Visual C ++ keyboard shortcut

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

All shortcuts in the VC are posted and shared. A total of four parts: Dialog, Image, Main and text. There are several items per part, each consisting of commands, shortcuts, and comments.

Dialog: ControlHeightDecrease Shift arrow Sizes the selected control or dialog up one dialog unitControlHeightIncrease Shift Down Arrow Moves the selected control or dialog down one dialog unitControlMoveDown the arrow Moves the selected control (s) down one dialog unitControlMoveLeft left arrow Moves the selected control (s ) left one dialog unitControlMoveRight right arrow Moves the selected control (s) right one dialog unitControlMoveUp arrow Moves the selected control (s) up one dialog unitControlWidthDecrease Shift left arrow Sizes the selected control or dialog left one dialog unitControlWidthIncrease Shift Right arrow Sizes the selected control or dialog right one dialog unitLayoutAlignBottom Ctrl down arrow Aligns the bottom edges of the selected controls with the dominant controlLayoutAlignHorizontalCenter Shift F9 Aligns the horizontal centers of the selected controls with the dominant controlLayoutAlignLeft Ctrl left arrow Aligns the left edges of the selected controls with the Dominant ControlLayOutaliGnright Ctrl Right Arrow Aligns The Right Edge s of the selected controls with the dominant controlLayoutAlignTop Ctrl Up Arrow Aligns the top edges of the selected controls with the dominant controlLayoutAlignVerticalCenter F9 Aligns the vertical centers of the selected controls with the dominant controlLayoutArrangeButtonsBottom Ctrl Shift B Places the selected buttons along the bottom- center of the dialog boxLayoutArrangeButtonsRight Ctrl B Places the selected buttons in the top-right corner of the dialog boxLayoutCenterInDialogHorizontally Ctrl Shift F9 Centers the controls horizontally within the dialog boxLayoutCenterInDialogVertically Ctrl F9 Centers the controls vertically within the dialog boxLayoutSizeToContent Shift

F7 Resizes the selected control (s) to fit the caption textLayoutSpaceEvenlyAcross Alt right arrow Evenly spaces the selected controls horizontallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyAcross Alt Left arrow Evenly spaces the selected controls horizontallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt arrow Evenly spaces the selected controls verticallyLayoutSpaceEvenlyDown Alt down arrow Evenly spaces the selected controls verticallyLayoutTabOrder Ctrl D Sets the order of controls within the dialogResourceTest Ctrl T Runs the dialog box to test appearance and behaviorSelectDialogGuideType Ctrl G Cycles between no grid, guidelines, and grid for dialog editing

Image: ImageAirbrushTool A Draws using an airbrush with the selected sizeImageBrushLarger Increases the brush size by one pixel in each directionImageBrushLarger = Increases the brush size by one pixel in each directionImageBrushOutlineTool Shift O Outlines the brush or selection with the current drawing colorImageBrushPixel Sets the. brush size to one pixelImageBrushSmaller - Reduces the brush size by one pixel in each directionImageBrushTool D Draws using a brush with the selected shape and sizeImageColorNext] Changes the drawing color to the next palette colorImageColorPrev [Changes the drawing color to the previous palette colorImageColorSelectTool, Adopts a color from the image for drawingImageEllipseTool E Draws an ellipse with the selected line widthImageEraseColorNext} Changes the erase color to the next palette colorImageEraseColorPrev {Changes the erase color to the previous palette colorImageEraseTool Shift P erases a portion of the imageImageFillTool F Fills an area with the current drawing colorImageFilledEllipseTool Shift E Draws a filled ellipseImageFilledRectangleTool Shift R Draws a filled rectangleImageFilledRoundRectTool Shift N Draws a filled round rectangleImageFlipHorizontal X Flips the image or selection horizontallyImageFlipVertical Y Flips the image or selection verticallyImageLineTool L Draws a straight line with the selected shape and sizeImageMagnify M Changes to the highest magnification for the current viewImageMagnifyTool Shift M Changes the magnification for the current viewImageNewDevice Ins Creates an image for a different display deviceImageOutlinedEllipseTool Ctrl Shift

E Draws a ellipse with an outlineImageOutlinedRectangleTool Ctrl Shift R Draws a filled rectangle with an outlineImageOutlinedRoundRectTool Ctrl Shift N Draws a filled round rectangle an outlineImagePencilTool P Draws using a single-pixel pencilImagePickupBrush Ctrl B Creates a custom brush from with filled the selectionImageRectSelectTool S Selects a rectangular portion of the image to move, copy, or editImageRectangleTool R Draws a rectangle with the selected line widthImageRotate90 Z Rotates the image or selection 90 degreesImageRoundRectTool N Draws a round rectangle with the selected line widthImageTextTool T Draws textImageToggleGrid G ​​Toggles the grid on and offImageToggleOpaque O Makes the current selection either opaque or transparentImageToggleTileGrid Ctrl G Toggles the tile grid on and offImageZoomIn> Increases the magnification for the current viewImageZoomOut

Main: ActivateCallStackWindow Alt 7 Activates the Call Stack windowActivateDisassemblyWindow Alt 8 Activates the Disassembly windowActivateMemoryWindow Alt 6 Activates the Memory windowActivateOutputWindow Alt 2 Activates the Output windowActivateRegistersWindow Alt 5 Activates the Registers windowActivateVariablesWindow Alt 4 Activates the Variables windowActivateWatchWindow Alt 3 Activates the Watch windowActivateWorkspaceWindow Alt 0 Activates the Workspace windowApplyCodeChanges Alt F10 Applies code changes made to C / C source files while debuggingBookmarks Alt F2 Edits or navigates bookmarksBrowse Alt F12 Queries on the selected object or current contextBrowseGoToDefinition F12 Displays a symbol definitionBrowseGoToReference Shift F12 Displays a symbol referenceBrowseNext Ctrl Num Displays the next symbol definition or referenceBrowsePopContext Ctrl Num * Returns to the location preceding the last browse operationBrowsePrev Ctrl Num - Displays the previous symbol definition or r eferenceBuild F7 Builds the projectBuildCompile Ctrl F7 Compiles the fileBuildExecute Ctrl F5 Executes the programBuildStop Ctrl Break Stops the buildCancel Esc Hides windows or cancels modesCheckMnemonicKeys Ctrl M Detects duplicate mnemonics in the resourceClassWizard Ctrl W Edits the application classes and ties resources to codeCompleteWord Ctrl Space Completes the current statementCopy Ctrl Ins Copies the selection to the ClipboardCopy Ctrl C Copies the selection to the ClipboardCut Shift Del Cuts the selection and moves it to the ClipboardCut Ctrl X Cuts the selection and moves it to the ClipboardDebugBreakpoints Alt

F9 Edits breakpoints in the programDebugBreakpoints Ctrl B Edits breakpoints in the programDebugEnableBreakpoint Ctrl F9 Enables or disables a breakpointDebugGo F5 Starts or continues the programDebugMemoryNextFormat Alt F11 Switches the memory window to the next display formatDebugMemoryPrevFormat Alt Shift F11 Switches the memory window to the previous display formatDebugQuickWatch Shift F9 Performs immediate evaluation of variables and expressionsDebugRemoveAllBreakpoints Ctrl Shift F9 Removes all breakpointsDebugRestart Ctrl Shift F5 Restarts the programDebugRunToCursor Ctrl F10 Runs the program to the line containing the cursorDebugSetNextStatement Ctrl Shift F10 Sets the instruction pointer to the line containing the cursorDebugShowNextStatement Alt Num * Displays the source line for the instruction pointerDebugStepInto F11 Steps into the next statementDebugStepOut Shift F11 Steps out of the current functionDebugStepOver F10 Steps over the next statementDebugStopDebugging Shift F 5 Stops debugging the programDebugToggleBreakpoint F9 Inserts or removes a breakpointDebugToggleMixedMode Ctrl F11 Switches between the source view and the disassembly view for this instructionDelete Del Deletes the selectionFileGoTo Ctrl Shift G Opens a file based on the selected textFileOpen Ctrl O Opens an existing documentFilePrint ctrl P Prints all or part of the documentFileSave ctrl S Saves the documentFind Alt F3 Finds the specified textFind ctrl F Finds the specified textFindNext F3 Finds the next occurrence of the specified textFindPrev Shift F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified textFindReplace Ctrl

H Replaces the specified text with different textFindTool Ctrl D Activates the Find toolGoTo Ctrl G Moves to a specified locationGoToNextErrorTag F4 Moves to the line containing the next error or tagGoToPrevErrorTag Shift F4 Moves to the line containing the previous error or tagInsertAcceleratorTable Ctrl 7 Creates a new accelerator table resourceInsertBitmap Ctrl 5 Creates a new bitmap resourceInsertCursor Ctrl 3 Creates a new cursor resourceInsertDialog Ctrl 1 Creates a new dialog box resourceInsertIcon Ctrl 4 Creates a new icon resourceInsertMenu Ctrl 2 Creates a new menu resourceInsertResource Ctrl R Creates a new resource of any typeInsertStringTable Ctrl 8 Creates or opens the string table resourceInsertToolbar Ctrl 6 Creates a toolbar resourceInsertVersionInfo Ctrl 9 Creates or opens a version information resourceListMembers Ctrl Alt T Brings up the completion list boxMacroPlayQuick Ctrl Shift P Plays the Quick MacromacroRecordquick Ctrl Shift R Start Recording A Temporary, Thro w-away macroNew Ctrl N Creates a new document, project or workspaceParameterInfo Ctrl Shift Space Provides help with parameters of functionsPaste Shift Ins Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion pointPaste Ctrl V Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion pointProjectSelectTool Ctrl alt P Activates the Project selection toolProjectSettings alt F7 Edits the project build and debug settingsProperties alt Enter Edits the current selection's propertiesRedo Ctrl Y Redoes the previously undone actionRedo Ctrl Shift Z Redoes the previously undone actionSelectAll Ctrl

A Selects the entire documentTypeInfo Ctrl T Provides the syntax for a variable, function or method selected in the editorUndo Alt Backspace Undoes the last actionUndo Ctrl Z Undoes the last actionVisualAssistNavigateBack Alt Left arrow BackVisualAssistNavigateForward Alt right arrow ForwardVisualAssistOpenProjectFile Alt Shift O Open Project FileWindowDockingView Alt F6 Toggles the docking feature for the window on and offWindowHide Shift Esc Hides the windowWindowNextPane F6 Activates the next paneWindowPrevPane Shift F6 Activates the previous pane

Text: BookmarkClearAll Ctrl Shift F2 Clears all bookmarks in the windowBookmarkNext F2 Moves to the line containing the next bookmarkBookmarkPrev Shift F2 Moves to the line containing the previous bookmarkBookmarkToggle Ctrl F2 Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and offCharLeft left arrow Moves the cursor one character to the leftCharLeftExtend Shift left arrow Extends the selection one character to the leftCharRight right arrow Moves the cursor one character to the rightCharRightExtend Shift Right arrow Extends the selection one character to the rightConditionalDown Ctrl K Finds the next matching preprocessor conditionConditionalDownExtend Ctrl Shift K Extends the selection to the next matching preprocessor conditionConditionalUp Ctrl J Finds the previous matching preprocessor conditionConditionalUpExtend Ctrl Shift J Extends the selection to the previous matching preprocessor conditionDeleteBack Backspace Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to The Left of The Cursordeleteback Shift Backspace Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursorDocumentEnd Ctrl End Moves to the end of the documentDocumentEndExtend Ctrl Shift End Extends the selection to the end of the documentDocumentStart Ctrl Home Moves to the beginning of the fileDocumentStartExtend Ctrl Shift Home Extends the selection to the beginning of the fileEditToggleOvertype Ins Toggles between inserting and replacing textFindInFiles Ctrl Q Searches for a string in multiple filesFindNextWord Ctrl F3 Finds the next occurrence of the selected textFindPrevWord Ctrl SHIFT

F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the selected textGoToMatchBrace Ctrl ] Finds the matching braceGoToMatchBrace Ctrl E Finds the matching braceGoToMatchBraceExtend Ctrl Shift ] Extends the selection to the matching braceGoToMatchBraceExtend Ctrl Shift E Extends the selection to the matching braceHome Home Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that lineHomeExtend Shift Home Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that lineLineCut Ctrl L Deletes the selected lines and puts them on the ClipboardLineDelete ctrl Shift L Deletes the selected lineLineDown the arrow Moves the cursor down one lineLineDownExtend Shift Down arrow Extends the selection down one lineLineEnd End Moves to the end of the current lineLineEndExtend Shift End Extends the selection to the end of the current lineLineTranspose Alt Shift T Swaps Current and Previous Lineslineup on arrow MOVES The CURSOR UP One Linelineupextend Shift Arrow EXTENDS The SELECTI on up one linePageDown Page Down Moves the cursor down one pagePageDownExtend Shift Page Down Extends the selection down one pagePageUp Page Up Moves the cursor up one pagePageUpExtend Shift Page Up Extends the selection up one pageSearchIncremental Ctrl I Starts an incremental search forwardSearchIncrementalBack Ctrl Shift I Starts an incremental search backwardSelectChar F8 Starts character selection modeSelectColumn Ctrl Shift F8 Selects a columnar block of textSelectLine Ctrl F8 Selects lines of textSelectionFormat Alt F8 Formats the selection using the smart indent settingsSelectionLowercase Ctrl

U Makes the selection all lowercaseSelectionUppercase Ctrl Shift U Makes the selection all uppercaseSentenceCut Alt Shift L Deletes the remainder of the sentenceToggleViewWhitespace Ctrl Shift 8 Shows or hides tab charactersVisualAssistContextMenu Shift Application Display Context MenuVisualAssistDefinitionList Alt M Goto Method in Current FileVisualAssistFindNextReference Alt Shift F3 Find Next by ContextVisualAssistGotoDefinition Alt G Goto Declaration or DefinitionVisualAssistNavigateBack Alt left arrow BackVisualAssistNavigateForward Alt right arrow ForwardVisualAssistOpenCorrespondingFile Alt O Open Corresponding .h or .cppVisualAssistPasteMenu Ctrl Shift V Paste from Multiple BuffersWindowScrollDown Ctrl Up arrow Scrolls the file contents down one lineWindowScrollUp Ctrl down arrow Scrolls the file contents up one lineWordDeleteToEnd Ctrl Del Deletes a word to the rightWordDeleteToStart Ctrl Backspace Deletes a word to the leftWordLeft Ctrl left arrow Moves back one wordWordLeftExtend Ctrl Shift left arrow Extends the s election back one wordWordRight Ctrl Right Arrow Moves forward one wordWordRightExtend Ctrl Shift Right Arrow Extends the selection forward one wordWordTranspose Ctrl Shift T Swaps the current and previous words if they feel more shortcut is not enough, you can manually customize, such as customize Rebuild All For the Alt R, the steps are as follows: Tools-> Customize-> Keyboard-> Category selection buildrebuildall-> Click on the Press New Shortcut Edit Basket -> Press Alt and R-> Assign-> Close OK .


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