Experience the APT package management of FC3 - MPLAYER

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

From rpm to the APT, it is a good tool for FC3 from Debian, and Linux's friends recommended, I will try MPLAYER.

APT (Advanced Package Tool, Advanced Package Tool) is more convenient to use in system software installation and maintenance. APT automatically downloads the appropriate package while discovering software package dependencies and installs. APT enables administrators to perform system software upgrades without fault. APT mainly has four commands: Apt-cache apt-cdrom Apt-config APT-GET

If you have forgotten the APT when you install FC3, you can also download the version of the FC3 to http://apt.freshrpms.net/.

(Http://heidelberg.freshrpms.net/ can be said to be the RPM of FC3.)

It is theoretically two steps:

(1) APT-GET UPDATE / / Update the APT Database on http://ayo.freshrpms.net.

(2) APT-GET Install MPlayer // Install MPLAYER.

However, there may be some problems when many dependencies are missing. The above INSTALL may only find a dependency, so some steps are needed:

(3) APT-GET -F INSTALL // finds the RPM packets belonging to each dependency, or dependencies depending on the item.

(4) APT-GET Install MPlayer // Download the Pack of Dependencies, Temporarily Submits / Var / Cache / Apt / Archives /, and then automatically installed.


Strong is Update will also detect problems with the existing RPM package. I prompt me during the installation process:

W: there "RealPlayer" in Your System.

This package won't be Cleanly Updated, Unless, online. ONE VERSION.

After uninstalling RealPlayer8, it is OK.

In addition, the effect of this MPLAYER and downloading the RPM package on the MPLAYER website (http://mplayerhq.hu/) are the same, and the common disadvantages of the two are: You cannot see REAL, QuickTime, and WMV9 video, Because there is no compilation.

Download source code compile is the only way out:

(1) Download MPlayer ***. Tar.gz

(2) Download CODECS (divided into all, Essencial, etc.), it is bestable, all formats have been made.

(3) Unzip CODECs and place / usr / local / lib / codecs.

(4) ./configure I can't -Atenable-GUI, because the GTK2 used by FC3, before RH and FC2 for GTK1.2. The Configure file is always looking for GTK-Config.

(5) Make && make Install


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