In fact, less than 100
Simple Good-Byes
So long.
TA-TA. (Informal)
Hasta la Vista. (Spanish)
Adios. (Spanish)
Auf wiedersehen. (German)
Sayonara. (Japanese)
Arrivederci. (Italian)
Au revoir (French)
Good day. (FORMAL)
Good night.
Good-Bye Until Later.
Good-Bye Until Next Time.
Good-Bye for Now.
See you.
See You Later, Alligator. (SLANG)
Later, Gator. (SLANG)
I'll Try to catch you lat.
I'll catch you lat.
Catch you lat
I'll talk to you soon.
Let's get together su.
I'll be seeing you.
I'll see you real soon.
See you.
See Ya. (Informal)
See you soon.
See you real soon.
See you.
See you in a little while.
See you next year.
SEE you.
See you tomorrow.
TAKING Leave of Someone
Good running in to you
Running Into you = Meeting Up With You
Nice Running Into you
Nice talking to you.
Take Care.
(IT WAS) Good to see you.
(IT WAS) nice to see you.
Nice meetings you.
IT is a pleasure to have much met you. (FORMAL)
IT's been a real pleasure. (FORMAL)
Leaving a place
Are you read to Leave?
Are you about finished?
Are you ready to go?
Ready to Go?
Ready to roll? (Slang)
Are We Away? (Slang)
Let's blow. (Slang)
blow = leave
Let's bulk this pop (sicle) stand. (SLANG)
POP (Sicle) Stand = a Cheap Place; An Undersirable Place
Let's get out of this taco standard. (SLANG)
Taco Stand = a Cheap Place; and Undersirable Place
Let's blow this Joint. (SLANG)
= Let's Leave this Place.
Let's go while the going's good. (Clickhe)
Let's = time to, we got tolet's get while the getting's good. (Cliche0
Let's head out.
Let's beat a hosty retreat. (Cliche)
Let's make tracks. (Informal)
Make tracks = Leave a trail (as we go)
Let's motor. (SLANG)
To motor = to Leave by Automobile
Leet's hit the road. (Slang)
Let's split. (SLANG)
Let's make like a tree and leave. (Jocular)
Let's make like the wind and blow. (Jocular)
Let's make like a banana and split. (Jocular)
EXIT Stage Right
EXIT Stage Left
Retreat! (Slang)
Making Plans to Keep In Touch with someone
I'll call you at i get there.
Call when Get there
Don't forget to call
Write me.
Let's write.
Let's do lunch.
I'll be in touch.
Let's Keep in touch.