Oracle9i is installed on redhat9 (original: Hotman

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Execute the following command as root:

# Set the temporary exchange partition (used when the exchange space is insufficient, it is recommended to re-partition better) # set to 1G, please set it to set #dd if = / dev / zero of = / tempswap BS = 1K count = 1048576 #ChMod 600 according to actual needs / tempswap #MKSWAP / TEMPSWAP #SWapon / Tempswap # get a 1G temporary buffer

# Set the shared memory # This is set to 4G, please set up according to the actual situation #. I suggest that the shared memory maximum is permanently added, as follows: echo '# set this for oracle9i kernel.shmmax = 4294967295' >> /etc/sysctl.conf # above Settings to restart the machine will take effect, so this will set this EXPR 1024 / * 1024 / * 1024 / * 4 - 1> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmax # maximum shared memory is set to 4G

# Create Oracle User and Group # Have a user group of sysdba privileges GroupAdd DBA # Oracle system filemaster Passenger Group GroupAdd Oinstall UseRaddddddd -c "Oracle Software Owner" -g Oinstall -g DBA Oracle Passwd Oracle # get two groups of DBA and OinsTall User Oracle belongs to the OinsTall group and has DBA group properties.

# Create Oracle Related Directory MKDir / Home / Oracle / Product Mkdir /Home / Oracle/Product/ Chown -r Oracle.oinStall / Home / Oracle / Product Mkdir / Var / Oracle Chown -R Oracle.dba / Var / oracle chmod -r 755 / var / oracle # get the /Home / Oracle/ directory, used to store the installed system file # get / var / oracle directory, used to store data files

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------

Log in as an Oracle user, add the following command to ~ / .bash_profile:

# Only on the system required for New Posix Thread Library (such as RH9) export ld_assume_kernel = 2.4.1

# Oracle environment variables export ORACLE_BASE = / home / oracle export ORACLE_HOME = / home / oracle / product / # ORACLE_SID provided export ORACLE_SID = rubia export ORACLE_TERM = xterm export NLS_LANG = american_america.ZHS16GBK export their own actual situation ORA_NLS33 = $ Oracle_home / Ocommon / NLS / Admin / Data EXPORT LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / LIB: / LIB: / USR / LIB: / USR / LOCAL / LIB

Export path = $ PATH: $ oracle_home / bin

umask 022 export language = "en_us"

ClassPath = $ ORACLE_HOME / JRE: $ ORACLE_HOME / JLIB: $ Oracle_Home / Rdbms / Jlib ClassPath = $ ClassPath: $ Oracle_Home / Network / Jlib Export ClassPath and log in to make the settings take effect.

Do the following command unto the downloaded Oracle9i

# 解开 Download Oracle Zcat Linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv zcat Linux9i_disk2.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv zcat linux9i_disk3.cpio.gz | cpio -idmv # should get three directories, including Installation file

Run Disk1 / RuninStaller, click on the prompt. Note: Install Oracle Data to / VAR / Oracle. This is the only place to change the default.

Finally, copy a file (TNND, must be Oracle's bug): $ oracle_base / admin / rubia / pfile / initrubia.ora.xxxxxxxxxxx # The last X is a strange number. Copy it from: $ oracle_home / dbs / initrubia.ora

It is installed now. In order to use dbstart and dbshut, modify files as root: / etc / oracab Find this line: Rubia: /Home/oracle/Product/ n Changed the n to Y Y

Switch back to Oracle (Do not use root, otherwise there will be endless troubles), run $ oracle_home / bin / dbstart

I can try it now.


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