Display.vibrate (500); Backlight: Display.flashbacklight (500); Display.iscolor () - DISCOLORS () DISPLAY.NUMCOLORS () - How much color display.numalphaalevels () - support transparent Number of layers
Display.getBestimageHeight (x) /display.getBestimageWidth (x) - Get the image of the image with the high and width x: can only be display.alert, display.list_element, display.choice_GROUP_ELEMENT
Display.getBordersTyle () - When you get False, return the bricks used in the drawing edge line, the result is only possible to introduce both of the GRAPHICS.SOLID or Graphics.Dotted, the back is returned to the bricks used when depicting the high brightness edge.
display.getColor (x) - obtain the system background color system color Display.COLOR_BACKGROUND-- system Display.COLOR_BORDER-- edge foreground color system Display.COLOR_FOREGROUND-- Display.COLOR_HIGHLIGHTED_BACKGROUN-- high brightness systems background color Display.COLOR_HIGHLIGHTED_BORDER-- High brightness system edge color display.color_highlighted_Foregeround - High brightness foreground color
Graphics Advanced Torn Phenomenon - Tearing When the speed of the device is slow to a certain degree, it will generate the device to half, and the program has changed the content that affects the memory, causing half of the screen that appears in the screen is the old memory content, general Is new memory content. Double Buffer-Double Buffer handles images called Off-Screen, which is drawn from the graphics object of the Paint () incoming Graphics object. Double Buffer technology is judged by canvas's IsDoubleBuffered ().
Drawing pictures DrawImage (0DrawRegion () Drawrgb () Drawn DrawString () DrawSubstring () Drawchar () Drawchars () Drawchars ()
The anchor represents what is the meaning of the X, Y as a signature representing the graphic and string. 7 definitions: graphics.topgraphics.bottomgraphics.Lraphics.rightgraphics.hcentergraphics.vcentergraphics.baseline
Font Class getDefaultfont () acquires font objects that represent the default use of the system. getFont (face, style, size) to obtain a specific font object for each parameter options: Size: Font.SIZE_SMALLFont.SIZE_MEDIUMFont.SIZE_LARGE Appearance: Font.FACE_MONOSPACEFont.FACE_PROPORTIONALFont.FACE_SYSTEM Style: Font.STYLE_BOLDFont.STYLE_ITALICFont.STYLE_PLAINFont.STYLE_UNDERLINEDgetFont () a parameter Only Font_Input_TextDont_Static_Text two available setFont ()
GetFace () getStyle () getsize () isbold () isplace () isplain () isunderLined ()
Charwidth () charswidth () StringWidth () SubstringWidth ()