Webmin installation instructions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Download Site: http://www.webmin.com/

I also have:


Function: Manage the UNIX-LIKE system in a browser.

Installation requirements: PREL 5.0 or more.

Installation environment: Redhat Linux 6.1 Cle 0.9. Computer Name: Linux

Installation Demonstration: Webmin 0.78

Installation Notes:

1. Unconnect the file in the appropriate directory with TAR ZXVF Webmin-0.78.tar.gz. (Do not in / TMP) 2.TAR program will automatically unlock the file to ./webmin-0.78 3. CD webmin-0.78, execute ./setup.sh 4. Next, just answer questions one by one, you can complete Installation procedures, there is a problem with the color part of the frame, and the Chinese part is my description. Usually pre-set values, you need to modify the author to make recommendations.

*********************************************************** ********************* Welcome to the Webmin Setup Script, Version 0.78 *************************** *********************************************************** *** Webmin is a web-based Interface That Allows Unix-Like OperatingSystems and Common Unix Services to Be Easily Admin Assirected.

Installing webmin in /Root/webmin-0.78 ...

*********************************************************** ********************* Webmin Usess Separate Directories for Configuration Files and log files.Unless You Want to Run Multiple Versions of Webmin At the Same TimeYou Can Just Accept The Defaults .

Config file directory [/ etc / webmin]: <= set file storage directory

Log file Directory [/ var / webmin]: <= Record file storage directory

*********************************************************** ******************** Webmin is Written Entirely In Perl. Please Enter The Full Path To Theperl 5 Interpreter On Your System.

Full Path To Perl (Default / USR / BIN / Perl): <= PREL program

Testing perl ... perl see to be installed ok

*********************************************************** ************************** For webmin to work properly, it Needs to know which Operating systemtype and version you are running. Please select your system type byentering the number next To IT from the list below --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 1) Sun Solaris2) Caldera OpenLinux Eserver3) Caldera OpenLinux4) Redhat Linux5) Slackware Linux6) Debian Linux7 ) SuSE Linux8) Corel Linux9) TurboLinux10) Mandrake Linux11) Delix DLD Linux12) MkLinux13) FreeBSD 14) OpenBSD15) BSDI16) HP / UX17) SGI Irix 18) DEC / Compaq OSF / 119) IBM AIX20) SCO UnixWare21) SCO OpenServer22) MacOS Server X

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Operating system: <= your system name

This is the system species of Webmin support. All Unix-Like systems include, I installed systems 4) Redhat Linux.

Please Choose Which Version of Redhat Linux You Are Running, by EnteringThe Number Next To It from the List Below ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 1) Redhat linux 4.0 2) Redhat Linux 4.2 4) Redhat Linux 5.05) Redhat Linux 5.1 6) Redhat Linux 5.08) Redhat Linux 6.0 8) Redhat Linux 6.1 ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- Version: <= The most common version of the system is probably 6.0 Cle 0.8 or 6.1 Cle 0.9, I use 6.1 Cle 0.9, so I selected 8. If your system is 6.2, then download 0.79 or install 0.78 and then upgrade.

Operating System Name: Redhat LinuxOperating System Version: 6.1 After you have selected the system name and version you choose.

*********************************************************** ******************** Webmin Uses ITS OWN Password Protected Web Server To Provide Access To Administration Programs. The Setup Script Needs to Know: - What port to run the web server on. There must not be anotherweb server already using this port.- The login name required to access the web server.- The password required to access the web server.- The hostname of this system that the web server should use.- If The WebServer Should Use SSL (if Your System Supports it) .- WHETHER TO Start Webmin At Boot Time.Web Server Port (Default 10000): <= Set the port of the connection, the preset is 100,000 people suggestions, for system security Same, set 1024 or more, do not do with other programs.

Web Server Port: Login Name: <= Managers account, do not use preset values, login password: <= password password again: <= to authenticate a password

Web Server Hostname (Default Linux): <= Computer Name The Perl Ssleay Library IS Not Installed. SSL Not Available.Start Webmin At Boot Time (Y / N): Y <= WEBMIN while the system is turned on

Creating Web Server Config Files .... DONE

Configuring webmin to start at boot time..created init script /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin ..done (installation directory of Script)

Creating uninstall script /etc/webmin/uninstall.sh .... done (which day you want to remove Webmin to this uninstall.sh)

*********************************************************** ********************* Webmin Has Been Installed and Started SuccessFully. Use your webbrowser to go to go to go

http: // linux: 9798 /

AND login with the name and password you entered Previously.

If you come here, even if you have already gone.


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