1. Can ASP.NET run in those systems?
Currently, ASP.NET can only run in Microsoft's Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 systems, and require Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) support, Microsoft plans to make Windows NT4.0 also support ASP.NET However, it is possible that Microsoft is some technical issues or market considerations, and has not supported support from ASP.NET under NT.
2. Can I use more than one language in an ASPX file?
The answer makes you a little disappointment, although Microsoft provides a public language operating environment (CLR, Common Laguage Runtime), implements a close integration between multiple programming languages, allowing you to export the object needed to C # from a VB object. But only one language can be used in an ASPX file, just as you can't use the C #'s syntax in VB.NET.
3. Server-side scripts of the ASPX file support those languages?
Currently, the ASPX file only supports C #, Visual Basic.Net, JScript.net, and J #, but you can use a separate code file using code-behind (code separation), you can use any .NET compile support To achieve functionality.
4. Can Code-Behind (code separation) technology in the global.asax file?
Of course, for example: global.asax: and using code-behind (code separation) technology global.asax: myapp.vb: imports system.web importsystem.Web.SessionState Public Class MyApp Sub Application_Start (Byval Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Application ( "online_session") = 0 End Sub Sub Session_Start (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Application.Lock () Application ( "online_session") = CInt (Application ( "online_session")) 1 Application.UnLock () End Sub Sub Session_End (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Application.Lock () Application ( "online_session") = CInt (Application ( "online_session")) - 1 Application.UnLock () End Sub End Class 5, can I see the code generated in the ASP.NET?
It can be seen, when you declare the command or Web.config in your ASPX file, you can find ASPX in Microsoft.Net/framework/v1.0.nnn/temporary ASP.NET Files in the system directory. Files generated under ASP.NET.
6, how to comment in the ASPX file?
Like the method in the ASP file.
7. Can there be more than one server-side FORM mark in the ASPX file?
8. Can I use a custom data type in a web form? You can put the DLL file containing the custom data type in the bin directory under the program root directory, and the ASP.NET is loaded when the data type is referenced. DLL file.
9. Can I trigger those events in the global.asax file? Application object is created and the event at the end of the trigger there Application_Start Application_End Session object is created and the event at the end of the trigger are • Session_Start • Session_End to program an event is triggered when there is (arranged in order of occurrence) request occurs • Application_BeginRequest • Application_AuthenticateRequest • Application_AuthorizeRequest • Application_ResolveRequestCache • Application_AcquireRequestState • Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute • Application_PostRequestHandlerExecute • Application_ReleaseRequestState events • Application_UpdateRequestCache • Application_EndRequest when a program error has occurred triggering • Application_Error • Application_Disposed 10, if the control supports Web style Sheets (CSS) it?
Yes. All Web controls inherit a property named CssClass from the base class System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl. The following example defines a CSS class named Input and uses it to modify a TextBox control to display text in red 10-point Verdana TYPE:
Support, all WEB controls inherit a property called CssClass from the base class system.web.ui.webcontrols.webcontrol. For example: