H.264 Picture Parameter Sets Member Value Enlightenment Learning Notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

Picture Parameter Sets

1. PIC_PARAMETER_SET_IDPIC_PARAMETER_SET_ID indicates that the value of a PSP.PIC_Parameter_set_id in the slice should be 0 to 255, including 0 and 255

2. SEQ_PARAMETER_SET_IDSET_PARAMETER_SET_ID indicates that the activated sps.seq_parameter_set_id should take the value between 0 and 31, including the boundary value.

3. Entropy_coding_mode_flagenTropy_coding_mode_flag determines how the method used on the decoding method. If Entropy_Coding_Mode_Flag is 0, use the Exp-Golomb coding method if entropy_coding_mode_flag is 1, use the Cabac method.

4. PIC_ORDER_PRESENT_FLAGPIC_ORDER_PRESENT_FLAG equal to 1 Indicates that the image sequence value exists in the slice header, and the PIC_ORDER_PRESENT_FLAG is 0 indicates that the image sequence value in the slice head does not exist.

5. Num_SLICE_GROUPS_MINUS1NUM_SLICE_GROUPS_MINUS1 plus 1 Represents the number of slice groups in an image. When num_slice_groups_minus1 is 0, all slices belong to the same group.

6. slice_group_map_typeslice_group_map_type expressed from a single slice group mapping method to .slice_group_map_type value slice set can be 0 to 6.slice_group_map_type = 0 indicates interpolated slice groups represented dispersion .slice_group_map_type = 1 slice group map slice_group_map_type = 2 represents one or more "foreground "Slice group and a" remaining "slice group. Slice_group_map_type = 3, 4, 5, indicating the change slice group. When Num_SLICE_GROUPS_MINUS1 is not not 1, the slice_group_map_type should be 3, 4, 5.Slice_Group_map_type = 6, indicating from the outside for slicing assignment outside for each slice group unit. If frame_mbs_only_flag is 0 and mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag is 1 and encoded image is a frame, then the slice group map unit is a macro-block if frame_mbs_only_flag is 1 and mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag is 1 and encoded image is a In the case of the field, the slice group mapping unit is the macroblock, the slice set unit is two macroblocks, which are vertically continuous in one frame macroblock pair.

7.Run_length_minus1 [i] is used to assign the number of secondary slice groups to the raster scan. The number of continuous slice group units should be 0 to picsizeinmapUnits-1.

top_left [i] and bottom_right [i] specify the top-left and bottom-right corners of a rectangle, respectively. top_left [i] and bottom_right [i] are slice group map unit positions in a raster scan of the picture for the slice GROUP MAP UNITS. FOR Each Rectangle I, All of the Following Constents Shall Be Obeyed by The VALUES OF THE SYNTAX Elements Top_LEFT [i] and bottom_right [i]

8.TOP_LEFT [I] and Bottom_Right [i] Top_LEFT [i] and bottom_right [i] points to the upper left corner of the rectangular area and the lower right corner .top_left [i] and bottom_right [i] is a grating scan position for an image of a slice group For each rectangular I, TOP_LEFT [I] and Bottom_Right [i] should meet all the following constraints: a) Top_left [i] should be smaller than bottom_right [i] small or equal to Bottom_Right [i] should be smaller than the value of PicsizeInmapunits .b) (TOP_LEFT [I]% PicWidthinMBS) should be smaller than the value of Bottom_Right [i]% PicWidThinMBS).

9. SLICE_GROUP_CHANGE_DIRECTION_FLAG A piece of Slice_Group_map_type is extracted with slice_group_map_type at 3, 4, 5,

10.slice_group_change_rate_minus1slice_group_change_rate_minus1 SliceGroupChangeRate variable for specifying a value when the magnitude indicated .SliceGroupChangeRate slice set for each image when it is different, the value of the multiplier .slice_group_change_rate_minus1 number of slice groups in the range of 0 to arithmetic PicSizeInMapUnits-1: SLICEGROUPCHANGERATE = SLICE_GROUP_CHANGE_RATE_MINUS1 1;

11. PIC_SIZE_IN_MAP_UNITS_MINUS1PIC_SIZE_IN_MAP_UNITS_MINUS1 is used to indicate the number of slice group maps used in an image. PIC_SIZE_IN_MAP_UNITS_MINUS1 should be equal to PicsizeInmapUnits-1.

12. SLICE_GROUP_ID [I] SLICE_GROUP_ID [i] describes the i-th slice set specified by the slice group unit in the slice group unit. Slice_group_id [i] should take 0 to NUM_SLICE_GROUPS_MINUS1.

13. num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 specifies the maximum reference index value in the reference picture list 0, which is decoded for each slice image, 0 is used when the list num_ref_idx_active_override_flag value 0. MbaffFrameFlag When the value is 1, a decoded frame num_ref_idx_I0_active_minus1 The maximum index value of the macroblock, and 2 * num_ref_idx_10_active_minus1 1 is the maximum index value of the decoded field macroblock. Num_REF_IDX_L0_ACTIVE_MINUS1 value is 0 to 31.

14. NUM_REF_IDX_L1_AM_REF_IDX_L1_AMTIVE_MINUS1 has the same semantics as num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1, but it is for list 1.

15.weighted_pred_flagweighted_pred_flag = 0 Indicates that weighted prediction is not used in the P and SP slices to indicate weighted predictions in P and SP slides.

16. weighted_bipred_idcweighted_bipred_idc = 0 represents the default weighted prediction is applied to the B slice .weighted_bipred_idc = 1 represents the weighted prediction is applied to the outside of the B slice .weighted_bipred_idc = 2 represents the inside of the weighted prediction is applied to the B slice taken .weighted_bipred_idc The value is 0, 1, 2.

17.PIC_INIT_QP_MINUS26 pointed out that the initial value of SliceQPY for each slice is reduced by 26. The initial value is changed when the slice layer is decoded during the slice layer, and the MB_QP_DELTA value in non-0 is decoded when the macroblock layer is decoded. Changed .PIC_INIT_QP_MINUS26 should take -26 to 25.

18. PIC_INIT_QS_MINUS26PIC_INIT_QS_MINUS26 indicates that the starting value of SliceQsy in the SP or Si slice is reduced by 26. This initial value is modified when a non-0 slice_qs_delta is decoded. The value of -26 to 25.19. Chroma_qp_index_offsetchroma_qp_index_offset Indicates that the offset should be added to QPY and QSY when checking the QPC table. Chroma_qp_index_offset value -12 to 12

20. deblocking_filter_control_present_flagdeblocking_filter_control_present_flag = 1 indicates deblocking filtering is used to control the characteristic value is present for controlling .deblocking_filter_control_present_flag = 0 indicates deblocking filtering feature value in the slice header is not present in the slice header.

21. constrained_intra_pred_flagconstrained_intra_pred_flag = 0 Indicates that the remaining data and the neighboring macroblock decoding samples are allowed during the intra prediction. Constrained_intra_pred_flag = 1 Indicates that only the remaining data is used in the macroblock prediction in the macroblock prediction. And decoding sampling values ​​from the I and Si macroblock types.

22. redundant_pic_cnt_present_flagredundant_pic_cnt_present_flag = 0 indicates redundant_pic_cnt in the slice header, .redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag = 1 represents redundant_pic_cnt data partition B and C data partitions do not exist at all in the slice header, data partitions B and C data partitions present.


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