SuperMap Object Review

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Npace data basic operation

I. Data source

Open work space

SuperWorkspace.Open (); ();

SuperWorkspace.saveas ();

Create a data source

SuperWorkspace.createdASource ()

2. Open data source

SuperWorkspace.OpendataSource ()

SuperWorkspace.opendataSourceEx () Space Database type

3. Get data sources

SuperWorkspace.DataSource.Item ()

4. Turn off the data source

SuperWorkspace.DataSource.Remove ()

SuperWorkspace.DataSource.RemoveAll ()

Ii. Data set

1. Create a data set

Sodatasource.createdTASet ();

2. Get the data set

SodataSource.DataSets.Item ();

SuperWorkspace.DataSources.Item (i) .DataSets.Item (i)

SuperMap.Layers.Item (i) .dataset

SuperMap.selection.Item (i) .dataset

3. Delete the data set

Sodatasource.deletedASet ()

Display data set

Solayers.addDataSet () SOLAYERS.REFRESH ()

Iii. Basic operation

SuperMap.Action Seaction constant

SuperMap.action = scazoomin (zoom)

SuperMap.Viewentire ()

Editing operation

SuperMap.action = scaeditcreatepoint

SuperMap.Action = ScaEditcreatePolyline

SuperMap.Action = ScaEditcreatePolygon

Track layer editing

Supermap.action = scatrackpoint

SuperMap.action = scatrackpolyline

Supermap.action = scatrackpolygon

IV. Layer Management

Visual management can be implemented through the SuperleGend control. After updating supermap.refresh ()

You can also be set by Solayer.editable, Solayer.Selectable, Solayer.Snapable, Solayer.Snapable, Solayer.Snapable, Solayer.Visible.

1. Style setting of the point line layer:

SuperMap.Layers (i) .style

SuperMap.ShowStypicker (Sostyle, Dimension)

2. Text-layer layer style:

SuperMap.ShowTextStypicker ()

3. Save the map:

Supermap.savemap ()

SuperMap.OpenMap ()

4. Display: Solayer.visibleScalemax, Solayer.visibleScalemin

Filter is filtered by the object size, pixel display, Filterk can filter display.

V. Recording set socordset

Get record set

SodatasetVector.Query (SQL, TRUE)

SodatasetVector.Queryex (SQL, TRUE)

SodatasetVector.QueryByDistance (SQL, TRUE)


2. Add record:

SorecordSet.AddNew ()

Add SorecordSet.AddNew (Nothing)

3. Add: SoGeometry

Recordset.getGeomotry ()

Recordset.setGeometry ()

Get from the event: Geometry_selected ()

Supermap.aftergeometryAdded ()

4. Select Sets and Record Sets

Selection.torecordset ()

Selection.FromRecordset ()

5. Do not check the selected



6. Process of querying properties by map

Select Object () - "Get Record Set -" Value Display

Selection.torecordset () - "SorecordSet.GetfieldValue

7. Query the process of the map by attribute

Settings for Query Conditions - "Get Query Records -" Add to Select Set

Layer.DataSet- "SodatasetVector-" SodatasetVector.Query (SQL, TRUE) - "Selection.FromRecordset ()

Vi. Tracking Layer

The tracking layer is the top layer of all layers, and there is a TRACKINGLAYER.

The tracking layer is temporarily placed in memory, turning off the Layer, then trackinglayer disappears

Tracking layer speed is relatively fast, you can update the spatial object

1. Add an object to the tracking layer

Sotrackinglayer.addevent (ObjGeometry, Objstyle, String)

Set Geometry, style, and labels separately

2. Get the objects above the tracking layer

SotrackingLayer. Event

3. Remove the objects above the tracking layer

SotrackingLayer.clearevents ()

4. Move the object on the tracking layer

Sogeoevent.move ()

SoGeoevent.moveto ()

5. Different geometries and text objects

The style of the geometric object corresponds to Sostyle

The style corresponding to the text object is SotextStyle

VII. Layout Object SuperLayout

1. Select the object SuperLayout.Seelection in the layout window

2. Elements in the layout window SuperLayout.efficients

3. Mouse event in the layout window SuperLayout.lytAction

4. Map objects in Superlayout, solYtmap

5. SolytMap.maphold lock map can be enlarged by solitmap.mapaction

Viii. The association of map controls

-Superlegend1.connect supermap1.handle

-Supermap1.connect superWorkspace1.Handle

-SuperLayout1.connect superWorkspace1.Handle

-Superwkspmanager1.connect superWorkspace1.Handle

-Supergridview1.connect ObjRecordset

IX. Map Control Release Order







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