First, the programmer should understand the most of the best in linux:
The most useful development language: C / C , Perl, Pascal.
The most popular tools: GTK / GDK, QT, XForms
Best visual development tools: Glade, Designer, KDeveloper
Most COOL code reading tools: Source Navigator
Most popular debugging tools: GDB, DDD
Program Tracking Tools for Top (mainly): BDM, ICE
The most powerful development platform: Redhat Linux 7.1, TurboLinux 6.1, Hard Hat Linux (HHL), Blue Cat Linux
The fastest but the most young (young is immature, can't eat): nano-x, microwindows, minigui
Some words mean:
GTK / GDK: Do GIMP (Linux Toolset
Qt: Trollteck's products, QT / X11 with QT / Embedd
XForms: I don't know how to write such a program, anyway, often used, very mature, you can eat it.
Glade: Develop the GTK / GDK program graphics tool, can complete the interface editing (this is 10 ^ n with VI, I used VI to write GTK applications with VI at 2000 lines per day, wrote a whole Month, later using Glade, it was completed for a week)
Designer: Develop the graphics tool for the QT / X11 program, can complete the interface editing, or develop QT / Embedded programs
KDeveloper: like VC, powerful
Source Navigator: The code reader, Supper Cool, from Redhat.
MicroWindows: Win32 interface GUI, small and fast, used for PDA
NANO-X: Multi-task MicroWindows
MiniGUI: Similar to both of the two graphics, domestic, although I haven't used it, I think it is absolutely better than Nano-X and MicroWindows based on the principle of supporting domestic software.
I know some things as above, we can decide to develop the direction:
1. For C programmer C GTK / GDK GLADE Chinese TurboLinux
2. For C programmers C QT / X11 Designer KDeveloper Chinese TurboLinux
3.Embedded programmer C / C QT / Embedded HHL
4.Embedded fan C / C Microwindows HHL
5. What is the heavens C / C QT / X11 / Embedded Designer GTK / GDK GLADE SOURCE NAVIGATOR GDB DDD BDM TurboLinux HHL
As mentioned is the experience, you can refer to the reference, don't listen to the "old man", lose money before you!