File extension and brief description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

CC code file C0L typhoon waveform file CAB Microsoft compressed file CAD Softdek Drafix CAD file CAL CALS compression bitmap; calendar plan data CAM CASIO camera format CAP compressed music file format CAS comma separate ASCII file Cat Quicken IntellCharge classification file CB Microsoft Clean Boot File CBI Binary Volume Format File (for IBM Main Machine System) CC Visual DBase User Custom Class File CCA CC: Mail File CCB Visual Basic Dynamic Button Profile CCF Multimedia Viewer Profile for OS / 2 CCH COREL chart file CCM Lotus CC: Email (such as "Inbox.ccm") CCO CYBERCHAT DATA CCT Macromedia Director ShockWave Projection CDA CD Audio Track CDF Microsoft Channel Define Format File CDI Philip High Dry Discharge Format CDM Visual DBase Custom Data Module Document CDR CorelDRAW drawing file; original audio CD data file CDT CoreLDRAW Template CDX CoreLDRAW compressed drawing file; Microsoft Visual FoxPro Index file CEL CIMFAST event language file CER certificate file (MIME X-X509-CA-CERT) CFB Compton multimedia file CFG Profile CFM Cotdfusion Template File; Visual DBase Windows User Custom Form CGI Public Gateway Interface Script File CGM Computer Graphic Files CH OS / 2 Profile CHK By Windows Disk Defragmators or Disk Scan Saves File Debrils CHM Compile HTML Files

DAT data file; WRODPERFECT merge data file; file DB Borland for file DB Borland for MPEG format DBC Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container file DBF DBASE file, a format created by Ashton-Tate, can be ACT! , Lipper, FoxPro, Arago, Wordtech, XBase, and similar databases or related to databases; available data files (can be opened by Excel 97); Oracle 8.1.x table space file DBX DATABEARN image; Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table file DCM DCM module Format file DCR shock wave file DCS desktop color separator DCT Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container DCU Delphi compilation unit file DCX Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container; PCX-based fax image; macro DC5 Datacad draw file DDF btrieve or xtrieve data definition file, it contains Data DDIF DITILPMENT or COMPAQ format describing the BTRIEVE or Xtrieve file, used to save their image and word processing document DEF Smartware II data file; C module definition file DEFI Oracle 7 Uninstall script file DEM Demodes for representing the USGS baseline for digital height models File DER Certification Document Dewf Macintosh Sound Cap / Sound Edit Recording Device Format DGN Macintosh 95 CAD Drawing File DIB Device Unconventional DC Directory DIF Multi-DigiLink format; Sound DesignerI audio file DIR MacromediaDirector file DIZ description Document DLG C dialog script file DLL Dynamic Link Library DLS Download Sound File DMD Visual DBASE Data Module File DMF X-Trakker Music Module (Mod) File DOC Framemaker or FrameBuilder Document, Word STAR Document, Microsoft Word document; DisplayWrite Document Dot Microsoft Word Document Template DPL BORLAND DELPH3 Compressed Library DPR Borland Delphi Engineer Draw Acorn Based Vector Image File DRV Driver DRW Micrografx Designer / Draw; Pro / E Painting DSF Micrografx Designer VFX Document DSG Doom Save Text Piece DSM Dynamic Studio Music Module (MOD) File DSP Microsoft Developer Studio Project DSQ Corel Query (Query) File DST Embroidery Graphics DSW Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace Data DTA Word Bank's Stars Data Data DTD SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file DTED floor height digital data (graphic data format) file DTF Symantec Q & A related database data file DTM Digitrakker module file Dun Microsoft Coiled network Export file DV Digital Video File (MIME) DWD DiamondWare Digital Document DWG AutoCAD Project Figure file;

AutoCAD or Generic Cadd old version of the drawing format DXF can be exchanged drawing file format, the text representation of the binary DWG format; Data Exchange DXR Macromedia Director protected (non-editable) movie file D64 Commodore 64-bit analog disk image file

EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image EDD element definition document (FrameMaker SGML document) EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image EDK Ensoniq KT disk image EDQ Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 disk image EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk images EFA Ensoniq ASR file EFE Ensoniq EPS file EFK Ensoniq KT file EFQ Ensoniq SQ1 / SQ2 / Ks32 file EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file EMD ABT extended module EMF Windows enhanced metafile EML Microsoft Outlook Express e-mail messages (MIME RTC822) file ENC replay file ENFF Neutral file format Extension Ephtml Perl Interprets Enhance HTML File EPS Compressed PostScript Image EPSF Compressed PostScript File Eri Erwin File Err When you try to compile a file to store error messages when you help system source files EPX erwin files ESPS ESPS audio file EUI ENSONIQ ESP family compressed disk image Evy Embrace Document EWL Microsoft Encarta Document EXC Microsoft Word Disable Word Dictionary EXE Execution (Program) P3 Primavera Project Planner (Engineering Designer) File P10 TEKTRONIX PLOT 10 Drawing File P65 PageMaker 6.5 Document P7C DIGITAL ID File (MIME) PAB Microsoft Personal Address Book PAC SB Studio II Pack Pak Quake WAD File PAL Compressed Files Part Go! Zilla section Download File PAS PASPAL Source Code Pat Datacad Hatch Mode File; Coreldraw Mode; Advanced Gravis Ultrasound / Forte Technology; Debris file PBD Powerbuilder Dynamic Library, as a local DLL of one alternative PBF Turtle Beach PBK Microsoft Phonebook (Phone Book) PBL uses PowerBuilder dynamic library PBM in the PowerBuilder development environment to export bitmap PBR PowerBuilder resources PCD Kodak Photo-CD image; P-code compiler test script, by Microsoft Test with Microsoft Visual Test PCE Maps eudora's name DOS file name PCL HEWLETT-PACKARD printer control language file (printer alternate bitmap) PCM sound file format; OKI MSM6376 synthetic chip PCM format PCP Symantec Live Update Pro file PCS PICS animation file PCT Macintosh PICT painting file PCX zsoft PC brush bitmap PDB 3COM PALMPILOT Database File PDD You can use Paint Shop Pro or other image processing software to export document format files (available web browser display); Microsoft System Management Server Pack Definition File; NetWare printer definition file PDP broderbund Print SHOP DELUXE File PDQ Patton & Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite File PDS Photography Image File (

The source of this file is unclear) PF ALADDIN system encrypts file PFA type 1 font (ASCII) PFB type 1 font (binary) PFC PF component PFM printer font scale PGD Good privacy (PRETTY Good Privacy, PGP) Virtual Disk file PGL HP plotter drawing file PGM can output grayscale map (bitmap) PGP PGP with good privacy (PGP) algorithm encryption file pH B by Microsoft Help file compiler PHP, php3 contains HTML web pHTML with PHP scripts HTML web page containing PHP scripts; HTML PIC PC drawing bitmap explained by Perl; Lotus picture; Macintosh Pict Drawing Pict Macintosh PICT graphics file PIF program information file; IBM PIF Drawing file Pig Lucasarts Dark Forces WAD File Pin Epic Pinball Data file QAD PF Quickart Document QBW QuickBooks for Windows File QDT QuickBooks Data File from Quicken UK, QuickDraw 3D Document Format QFL Family Lawyer Document QiC Microsoft Backup file QIF QuickTime Related Images (MIME) ); Quicken import file QLB Quick library QM Quality motion file QRY Microsoft query file QST quake spy tab file Qt, QTM QuickTime movie QTI, QTIF QuickTime related image QTP QuickTime priority file QTS MAC PICT image file; QuickTime related image QTX QuickTime related image QW Symantec Q & a Write Program file QXD QUARK XPRESS file

R pegasus mail resource file RA REALAUDIO Sound File RAM ReaRaudio Yuan file RAR RAR RAS SUGENE ROSHALL Format) RAS Sun Raster Image Bitgram RAW RAW File Format (Bitmap); RBH Data RBH Maintained by RoboHelp, It joins the RDF resource description frame file (related to XML and metadata) RDL Descent Register RDL Descent Register RDL Descent Registration File REC Record Macro; RapidComm Sound File REG Registry File REP Visual DBase Report File RFT Revised form text (part of IBM DCA) RGB, SGI Silicon Graphics RGB file RGB, SGI Silicon graphics RGB file RL2 deaudio video file RMD Microsoft RegmAid Document RMD Microsoft RegmAid Document RMF Rich Map format ( 3D Game Editor Use it to save map) RMI M1D1 Music ROM based on cassette tape home game emulator file (from ATARI 2600, Colecovision, Sega, Nintendo, ROM full copy, in two emulator Uncommonly modified) RPM Red Hat Pack Manager (Linux) RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal Report file RRS ACE GAME ROAD RASH Saved file RSL Borland's Paradox 7 Report RSM Winway Resume Writer Recovery file RTF Rich TEXT Format Document RTK Robohelp Used to simulate Windows Help Search Function RTM Real Tracker Music Module (MOD) file RTS ReaRaudio's RTSL document; RoboHelp accelerates RVP Microsoft Scan Profile (MIME) RXX multi-volume file RAR compressed file (xx = 1 ~ 99)

S asseduated source code file S3i Scream Tracker V3 device S3M Scream Tracker V3 Sound Module File SAM AMI Professional Document; 8-bit Sample Data SAV Game Save File SB Original Sign Byte (8 Bit) Data SoundFont 1.0 Bank File of SBK Creative Labs (SoundBlaster) / EMU SONNDFONT V1.X Bank file SBL ShockWave Flash object file SC2 Microsoft Schedule 7 file format; SAS directory (Windows 95 / NT, OS / 2, Mac) SC3 Simcity 3000 saved game file SCC Microsoft Source Safe file SCD Matrix / Imapro SCODL slide images; Microsoft Schedule 7 SCF Windows Explorer command file SCH Microsoft Schedule 1 SCI ScanVec Inspire native file format SCN True Space 2 SCP scene file dial-up networking script file SCR Windows screen saver; fax image; script File SCT SAS Directory (DOS); Scitex CT bitmap; Microsoft FoxPro Forms SCT01 SAS Directory (UNIX) SCV ScanVec Casmate Local File Format SD SD Sound Designer 1 Sound File SD2 Sound Designer 2 Extended File / Data Fork Directive; SAS Database (Windows 95 / NT, OS / 2, Mac) SDF System Data File Format - Degacy Unisys (SPERRY) Format SDK Roland S-Series Floppy Image SDL Smart Draw Library SDR Smart Draw Drawing File SDS Original MIDI Sampling Transfer Store Standard File SDT SmartDraw Template SDV Section Separated Value File SDW Lotus WordPro Graphics File; The original band symbol DWORD (32-bit) Data SDX is compressed by SDX compressed MIDI sampling standard file SEA self-extracting file (stufflt for Macintosh or other Software Use Files) SEP Tag Image File Format (Tiff) Bitmap SES COOL Edit S Ession file (ordinary data sound editor file) sf Ircam sound file format SF2 EMU SoundFont V2.0 file; Creative Labs SoundFont 2.0 Bank file (Sound Blaster) SFD SoundStage Sound File Data SFI Sound Stage Sound File Information SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource SFW seattle film engineering (damaged JPEG) SFX RAR self-extracting file SGML standard universal tag language SHB Corel Show presentation; document shortcut SHG hotspot bitmap

T64 Commodore 64 Simulator Tape Image File Tab GUITAR Table File TAR Tape file TAZ UNIX GZIP / TAPE Issure TBK ASYMETRIX TOOLBOOK Multimedia file TCL TDB Thumbs Plus Database TDD Image and Turbo Silver Radi Tracker TDD IMAGINE File format TEX body file TGA Targa bitmap TGZ UNIX GZIP / TAP Archive Theme Windows 95 Desktop Theme Files Thn Graphics Workshop for Windows Sketch TIF, TIFF Tag Image File Format (TIFF) Bitmap TIG Tiger File, US Government is used to distribute Map TLB OLE Type Library TLE two-wire elements collection (NASA) TMP Windows Temporary file TOC Eudora Mailbox Content Table TOL KODAK Photo Enhancer TOS ATARI 16/32 and 32/32 Computer Operating System File TPL Cakewalk Sound Template File; Datacad Template File TPP Teleport Pro Engine TRK Kermit Script File TRM Terminal TRN MKS Source Integrity Engineering Log File TTF TrueType Fonts TTK Corel Catalyst Translaton Tool Kit TWF TabWorks File Tww TagWrite Template TX8 MS-DOS Text TXB Descent / D2 Code Summary TXT ASCI IT Text Format Sound Data TXW Yamaha TX16W Waveform TZ Old Compressed Format File T2T Sonate CAD Modeling Software File UB Original Unsigned Byte (8 Bit) Data UDF Windows NT / 2000 Unique Database File UDW Original Uncislated Double Word (32-bit) Data ULAW US Phone Format (CCITT G.711) Sound ULT Ultra Tracker Music Module (Mod) File UNI MIKMOD Unimod Format File URL Internet Shortcut File USE MKS Source Integrity File UU, UUE UU Code File UW original unsigned word (16-bit) data UWF Ultratracker waveform file

V8 COVOX 8-bit sound file VAP fusion speech VBA VBASE file VBP Microsoft Visual Basic Project file VBW Microsoft Visual Basic Workspace file VBX Microsoft Visual Basic User Custom Control VCE Natural Microsystems (NMS) Unformatted Sound file (used by Cool Edit) ) VCF virtual card file (Netscape); Veri profile; uses the WordToolkit with Sense8 to define objects VCT, VCX Microsoft FoxPro Class VDA Targa bitmap VI National Instruments LabVIEW Products VIFF Khoros Visualisation Format Vir Norton Anti -Virus or other anti-virus for identifying viral infections VIV VivoActive Player stream video file Viz Division's DVS / DVISE file VLB Corelventura library VMF FaxWorks sound file VOC Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound file VOX with ADPCM encoded dialogue file Natural Microsystems (NMS) Format Sound File, Talking Technology Sound File VP VENTURA PUBLISHER Publication VQE, VQL YAMAHA SOUND-VQ Locator File VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ File (Could Block) VRF Oracle 7 Profile VRML Virtual Reserve Mode speech file VSD VSD Visio Painting File (Flowchart or Graphic) VSL Download List File (GETRIGHT) VSN Windows 9x / NT Virusafe version of the file, is used to keep all information in the directory, when a file is accessed, where information is performed with VSN information Comparison to ensure they maintain a consistent VSS Visio template file VST Targa bitmap vsw Visio workspace file Vxd Microsoft Windows virtual device driver

W3L W3LAUNCH file WAD contains DOM games with video, players, and other information WAL quake 2 text file WAV Windows Waveform Physical WB1, WB2 Quattopro for Windows Picking WBL Microsoft Word Backup File WBL Argo WebloadII Upload file WBR Crick Software's WordBar file WBT Crick Software's WordBar template WCM WordPerfect macro WDB Microsoft Works database WDG War FTP remote guardian file WEB CorelXARA Web documents WFB Turtle Beach's Wavefont Bank (Maui / Rio / Monterey) WFD Turtle Beach's Wavefont Drum Collection (MAUI / RIO / MONTEREY) WFM Visual DBase Windows Form WFN WFP Turtle Beach in Coreldraw WFP Turtle Beach WGP Wild Board Game Data File WID Ventura Width WIL WINIMAGE File WIZ Microsoft Word Wizard WK1 Lotus 1-2-3 Edition Issue 1, 2 Edition Publimation WK3 Lotus 1-2-3 Edition Issue 3 Publimation WK4 Lotus 1-2-3 Edition 4th Edition spreadsheet WKS Lotus 1-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2- 3 spreadsheets; Microsoft Works document WLD REND386 / AVRIL file WLF Argo WebLoadⅠ upload files WLL Microsoft Word interposer WMF Windows metafile WOW Grave Composer music module (MOD) document WP WordPerfect document WP4 WordPerfect 4 documents WP5 WordPerfect 5 document WP6 WordPerfect 6 Document WPD WordPerfect Document or Demo WPF Tablet Document WPG WordPerfect Graphics WPS Microsoft Works Document WPT WordPerfect Template WPW Novell PerfectWorks Document WQ1 Quattro PRO / DOS Publimation WQ2 Quattro Pro / DOS 5th Edition Publimation WR1 Lotus Symphony WRG Reget Document WR1 Writer Document WRK Cake Wrz VRML Virtual Reality Model WordStar for Windows 1 Document WS2 WordStar for Windows 2 document WS3 WordStar for Windows 3 document WS4 WordStar for Windows 4 document WS5 WordStar for Windows 5 document WS6 WordStar for Windows 6 document WS7 WordStar for Windows 7 documentation WSD WordStar 2000 document WVL Wavelet compressed bitmap WWL Microsoft Word interposer file

X AVS Image Format XAR Corelxara Painting XBM Mime "Xbitmap" Image XI Scream Tracker Device Sampling File XIF WANG Image File (file with Windows 95) XLA Microsoft Excel Interpolator XLB Microsoft Excel Tools XLC Microsoft Excel Chart XLD Microsoft Excel Dialog box XLK Microsoft Excel in the backup XLL Microsoft Excel interposer file XLM Microsoft Excel macro XLS Microsoft Excel worksheet XLT Microsoft Excel template XLV Microsoft Excel VBA module XLW Microsoft Excel workbook / workspace XM FastTracker 2, Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file XNK Microsoft Exchange Shortcut File XPM X Bitmap Format XR1 EPIC Megagames Xargon Data File XTP Xtree Data File xwf Yamaha XG Works File (MIDI Sequence) XY3 XYWRITE III Document XY4 XYWRITE IV Document XYP XYWRITE III Plus Document XYW XYWRITE for Windows 4.0 Document X16 Macro Media Extension (Program Extension), 16-bit X32 Macro Media Extension (Program Extension), 32-bit Yal Arts & Letters Clip Art Library YBK Microsoft Encarta Yearbook Z UNIX GZIP File ZAP Windows Software Installation Profile ZIP ZIP file Zoo Early version of the compressed file 000-999 is used for the old version (or backup) file number (such as the config.sys file that is changed by the installer); it can be used for multiple users of the small-range PC application Data file number 12m Lotus 1-2-3 97 Smartmaster file 123 Lotus 1-2-3 97 file 2D Versacad 2D painting file 2GR, 3GR's 3D portrait of VGA graphics driver under Windows 3D Versacad 3D painting Document 3DM 3D NURBS Destructor, Rhino 3DS 3D Studio DOS Under Format File 386 Document 4GE Informix 4GL Compile Code 4GL Informix 4GL Source Code 669 Composer 669; UNIX Composer Music Model File; 669 Circuit Module # 01 and Higher Number Computer Image file number of a series of movies scanned $$$ OS / 2 Used to track file files @@@ for screen files during installation and instructions for applications for Microsoft CodeView for C