Engineering in Nebula2 in different places

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Engineering in Nebula2 in different places

Korea (drinking water is not angry) Nebula2 is an open source free game engine (saving 2000 words, you can search for Google), such as Physdemo Project (below is the PhysdeMo example I extracted) http://blog.blogchina .com / upload / 2005-01-30 / 20050130171548601176.rar

Note The directory mentioned below is the directory I store NEBULA2, please modify it to your own directory.

Setting include directory D: / nebula2_sdk / nebula2 / code / nebula2 / inc / D: / nebula2_sdk / nebula2 / code / contrib / number / inc

Setting lib directory D: / nebula2_sdk / nebula2 / build / vStudio71 / inter / win32dd: / nebula2_sdk / nebula2 / code / control / number / lib / win32_vc_i386

Open Startup.tcl Find this function procunuiserveropen {} {Modify the following statement, this is my directory to change him into your own directory .Settextureprefix "D: / cvs_netbula2 / nebula2 / export / textures / system /"}

Normal calls should be running.

Problems encountered during extracting and compiling

1. The files introduced by INCLDUE and LIB may be conflict with OGRE. The conflict is mainly manifested on the Ode.lib file. If you can compile the project normally, you can't run it normally, you should first consider this problem. 2. When the extraction is found, the place where the red circle under the drawing must be set, otherwise compile errors (pay attention to each file)


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