1. Drive list display: // Call Directory's static method getLogicalDrivesstring [] mydirve = directory.getLogicalDrives;
2. Directory and file list display: Directory mydir = new Directory (); Directory [] subdir = mydir.getdirectories (); file [] thisfile = mydir.getfiles ();
3./// /// Used to preview the first 255 characters of a text file /// summary> public static string previewFile (String funpath) {streamreader myrd = file.opentext (funpath); char [ ] Charbuffer = new char [255]; int ion = myrd.readblock (Charbuffer, 0,255); return (new string (charbuffer, 0, iread);}
4./// /// Returns the HTML format string of the directory list, used to display a directory list in HTLM /// summary> public static string getSubdirlist (String strpath, int {string strdirlist_out = ""; string [] strdirs = directory.getdirectories (strpath); for (int i = 0; i