Response.write strvar / "string": Write the parameter value or string to the web page is equivalent to embedding <% = strvar / "string"% in the HTML tag.
Response.end: Stop page compile and outputs the content to the browser
Response.buffer = true | false: Whether the cached settings are used when compiling, usually set on the page header
Response.flush: Forced Output Page Compiled Some Content
Response.clear: Clear data in the buffer
Response.Redirect URL: Stop page compile or output, reprint the specified page
Response.isclientConnected: Returns True | FALSE, detects if the user is still connected
Response.charst (charsetname): Setting the page encoding type, ie
Response.contentType [= ContentType]: Set the page file type, the same
Response.expires [= number]: Setting the page failure time, unit minutes
Response.expiresabsolute [= [date] [Time]]: Set the absolute time of the page failure
Response.status = statusdescription: Settings page status description
Request ("passstrname": read web page transfer values, including forms and PassstrName = value & passStrName_n = value_n
Request [.collection | Property | Method] (Variable)
Request.QueryString ("PassStrName": Read the form value passed by the get method and? Passstrname = value
Request.QueryString (varible) [(index) .count]
Request.form ("PassStrName"): Read the value of the pure table single field passing from the Post method
Request.form (Parameter) [(index) .count]
Request.servervaribles: Read the client system environment variable, see Reference
Request.binaryRead (count): Read the transfer value of the specified byte number
Request.totalbytes: The length of the query body, in bytes, read only
Note: The same name form, such as: Checkbox if there are multiple values, pass the form, right, strname = value1, value2, ... you need to split the value with the SPLIT function
Multiple's SELECT form is similar to checkbox. The value of Textarea can contain a charter character, convert to
to meet the format needs with Replace
Session: (user global variable)
Session ("SESNAME") = value: Store session variables, or reads this value session ("sesname") = EMPTY: Judging whether the session value exists
ISempty (SessName ") = true | false: Two methods that determine if the session value exists
Session.Timeout = Num: Setting the presence of session variables, unit minutes
Session.Abandon: Clear all session variables
Session.SessionID: ID serial number of session variable, read only
Application: (Application Global Variable)
Application ("AppName") = value: Store the Application Variable Value, or reads this value.
Application ("AppName") = EMPTY: Determines whether there are two methods in which the Application value exists
ISempty ("Application (" AppName ") = true | false: Two methods that determine if the application value exists
Application.lock: Application Variable value locks to prevent variable values simultaneously
Application.unlock: Application Variable Value Unlock, Allows Change Variables
Note: It can be used to store arrays and system objects, and the reference method is that the variable name is equivalent to the array name.
But you can't change your value directly, you need to use the temporary array to modify the value, then assign it to the session and application variables.
Global.asa file structure: <% @ language = "VBScript"%>
<% Subapplication_onstart ... End Sub
SUB Application_ONEND ... END SUB
SUB session_onstart ... End Sub
SUB session_onnd ... End Sub%>
Server.mappath ("fileurl": Mapping file name absolute address, Path = Server.mAppath (./) can get virtual directory root paths.
Server.htmlencode ("String"): Convert to a string that can directly display the HTML format, such as: <,>, etc.
Server.urlencode ("string"): Convert to browser address encoding
Set var = server.creatobject ("objName"): Create an object variable
Server.scripttimeout = NUMSECONDS: ASP program page Perform time limit, in seconds
Cookies: Stored in the user's local temporary variable, each cookie's maximum byte 4KB, up to 300 cookie 1.2MB
Response.cookies ("strcookiename") = value: Store the cookie variable value, or read this value
Response.cookies ("strcookiename") = "": Judging whether it is empty response.cookies ("strcookiename"). Expires = Date: Variable validity period, in units, less than the current time immediately invalid
Response.cookies (cookie [(key) .attribute]): Standard syntax
ObjectContext controls ASP transaction processing
ObjectContext.ontransactionabort: The abandoned transaction process is excited, and after the script completes the processing
ObjectContext.ontransactionCommit: The successful transaction event is excited, and after the script is completed
ObjectContext.Setabort: Explicitly abandoned a transaction
ObjectContext.setComplete: Overwrite any call to call ObjectContext.Setabort method