xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

Chinese Name: Source: This product is a fungal malonic baccuff Cordyceps Sobolifera (Hill) Berk etbr. Parasitate the complex formed by the subtranshes and bodies formed by 蛹. Source: Practical Chinese Herbal Pharmacy Color Atlas. The first source This product is a fungal malignae flower cordyceps Sobolifera (Hill) Berk etbr. Parasitate the complex formed by the subtranshes and bodies formed by 蛹. The original plants are monochronous, or 2 to 3 forms extend from the front end of the, sticks or antlers, high 2.5 ~ 6 cm, hollow. Stems and sodes, deep cinnamon, thick 0.15 ~ 0.4 cm, often have infertility small branches. Head rods, cinnamon to tea, 0.7 ~ 2.8 cm long, crude 0.2 ~ 0.7 cm. The seed bladder is eggular, buried in the subtre, the hole is slightly convex, 500 ~ 620 × 220 ~ 260 microns. The germocylpocol 200 ~ 740 × 5.6 ~ 7 microns, including 8 lines, multi-septum, and transparent cystic cyclospores. Spores is easy to break as small segments of 8 to 16 × 1 to 1.5 microns. Born in the gossip. Distribution of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan and Yunnan. The harvesting processing spring seat is collected from the insect body, washed, and dried under the sunset day. It should not be piled up when there is nothing, otherwise it is easy to change. Medicinal trample insects, surface soil yellow, mostly with gray-white hyphae. Sublock 2 ~ 4 self-contained head extension, gray black or gray white, long strip or branched curl, length 2 ~ 5 cm or slightly. The body is lighter, the quality is flexible, and the middle of the section is filled with powder white, soft mycelium. Smell like straw mushrooms. With a large, complete, meat, the son is branched, and the fragrant is good. Sexual and functional salty, sweet, cold. Attributed liver. Deficient and stunned. Used for mesh, epileptic, childhood, measles. Common amounts of 3 to 10 grams. Function: homogeneous. Deficient and stunned. Used for mesh, epileptic, childhood, measles. Sexuality: salty, sweet, and cold artist from: National Digital Culture Net Original Address: http://www.ndcnc.gov.cn/datalib/2003/herbalmedicine/dl/dl-20031210135315/ Related Connections: 花 花 冬 冬More than 4 cases of crop-free flowers poisoning case report


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