/ * Check if the correct email address / *
Function email_check (str) {var seat = / ^ ([A-ZA-Z0-9 _-]) @ ([A-ZA-Z0-9_-]) (/. [A-ZA-Z0-9_- ]) /; If (! Bath.test (str)) Return False; Else Return True;
Reconstructing a character function TRIM () Delete the function before and after the function
Function string.prototype.trim () {Return this.Replace (/ ^ / s * / g, ""). Replace (// s * $ / g, ");}
Function EMPTY_CANT (STR) {IF (Str.trim ()! = "") Return True; Else Return False;}
Let the text box only enter numbers
= 48 && Event . Keycode <= 57 "οNKEYUP =" if (/ (^ 0 ) /. Test (value) Value = value.Replace (/ ^ 0 * /, '') "size =" 6 "maxlength = 6 οnpaste = "var s = clipboardData.getdata ('text'); if (! // d / .test (s)) value = s.Replace (/ ^ 0 * /, ''); Return False;" οNDRAGENTER = "Return False>