Algorithm discussion: philosopher dining problem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

In 1965, Dijkstra Posed and Solved a Synchronization Problem He Called THE

Dining philosophers problem. ....... Problem can be stated QUITE SIMPLY

AS FOLLOWS. Five Philosophers Are Seated Around a Circular Table. Each Philo

Sopher Has a Plate of Spaghetti. The spaghetti is so slippery That a Philoso

PHER NEEDS TWO forks to Eat It. Between Each Pair of Plates Is One fork.

The Life of a Philosopher Consists of Alternate Periods of Eating and Think

Ing. When a Philosopher Gets Hungry, She Tries To Acquire Her Left and Right

Fork, One At a Time, IN Either Order. if Successful In acquiring two forks,

SHE Eats for a while, the puts down the forks and continues to think..

Key Question Is: Can You Write a Program for Each Philosopher That Does What

IT is supposed to do and nets stuck?


Written by Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Typed by foolball :-P

Program advance by ya

::: 1: Use public documents, according to strict turning

:: #include

:: #include

:: #include

:: #include

: #Define n 5


:: File * f;

:: char * state [n];

::: main ()

:: {

:: F = fopen ("/ share", "w ");

:: PUTC (J, F);

:::: (For (fork ())

:: {IF (fork ())

:: {IF (fork ())

:: {IF (fork ())

:: {IF (fork ())

:: {WaitPID (-1, * status, 0);

:: Fclose (f);

:::: ELSE

:: Philosophy (4);}

:::: ELSE

:: Philosophy (3);

:::: ELSE

:: Philosophy (2);

:::: ELSE

:: Philosophy (1);}



:: Void Philosophy (INT i)

:: {


:::: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "IS thinking");

::: For (t = 0; t <= rand () 10000; t );

::::::: ";";

:: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "is Hungry");

::: For (t = 0; t <= rand () 10000; t );

::: For (;; i! = J;)

:: {FSeek (f, 0L, 0);

:: J = getc (f);}


::: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "is eating");

:: J = (j 1)% n

:: Fseek (f, 0l, 0);

:: PUTC (J, F);


::: 二: Implementation by file lock

:: #include

:: #include

: #Define N 4

:: File * f;


:: char * state [n];

:: Void Philosofy (INT I);

:: Void main ()

:: {

:: IF ((f = fopen ("Turn", "W ")) == NULL)

:: {

:: Printf ("Cann't Open");

::: EXIT (0);


:::: (For (fork ())

:: {

:::: (For (fork ())

:: {

:::: (For (fork ())

:: {

:::: (For (fork ())

:: {

:::: (For (fork ())

:: {

:: Waitpid (-1, & status, 0);

:: Fclose (f);


:::: ELSE

::: Philosofy (4);


:::: ELSE

:: Philosofy (3);


:::: ELSE

:: Philosofy (2);


:::: ELSE

:: Philosofy (1);


:::: ELSE

::: Philosofy (0);

:::} // end of main

:: Void Philosophy (INT i)

:: {INT T;


:::: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "IS thinking");

::: For (t = 0; t <= rand () 10000; t );

::::::: ";";

:: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "is Hungry");

::: For (t = 0; t <= rand () 10000; t );

::: While ((f = fopen ("Turn.lock", "R")))! = Null);

:: LINK ("Turn", "Turn.lock");


::: Printf ("% D% S / N", I, "is eating");

::: For (t = 1; t <= 10000 rand (); t );

:: Unlink ("turn");



New Post(0)