a starter of STL, did not read the book (愧 ...), do not know how much the technical details or example of the book in the book Positive mistakes; it may also know that there are several classic C standard library / STL books to meet you, and there is a "value not worth buying" problem - Who doesn't want to put her bloodsick Is it most worthwhile? Of course, the benevolent sees the benevolence, the wise is witness, and the different books are suitable for different readers; the quality of the book is another problem. "Radish cabbage, each other" - this radish cabbage, bag does not include rotten radish and rotten cabbage?

The author thinks that this book is still a book or not, because the book not only ran on various themes, but also a better summary, summary, and prompt for each topic. Examples of code is also more, which is convenient for beginners to learn. No matter how it is still recommended. [Three]: "C / C programmer Practical Daquan - C / C Best Programming Guide", [United States] Kris Jamsa / Lars Klander, Zhang Chunhui / Liu Daqing and other translations, China Water Resources Power Press 1999

[Recommendation]: 2

[Recommended reason]:

The original title is Jamsa's C / C Programmer's Bible / The Ultimate Guide to C / C Programming. This "pillow" in this 958 is divided into three parts, with a form of 1500 clauses (which should be said to be 1250 provisions) describe the basic details of all aspects of using C / C :

The first part (1 to 433 pages / Terms 1 to Terms 802) specifically describe C program, from "Programming" (Terms 1), through 802 clauses (Terms 1) (Terms 352), and even "implement one Sub-process "(Terms 757), in classification," Getting Started "," Macro and Constant "," String "," Functions "," Keyboard Operation "," Mathematics "," Function "," Macro and Constant "," Mathematics "," Function " , "Arrse, Pointer and Structure", "DOS and BIOS Service", "Memory Management", "Redirect I / O and Process Command Line", "Programming Tool", "Advanced C Language Programming" Wait as the chapter title division block. The space of each clause is very small, there is a feeling of "a little bit", even the usage of a printf statement also across 23 clauses (Terms 53 to 76), and the light is displayed with the printf. No symbolic number, Long integer, floating-point type, and character models are divided into four provisions. The most important advantage of the form of such an organizational form is clear and demo (such as almost every one of the book, It may not be included in the whole book, but it is also possible to wear "Detail-perpetmentism" in the book, and it is possible to "fool reference"); and its maximum disadvantage It is possible to structurally in theoretical narrative, is not strong, and it is not easy to let readers form a complete overall impression. The author believes that such a book is not suitable for the entry of "Yangchun", and it is very suitable for the introductory of the content, the reference to the first two, and it can be used as a practice before going to bed, in the afternoon believers. Reading information - Yes, because it divides the content into trivial small pieces, which is psychologically facilitated by the reader's short time to read.

The second largest part of this book (page 434 to 714 / Terms 803 to Terms 1250) specifically describe C programming. The author is the most worried thing to buy the book is the old road of the C part of "C and C entanglement" (this topic is no longer talking - everyone knows, when people have a mistake of C is general existing). It is pleasing that the author is written in the first clause of C (Terms 803): "C is a super collection of C language because it supports the characteristics of C language learned from this book, but C not only Just 'object-oriented C' - it adds many new features that improve programming capabilities. "Although not adequate enough, at least do not confuse readers. Subsequent more than 400 terms from cout, then it is a class, inherit, polymorphism, STL, do not discuss the syntax of the hardship and the grammar of the ranting, sessile matrs, completely standing in the entrance, use a lot Example shows the basic usage of C . Nor mentioned that Auto_PTR - the author believes that learning C is a good understanding of STL, especially like Auto_Ptr, which is meaningful (AUTO_PTR can be used to prevent resource leakage). STL provides us with so many ready-made useful things, why don't you use it, why don't you learn? The third largest part (page 716 to 957 Terms 1251 to Terms 1500) describes the basic knowledge of Windows programming (Win32), and content relates to messages, menus, dialogs, memory management, process threads, gdi, bitmaps, and input and output. Obviously, to master Win32 programming, these terms are far less than enough. Just like the author mentioned above, such a book is unable to see the entry of "Yangchun" - learning Win32 programming, seems to have a book such as Programming Windows. So I want to think that the author thinks that the value of this part seems to be obvious as the top two parts of the book - approximately can only leave for the Win32 programming temporary to hold a Buddha foot, and the urgent worker refers to the next side.

These three most can be said to be a small book that is not "enough parts". However, "three stinkkers, top, Zhuge Liang", many books (but uncomfortable) are easy to see, can still cater to a lot of readers (just like I use English letters, you will be cashed in 26 letters. Putting, I can always pick a few letters from your hand - if I am more ignorant, 26 is a "very huge" number for me, then you can help it! After all, this This price is currently printed in July 2001 (first edition, July 1999), reached 12,000.

For the translation of this book, the author has no special feeling, after all, the technical difficulty is not high. It does not affect reading.

With the book disc (actually!?) Contains Borland Turbo C Lite that is only the compiler that applies to DOS - or Lite (tap, mild). In addition, the content of the bottom of the seal has a "master C programming language, smooth transition to C " is also worrying (who is written? He / she hinted to beginners?).

The recommendation is 2, because we cannot use the book as a first book for C or C , and it is impossible to treat the book into a systematic, authoritative reference book. It is really worthy of attention. It is its unique "detail perfectionism" (? The author writes here, feeling that "details of the perfectism" is improper, "Screened for many details" or "selective descriptor" seems more appropriate. , But "Detail Perfectionism" is now popular, reserved J). In addition, especially regrets (normal?) Is that the book does not have an index. Everyone can imagine that there is no index that is specifically used to give us a book. It seems that Zhuge Liang splits into three stinky smells - Ok, I like to say that'ism'ist Kingofark shuts down, and one mouth - drink tea.

[4]: "C language design and evolution", [United States] Bjarne Stroustrup, Qi Zongyan translation, Machinery Industry Press, 2002

[Recommendation]: 5

[Recommended reason]:

Kingofark I feel that this book seems to be a little more - this kind of book, who will miss?

Bjarne Stroustrup This name is the guarantee of C book quality (if you don't know this C designer, the AT & T Bell Labs large-scale program design and research department is headed by the person in charge, hurry to his website "complement lessons": http: // The author has to admire and appreciate the translator, its rigorous, careful, and responsible for the excellent style. Everyone is obvious in "Programming Practice" (Machinery Industry Press).

I don't talk about the issues of translation, I will impress the translator's translation:

"Public / Private, generally translated as a shared or public / private. These two words describe the access control problem: some feature is / No to provide it to the outside, so it is about the right, not ownership (ownership is very clear) There is no need to discuss it at all). According to this, they will translate them as 'utility' and 'private', which is more in line with the original interest. - Translator Note "

(There is a book "and in an inappropriate" Baroque form ... "

"It means: fancy form. - Translator Note"

(There is "because (as a person) readers like <...>")

"Reader, can not be said to be a person (reader) in English, and can also be used to refer to the analysis program for processing source files. The author is stressed here because people don't like it, not the program can't do. This is a kind Harmonious statement. - Translator Note "

(There is "in this international conference, I have no way to reach a consistent opinion on the issue of spelling Specialize or Specialise.

"The author means involving British English and American English disputes. - Translator Note"

(There is a book "and I still hold this point of view, the CPP must be destroyed. - Old plus Porcius Cato")

"Old plus, 234-149 BC, ancient Roman politician. A famous saying of Cato is 'Delenda Est Carthage', meaning 'Carthage must be destroyed', Carthage is a slavery country at that time, In Tunisia today. Old plot is naturally not anything in CPP. The author is here to imitate this famous saying of old plus pictures. - Translator Note "... ......

Throwing the translation in an objective misplacement, this is a meticulous explanation that the translator is maintained at the translation - this is not the responsibility of the reader? Is this responsible for the translator? Kingofark Personal Compare Translator's View on Public / Private (Although the author should retain the original term), in fact, the author believes whether the reader is recognized (or even whether the translator is objective) It is accurate enough to think deeply in the process of translation, say that the translator of yourself is unique, first of all, is responsible for himself.

In fact, it is strict (yes, readers sometimes is harsh), as translator translates a book, there should be such a good style and a meticulous attitude, but looking at the current domestic technical translation status, Can we discharge one hundred and eight? It seems that even "Twelve Golden Saints" is not full!

A good translator, it is difficult to expensive - I admire it, and I have to buy it on demand, I am not tired, and I have benefited a lot.


Kingofark said at the beginning of the five review plan, this is a "extracurricular book" because:

(Exported by this book) "This book is one of the most important works of C designer Bjarne Strous on C language (the other is" C programming language "). In this book, the author's comprehensive discussion The history and development of C , the essential significance and design of various important mechanisms in C , the basic uses and methods of use of these mechanisms, discussed the application areas suitable for C and its future development prospects. This book is helping people in depth Understanding the role of C language is irreplaceable. It deserves a professional worker, researchers, teachers, and students for every study, use and pay attention to C language. "

Finally, I wanted to say: "The book is equipped with Chinese index." (!) - I want to be in mainland China, this sentence is already enough.


Exterior: There are some interviews and recording of Bjarne Stroustrup and other C / OOP / GP masters and experts (Scott Meyers, etc.), and the author thinks it is worth repeatedly listening.

[5]: "C View", Wang Wei / editor, published in the electronic version (

[Recommendation]: 5

[Recommended reason]:

This is a free series of electronic package (PDF format) in the domestic C world, and has already released six phases. Dining, the name, it is based on standard C , object-oriented programming (OOP), generic program design (GP), design mode, supplemented with C development environment and other c desirable dessert / fruit, C Users and enthusiasts provide an irregular pure C flavor package. This series of packages are combined with many C / OOP / GP famous c / oop / gp in the rivers and lakes. Of course, there are more domestic and foreign experts and masters who stand behind them. It is because: One, the original material is for the hard work, unique opinion, what is the feeling, the lessons learned, there is no fill, the fish is the same; the second, its translation material is selected abroad Classic masterpiece (affirmation of foreign experts, master's license and the package), which is presented to the reader in the support of the translator; its third, the release of the meal and its normative style is a national C world It brings fresh and pure flavors, a knot in the year "language is submerged in the development environment"; its four, the amount of food is small, the material is not only affecting normal digestion, but it also helps digestive, and smooth. The author especially likes the "C Critical Series" in the meal. It discusses the deficiencies of C , providing us better use (or even improved) C ; the first phase of the middle space "Smart Pointer Interview "You can help us understand the principles and usage of Smart Pointer; interview with C designer Bjarne Stroustrus, WTL's parent Nenad Stefanovic, let us approach master's thinking; generic series articles further keep up with standard C development footsteps, Understand generic technology; "Mode Luo Han Du" to play out, you will not be returned - Who is playing, whoever has more understanding of design patterns; "Birds" puts a fun, challenges old birds, rookies ...

This is a flavor package. Yes, the package is still too thin; good, the flavor is not complete enough; well, the cover is really not so good. But the author is a vibrant flavor.

[6]: Miscellaneous "C Primer" Simplified Chinese version

喜 Wonder Stanley Lippman / Josee Lajoie's C Classic Jobs "C Primer" Simplified Chinese version is finally published. Although the author has bought traditional Chinese translation of Mr. Houjie, it is still unable to form an excitement in the brain - the published version of the foreign C / OOP / GP classic work is always worthy of attention. The author has not seen the book, only to read several chapters opened on the eve of the publication, the overall feeling is very good, but too much terminology is translated into Chinese (careful translator is often in the Chinese translation After the original text, why not simply selectively reserved some, the translator also troublesome) - In China vigorously promoted, promote today's teaching materials teaching today, can we accept some "original authentic terms" ?


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