CD player button under Win2000

zhaozj2021-02-11  290

Recently unemployed at home, I have nothing to do, so I usually work, I have been accumulated when I study, I have made Demo, send it to everyone. First give everyone a rotating button control, just like CD Player ~~

Sample code: S = & postid = 216360

In addition, I have a lot of categories here, I have written, translated, and so on. Contact me with me in I hope everyone can learn together and progress!

The documentation of the class is as follows: (For everyone, you can find this document in Demo)

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This class is a derived class of CSLIDERCTRL. Expand the function of the circular slider control, and you can customize the color, pictures, settings in the control, etc. in the control.

Precautions when using this class:

1. Need to join the MEMDC.H file to the project, considering the universality of this class, if there is already in the original project, please do not repeat it.

2, add mouse pointer resources IDC_CURSOR

3. Some functions used in this class are from the Internet, and the copyright is still owned by it.

4, this class is created under VC6, due to certain particularities, compiling abnormal phenomena under VC.NET.


1. Add slider controls in the dialog and change to the size you want.

2, associated with control variables with controls in ClassWizard (such as M_RSCMYSLIDER)

3. In OnInitDialog (), you can call set setRange (), setpos () and other functions as needed to set up the initialization control.

When the control pointer is sliding, it sends a WM_Scroll message, so you can get the current location of the slider in your dialog. such as:

Void Croundsliderctrldemodlg :: Onhscroll (uint nsbcode, uint npos, cscrollbar * pscrollbar)


IF (pscrollbar-> getdlgctrlid () == IDC_SLIDER)




CDIALOG :: OnhScroll (NSBCode, NPOS, Pscrollbar);


You can also overload the ONFORMATTEXT function in the derived class from the define the text displayed in the control, such as:

CString cfrequerncectrl :: ONFORMATTEXT (Const Cstring & StRTEXT)


CString strformattedtext;

StrformattedText.Format ("%. 1FMHz", 87.5 getpos () / 360.0 * 20.6);

Return strformattedText;



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SetRange setting control adjustable range

GetRege gets the adjustable range of the control setknobradius set the size of the pointer

Getknobradius gets the size of the pointer

SetDragbyknobonly indicates whether the pointer should be rooted by the mouse.

GetDragbyknobonly determines whether it should only make the pointer root a mouse

Setzero Specifies the default angle of the pointer when starting

Getzero gets the start of the pointer default angle

SetBitmap set bitmap background for control

Setknobcolor Setting Pointer The left mouse button does not press the color

SetActiveknobcolor Setting Pointer The color of the left mouse button is activated or dragged.

SetDialColor Sets the background color of the slider control

Character operation

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SetText sets characters in a circular control

GetText gets a string within the current control

SetTextColor Specifies the string color displayed in the control

SetFontBold indicates whether the font in the control is a black body

SetFontunderline indicates whether the font in the control has a underscore

SetFontital Indicates whether the font in the control is a bevel

SetFontSIZE Settings the size of the font in the control

SetFontName Set the name of the font in the control

SetShowText Indicates whether the control should be displayed inside

Member function

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setRange

Void SetRange (int Nmin, int Nmax, Bool Bredraw)


Minimum value of Nmin slider range

The maximum value of the NMAX slider range

BredRaw indicates whether to immediately redraw control immediately


Calling this function Setting up the adjustable range of the entire control, more detailed information, please refer to the description of CSLIDERCTRL :: SetRange in MSDN

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CroundsliderCtrl :: getRange

Void GetRange (int & nmin, int & nmax)


Nmin obtained control range minimum

NMAX's maximum control range


Call the function to get the adjustable maximum / minimum of the current slider control

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setText

Void SetText (const cstring & strnewtext)


StrnewText CString Object Type String


Call this function to set characters in the circular control. When allowing the control to display the character, if this function is not called, the system will default to display the current position value of the slider inside the control.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- CROUNDSLIDERCTRL :: GetText

CString getText () const

return value:

Returns the content displaying the font within the current control


Call this function to get a string within the current control, the character is set by the previous call setText, otherwise the result returned no meaning.

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setknobradius

Void Setknobradius (Const Int Nnewknobradius)


NNEWKNOBRADIUS involves integer variables of the pointer size, the value cannot be less than 5


Set the size of the pointer

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CroundsliderCtrl :: getknobradius

INT getknobradius () const

return value:

Returns the current pointer size


Get the size of the pointer

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setdragbyknobonly

Void setdragbyknoBonly (const bool bdragbyknobonly)


BDRAGBYKNOBONLY If this value is true, then the control pointer is dragging only when the mouse pointer is dragging over this control pointer.


Indicates whether the pointer should be rooted by the mouse

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CroundsliderCtrl :: getDragbyknobonly

Bool getDragbyknobonly () const

return value:

If it is true, then only the control pointer is dragging only when the mouse pointer is dragging over this control pointer.


Determine if the pointer should be rooted by the mouse

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setzero

Void Setzero (Const Int Nzero)


The angle value initialized by the NZERO control, this value should be not less than 0 and more than 360


Specify the beginning of the pointer default angle

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CroundsliderCtrl :: getzero

INT getzero () const

return value:

0 - 360 control initial angle value


Get the start of the pointer default angle

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CroundSliderCtrl :: setDialcolor

Void setDialcolor (const colorref crbkgnd)


CRBKGND slider control background color value, can be any of RGB three colors


Call this function to set the background color of the slider control; Note: This function can only work when not calling setBitmap.

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setknobcolor

Void setknobcolor (const colorref crbkgnd)


CRBKGND pointer is not pressed at the left mouse button


Calling this function can set the pointer to the color when the left mouse button is not pressed, the system is set to the system color_3dface color by default

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setActiveknobcolor

Void SetActiveknobcolor (const colorRef crbkgnd)


CRBKGND Pointer Press the color when the left mouse button is activated


Calling this function can set the pointer to press the color or drag the color when the left mouse button is activated or dragged, and the system is set to the system Color_3dface color by default.

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setTextColor

Void SetTextColor (const colorref crText)


Crtext RGB color value


Specify the string color displayed in the control

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setFontbold

Void SetFontBold (const bool bset)


Bset Boolean value, indicating whether the font is black body


Indicates whether the font in the control is a black body

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setFontunderline

Void setFontunderline (Const Bool Bset)


Bset Boolean value indicating whether the font has underscore

Speaking: Whether the font in the control is underline

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setFontitalic

Void setFontital (Const Bool Bset)


Bset Boolean value indicates whether the font is italic


Indicates if the font in the control is a bevel

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setFontsize

Void setFontsize (const int nsize)


NSIZE font size integer variable


Set the size of the font in the control

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setFontname

Void SetFontName (Const Cstring & Strfont)


Strfont string variable for csting types of font information


Set the name of the font in the control

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setShowText

Void setShowText (const bool bshow / * = true * /)


BSHOW indicates whether the control is to display the text of the current sliding content.


Indicates whether the inside of the control is to display the text of the current sliding content, by default, there is no display inside the control

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CroundsliderCtrl :: setBitmap

Void setBitmap (uint unnbitid)


UNEWBITID bitmap resource ID


Calling this function can set a bitmap background for the control, and the picture size is best consistent with the control size.


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