[Repost] Talking about the method of data validity check in ASP.NET

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

As a programmer, we must be responsible for the robustness of the program written by yourself, so the verification of the data is an indispensable part of business logic or system implementation.

I have summarized a data check method that self-think of better ASP.NET (C #), such as everyone discussion.

Mainly used Regex's ISMATCH method, the validity of the data contained data is performed in the BusinessRule layer, and the verification method is part of the BusnesRule layer base class.

Realistic tips in the WebUI layer.

using System; using System.Data; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Education.BusinessRules {///

/// type base layer business rules /// public class BizObject {public const String REGEXP_IS_VALID_EMAIL = @ "^ / w ((- / w ) | (/. / )) * / @ / w ((/. | -) / w ) * /. / w $"; // Email verification Public const string regexp_is_valid_url = @ "^ http: // ([/ w-] /.) [/ w-] (/ [/ w- ./?%&=]*)?"; // URL Calibration constant public const string regexp_is_valid_zip = @ "/ d {6}"; // Zip code audited scheme public const string regexp_is_valid_ssn = @ "/ d {18} | / d {15}"; // ID card verification Public const string regexp_is_valid_int = @ "^ / d {1,} $"; // Integer Verifying the constant PUBLIC const string regexp_is_valid_demical = @ "^ -? (0 | / d ) (/. / D )?"; / / Numerical Verifying Factory "// Date Verifying the Umage Blue Const String Regexp_is_Valid_date = @" ^ (? :(? :(? :( ?: 1 [6-9] | [2-9] / d)? (? : 0 [48] | [2468] | [? :( ?: 16 | [2468] [048] | [3579])))) | - | /.) (?: 0? 2/1 (?: 29)) $) | (? :( ?: 1 [6-9] | [2-9] / d)? / D {2} ) (/ / | - | /.) (? :(? :( ?: 0? [13578] | 1 [02]) / 2 (?: 31)) | (? :( ?: 0? [1, 3-9] | 1 [0-2]) / 2 (29 | 30)) | (? :( ?: 0? [1-9]) | (?: 1 [0-2])) / 2 ( ?: 0? [1-9] | 1 / d | 2 [0-8])) $ ";

Public BizObject () {}

#REGION check field is empty or field length long method

Public String getfieldtoolongerror (string errorfield, int maxlen) {return errorfield "information is long, please deduce" maxlen.toString () "characters!";

public string GetFieldNullError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "is required, NOT NULL!";} public bool IsValidField (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short (Row [FIELDNAME]. TOString (). Trim (). Length); if (i <1 && (! Allownull) {row.setColumNerror (FieldName, GetfieldNullerror (Errorfield); Return False;} else > maxlen) {Row.SetColumNerror (FieldName, GetfieldToolonGerror (Errorfield, Maxlen); Return False;} #endregion

#Region Check Email Type Format Method

public string GetEmailFieldError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "Malformed (a @ bc)!";} public bool IsValidEmail (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short) (Row [FieldName] .tostring (). Trim (). Length);

bool isValid = IsValidField (Row, fieldName, maxLen, ErrorField, AllowNull); if (isValid) {isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_EMAIL)) IsMatch (Row [fieldName] .ToString ());.! if ((isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumNerror (FieldName, getEmailfielderror (Errorfield); Return false;}}} #endregion

#Region check mail code type field format method

public string GetZipFieldError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "incorrect format (157032)!";} public bool IsValidZip (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short) (Row [FieldName] .tostring (). Trim (). Length);

bool isValid = IsValidField (Row, fieldName, maxLen, ErrorField, AllowNull); if (isValid) {isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_ZIP)) IsMatch (Row [fieldName] .ToString ());.! if ((isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumNerror (FieldName, GetziPfielderror (Errorfield)); Return false;}} #} # endregion #region check identity card Type field format method

public string GetSSNFieldError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "incorrect format (length of 15 or 18)!";} public bool IsValidSSN (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short) (row [FieldName] .tostring (). Trim (). Length);

bool isValid = IsValidField (Row, fieldName, maxLen, ErrorField, AllowNull); if (isValid) {isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_SSN)) IsMatch (Row [fieldName] .ToString ());.! if ((isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumNerror (FieldName, getssnfielderror (Errorfield)); return false;}}} #endregion

#Region check URL Type field format method

public string GetUrlFieldError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "Malformed (http://www.abc.com)!";} public bool IsValidUrl (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) { INT I = (short) (row [FieldName] .tostring (). Trim (). Length);

bool isValid = IsValidField (Row, fieldName, maxLen, ErrorField, AllowNull); if (isValid) {isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_URL)) IsMatch (Row [fieldName] .ToString ());.! if ((isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumNError (FieldName, geturlfielderror (errorfield)); return false;}} # endr} # endregion # region check date type field format method

public string GetDateFieldError (string ErrorField) {return ErrorField "Date format is not correct!";} public bool IsValidDate (DataRow Row, String fieldName, int maxLen, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short) (Row [fieldName ] .ToString (). Trim (). Length);

bool isValid = IsValidField (Row, fieldName, maxLen, ErrorField, AllowNull); if (isValid) {isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_DATE)) IsMatch (Row [fieldName] .ToString ());.! if ((isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumNerror (FieldName, getDatefielderror (Errorfield); Return False;}} #ENDREGION

#Region check value type field format method // This is also a way to judge value private bool isnumeric (string value) {Try {Int i = int.parse (value); return true;} catCh {return false;}}

Public string getfieldnumberrror (string errorfield) {return errorfield must be a number (for example: 90)! ";

public bool IsValidNumber (DataRow Row, String fieldName, string ErrorField, bool AllowNull) {int i = (short) (Row [fieldName] .ToString () Trim () Length..); bool isValid = (new Regex (REGEXP_IS_VALID_DEMICAL)) .Ismatch (row [fieldname] .tostring ());

if (i <1 && (AllowNull)!) {Row.SetColumnError (fieldName, GetFieldNullError (ErrorField)); return false;} else if (! (isValid) && (i> 0)) {Row.SetColumnError (fieldName, GetFieldNumberError (Errorfield); Return False;} #endregion}} #ENDREGON}}

/ / Inheriting the data using the verification method ///

/// ////// ///

// Display error message ///

/// display in WebUI Shows the error message returned by the submitted data /// private void displayerrors () {string FielderRors = "; string tmpfielderrors ="

DataRow Row = ds.tables [0] .rows [0];

foreach (DataColumn Column in ds.Tables [0] .Columns) {tmpfieldErrors = Row.GetColumnError (Column.ColumnName.ToString ()); if (! tmpfieldErrors = "") {fieldErrors = "

  • " tmpfieldErrors "
    ";}} // Display error message this.lblerror.text = FieldErrorS;

  • 转载请注明原文地址:https://www.9cbs.com/read-41895.html

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