-W b W Y-2005 03 30
1. Modify "Retrieving Nodes ..." is Chinese "Please wait ..."
Open wwwroot / webctrl_client / 1_0 / treeview.htc, find replacement "retrieving nodes ..." for Chinese "Please wait ...", save the encoded as UTF-8, otherwise garbled will appear.
2, display Tooltips
Open wwwroot / webctrl_client / 1_0 / treeview.htc, change it as follows.
Function GenerateItem (EL, NODECLASS) {... str = GetNodeAttribute (EL, "Target"); if (str! = null) Elanchor.target = Str; // Increase Tooltips str = GetNodeAttribute (EL, "Tooltips"); IF (str! = null) Elanchor.Title = Str; ... Use Treenode.setttribute ("Tooltips", "Some Text"); add the tooptips property. 3, resolve SetAttribute ("Expanded", True) errors
Open wwwroot / webctrl_client / 1_0 / treeview.htc, change it as follows.
function doNodePlusMinusClick (el) {if (g_bInteractive == false) return false; // The element, which is in a content node outside of the document, is outside the event hierarchy // Fire the event ourselves, rather than relying on bubbling. / / Judgment Event is empty if (Event! = Null) Event.cancelbubble = true; ... 4, the node TREENODE cannot be selected to open wwwroot / webctrl_client / 1_0 / treeview.htc, change it as follows. Function DonodeClick (EL) {if (g_binteractive == false) return; g_nodeclicked = el;
// The element, which is in a content node outside of the document, is outside the event hierarchy // Fire the event ourselves, rather than relying on bubbling event.cancelBubble = true;.. El.fireEvent ( "onclick"); // executeur onclick handler // cannot be selected, the shield event var = getNodeAttribute (EL, "unselect"); if (str! = Null && str == "true") Return False; ... Using Treenode.SetaTRibute ("Unselect", "true"); increasing the unselect property.