[转] Water wood is not, why Tsinghua?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

I think about the Essence Essence: ftp: //www.54tsinghua.cn/cms/smf/index.php/topic, 129.0.htmlbt Download: http://www.54tsinghua.cn/cms/smf/index. PHP / TOPIC, 139.0.html Shuimu Tsinghua Photography Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Red Mansion Dream Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Tianxia Food Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Tourism Essence Shuimu Tsinghua History Essence Shuimu Tsinghua British Culture and Social Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Advertising Art Edition Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Owners Home Edition Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Real Estate Forum Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Beauty Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Reader Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Character Biography Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Art Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Faihua Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Fairy Tale Essence Shuimu Tsinghua Economic Forum Essence - ---------------------------------------

"On the Pour of SMTH"

I heard that the SMTH of Tsinghua University fell, and he heard that it was not open to people in the outside world. It is not really fallen. I have not met it, I have no friends. But I have seen unpowed SMTH, quite a big website, online is often tens of thousands, occasionally there are central powers to dive. This is the legendary "Shuimu Tsinghua", which is SMTH, one of the top ten BBS. "Shuimu Tsinghua" is also seen, I don't see good, I thought.

However, in the top ten BBS of all education network, I know that the earliest is this SMTH. When I gotten online, I saw a "Internet Practical Manual" introduced that this smth is the BBS of Tsinghua University. The academic atmosphere is extremely strong. It often has the appearance of Tsinghua Niu people. Even Lian Tao is often patronized before it is unplan. of! This is the first big BBS of education network! But later Northern University, an YTHT was taken out, and the SMTH was pressed down on the number. But people say that YTHT is too angry, and there is a lot of traitors, not numbers.

Later, a monk, the Zen Master, the Zen Master, saw the Ytht's face, - 愤 青 青 和 and too many places, there is a demon, but only extraordinary people can see - I seal his server, I heard that I was going to take it. YTHT is closed, those netizens have no place, SMTH has also become one of the choices, so the number of online people will soar. I am more interesting to someone's blog than this, about it comes from the narrative of HT, but I have not seen these narratives, so I don't know if "YTHT" "Fahai" is written.

When YTHT fell, SMTH banned this thing from discussing in layout. I was very indignant, the fox was still still sad, and the rabbit was sad. The same is the top ten BBS of the Education Network. How can I not think so? Is SMTH to see HT make a big, back underground black hand? I was expecting SMTH to fall, and later found that other BBSs were also the case, and gradually calmed the heart.

All in all, YTHT finally became the policy of the law, was closed, and even the hard disk was taken away. This is the famous YTHT close incident. There seems to be a lot of things, such as "collective signature, professor,", but I have forgotten it now. At that time, my only hope was in this SMTH. Later, I also had SMTH, and I was intuitive or digging pit, but sometimes I remembered Ytht, I was uncomfortable. Later, I saw a book, saying YTHT closed all the meaning of the central, then, of course, there is no relationship with SMTH, but my heart is still uncomfortable, but still hopes that he will pour. Now, he actually fell, what is the people under the general? This is truthable. Try to the canteen classroom in colleges and universities such as Tsinghua, Peking University to explore public opinion. Regardless of the watermol or diving, in addition to a little expensive in several brains, no one is not flat, it doesn't blame the sea too many things?

And still should only read themselves. Students are estro YTHT, YTHT auto-opened BBS, what is the coherence with others? He is equipped with a scroll, it is moving, it is about to be embarrassed, it is simply a certain.

But now I don't want to be a lot of things in the emperor, but I don't want to take him. China has a near neighbor called North Korea. I heard that there is no mobile phone, the network is also isolated from the outside world. Is our official to take it there?

At the beginning, when YTHT was closed, SMTH, Xiao Lily was a cold, did not dare to make a sound. When YTHT fell, did they not think that he would fall?


Shuimu Tsinghua BBS all version of the version of the screen (most full version! 483 version) (HTML version of RAR package download) (mirror 1) (mirror 2) - [Remeber 2005.03.16] No Lu Xun's profound Into the bones, there is no thorns of Lin Yutang, and some are just 483 water-filled screens. Don't choose for forgotten in silence, even if you can't have ... For memory memories, on March 16, 2005, today, tomorrow.

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11, sender: Moqi (Moqi), the letter area: SMTH Title: The most complete water-wood QQ group number - 212 sending station: two all its US BBS (Sun Mar 20 07:11:

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