[Repost] Data operation based on ASP.NET WebMenu

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

Summary: More and more web pages are used in the menu. Generally, the menu production is more, the programming language is basically two kinds of JavaScript or VBScript. Once the menu cannot be changed, it cannot be changed, modify comparison trouble. This article explains the WebMenu control, and gives an instance, the menu and database combine, and realize the dynamic menu.


The drop-down menu technology is often used in a large website (such as the Microsoft website) to navigate, which can effectively reduce the time of the browser to a particular content. This effect can be implemented with JavaScript or VBScript, but you need to learn scripting languages ​​and DHTML. Alternatively, Dreamweaver and CSS can also produce (multi-level) drop-down menu.

Analyze the display process of the menu, you can find the following points:

1 When the mouse moves to the text (or image), the menu is displayed;

2 Mouse removed from text (or images) (in the place outside the menu), the menu disappears;

3 Mouse moves from text (or images) to the menu, the menu keeps the display (this is the key); the mouse removes from the menu and the menu disappears.

4 For multi-level menus, you must maintain the synchronization of the upper and lower menus.

5 When the mouse moves to the menu item, the appearance of the menu item (prospect, background or border) changes.

These features implement some of the menu, some menu features cannot be operated or inconvenient to operate through scripting languages, for example, how to implement the disenable and enable features of the menu. How to implement the "process operation" of the menu (that is, if you click "Open File", you can't make "edit" function), these methods are unable to implement the script, and the script statement is embedded in the HTML language, the structure is complex, Writing trouble, technical requirements, can not be quickly grasped, now there are some tools for writing web menus, generating scripts through software, generating scripts, then copy scripts to web pages, although web page menus can be implemented, but can not implement the above Some features are said.

Part 1: Web Munu Control

Searched online, WebMenu for asp.net (http://www.coalentsys.com), this control is in addition to the functionality of generating scripting languages, it can also support database operations through the database. Set the values ​​for some properties to implement the features of the menu. Moreover, the script generated by the control can face a true compatibility for the browser of the domestic kernel, and use it without worries.

To register before use. After registration, you can embed the registration code into the background of ASP.NET to make mistakes when you distribute deployments. Web Menu's license key is a string, format: "Username: Company Name: Serial Number" Specific use:

WebMenu.userdata = "John Doe: Acme Corp: 1234567890"; // If there is no company name, the method is as follows: WebMenu.userdata = "John Doe :: 1234567890";

The method of using this control is as follows:

1: Copy the bin directory of the DLL to the solution.

2: Register on your page. The statement is:

<% @ Register tagprefix = "cswm" namespace = "coalesys.webmenu" assembly = "coalesys.webmenu"%> 3: Place the web menu object on the page.

4: Add menu groups and menu items.

5: Add a nested menu group and menu item.

The basic process of operating in ASP.NET is as follows

1: Add control objects to VS.NET toolbox

Find the corresponding DLL:

2: Drag and drop the Web Menu to the page.

The effect is as follows:

3: Programming.

Part II: Database operation

In order to implement the menu function through the database, the following table is established:

The part of the data is as follows:

You can see several menu groups such as File, Edit, Options, and NEW, OPEN, SAVE, etc. in File. Backstage in the ASP.NET

Program code is as follows: using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Web; using System.Web.SessionState; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web .Ui.webcontrols; using system.web.ui.htmlcontrols; using system.data.oledb; Namespace WebApplication6 {///

/// WebForm1 summary description.

/// public class webform1: system.Web.ui.page {protected coalesys.WebMenu.WebMenu CsNetMenu; private void page_load (Object sender, system.eventargs e) {// Place user code here to initialize page csNetMenu.MenuBar.AbsoluteDockEnabled = false; csNetMenu.MenuBar.AbsoluteDragEnabled = false; csNetMenu.MenuBar.BackgroundColor = ""; csNetMenu.MenuBar.OuterHighlightColor = "# 666666"; csNetMenu.MenuBar.OuterShadowColor = "# 666666"; csNetMenu. MenuBar.InnerShadowColor = "# F9F8F7"; csNetMenu.MenuBar.HoverColor = "#dfdfdf"; csNetMenu.MenuBar.SelectedColor = "# B6BDD2"; csNetMenu.MenuBar.SelectedTextColor = "# 000000"; csNetMenu.BackgroundColor = ""; csNetMenu .SelectedColor = "# b6bdd2"; csnetMenu.outerHighlightColor = "# c0c0c0"; csnetMenu.outershadowColor = "# c0c0c0"; CsNetMenu.inne rShadowColor = "# 808080"; csNetMenu.PopupIcon = "./images/arrow-black.gif"; csNetMenu.SelectedPopupIcon = "./images/arrow-white.gif"; csNetMenu.ClearPixelImage = "./images/clearpixel. GIF "; // Populate WebMenu LoadWebmenudata (CsnetMenu);} // ===================================== =========

=========================================== // loadWebmenudata - load webmenu from database // // input: // csWebMenu - [in] Coalesys.WebMenu.WebMenu object // // output: // none // public void LoadWebMenuData (Coalesys.WebMenu.WebMenu csWebMenu) {Coalesys.WebMenu.Group csMenuGroup; // database info string dbConnString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = "; string dbPathString = Server.MapPath (" ./ SelfReferencedTable.mdb "); string dbSqlString =" SELECT * FROM Nodes ORDER BY ID "; // Initiate OleDb interface OleDbConnection dbConn = new OleDbConnection (dbConnString dbPathString); OleDbCommand dbComm = new OleDbCommand (dbSqlString, dbConn); OleDbDataAdapter dbAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter (); dbConn.Open (); // Fill an ADO.NET DataSet DataSet ds = New dataset (); dbadapter.selectcommand = dbcomm; dbadapter.Fill (DS, "Menuitems"); dbconn.close (); // Create The Data RELATION BETWEEN TEE ID and PARENT_ID Column of the Menuitems Table. // (this IS The key to hierarchical navigating in a self-referencing table). DataRelation DR = DS.RELATIONS.ADD ("MenuItemHierarchy", DS.Tables ["MenuItems"]. Columns ["ID"], DS.Tables ["MenuItems"

] .Columns ["PARENT_ID"]); // Start Top-Down Navigation of The Menuitem Rows. Foreach (DataRow DBMenuItem in Ds.Tables ["Menuitems"]. Rows) {//iffs - THEENT_ID Colum Is Null Is A Root Menu Item. IF ("PARENT_ID")) {// create a menu group for the root menu item csmenugroup = csWebMenu.groups.add (); csmenugroup.caption = dbmenuitem ["caption"]. Tostring (); // Execute The Recursive Function to Populate All It's CHildren. AddMenuItems (DBMenuItem.getChildrow) (DR), DR, CSMENUGROUP);}}} // =============== ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ============

. // AddMenuItems - Recursive function to populate hierarchical Menu Items // from data rows that have parent / child relationships // // input: // dataRows - [in] Child Rows // dataRel - [in] Data Relation // webMenuGroup - [in] WebMenu Group // // output: // none // public void AddMenuItems (DataRow [] dataRows, DataRelation dataRel, Coalesys.WebMenu.Group webMenuGroup) {Coalesys.WebMenu.Item csMenuItem; Coalesys.WebMenu.Group csNestedMenuGroup ; DataRow [] drChildren; foreach (DataRow dbMenuItem in dataRows) {csMenuItem = webMenuGroup.Items.Add (); csMenuItem.Caption = dbMenuItem [ "Caption"] ToString ();. csMenuItem.URL = dbMenuItem [ "URL"]. Tostring (); if (dbmenuitem ["enable"]. TSTRING () == "True") {CsMenuItem.Enabled = true;} else {csMenuItem.Enabled = false;} // check if this Item has children of it's own drChildren = dbMenuItem.GetChildRows (dataRel); // if so, create a group for the children and reenter This function. IF (DRCHILDREN.LENGTH> 0) {csnestedMenuGroup = csmenuitem.addgroup (); addMenuitems (DRCHILDREN, DATAREL, CSNESTEDMENUGROUP);


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