0000-00FF ASCII characters
0370-03FF Greek letters
2000-206F universal symbol
2070-209F bundled and subscript
2150-218F Special Digital
2190-21FF arrow
2460-24FF number
2500-257F tab
2580-259F shadow
2E80-2EFF CJK Basic supplements (as if it is a side)
3000-303F CJK punctuation
3040-309F Japanese flat spot name
30A0-30FF Japanese film fake name
3100-312F Chinese character phonograph
31A0-31BF Chinese characters sound symbol extension
31F0-31FF film hyridden name speech expansion (?)
3200-32FF with circle CJK characters and month symbols
3300-33FF CJK compatible
3400-34FF CJK unified Chinese character expansion a
4E00-9FAF CJK unified Chinese characters
AC00-D7AF Han Wen Yin Yinye
E000-F8FF private reservation area
F900-FAFF CJK compatible Chinese characters
FE30-Fe4f CJK compatible symbol