English scientific research article Frequent language skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

English scientific research article Frequent language skills

a) How to point out the shortcomings of the current research and the importance of destination to guide your own research, usually after the results of the presents, use hoof to guide insufficient, such as However, Little Information .. Little Attention ... Little Work. .. Little Data Little Research ... Few Research ... Few Attempts ... or no none of these studies

HAS (HAVE) BEEN LESS DONE ON ... Focused on Attempted to Conducted InvestiGated Studied (with respect to)

Previous Research (studies, records) HAS (HAVE) Failed to consider ignored misinterpreted neglected to overestimated, underestimated misleaded

Thus, Thase Previus Results Are InconClisive, Misleading, UnsatisFactory, Questions, Controversial ..

Uncertainties (Discrepancies) Still Exist ...

This guidance generally proposes a new method, or a new direction. If the method of the study and the direction are the same, you can emphasize your work by following: However, Data Is Still Scarce Rare Less Accurate There Is Still Dearth of

WE NEED TO AIM To Have to Provide More Documents Data Records Studies Increase The DatasetFurther Studies Are STILL Necessary ... Essential ... In order to emphasize the importance of our research, it is generally introduced to the opponum of research issues before HOWEVER. On the one hand,, for example,: 1) Time Issues If you have new problems, you can make a lot of research and importance for time older issues, then say (however), more time scale Problem 2) Limitational and Research Means If you want to apply a new means or research direction, you can make currently more popular methods and material properties, and then say that there are very little research on the direction and methods you have studied. 3) Research regional issues first summarize the study of adjacent areas or other regions, and then emphasize that this regional study is less than 4) Uncertainty, although there are many research on this problem, there are currently two or more points of view. This UncertianTies, Ambiguities, which deserves further clarification 5) Propose yourself to verify that if your own research is completely new, there is no previous work to compare, in this case, you can confidently, according to the process There is such a possible result, this article is to confirm this result. We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the ... It is hoped that the qutestion will be resolved (fall away) with our proposedmethod (approach) .b) put forward their views We aim toThis paper reports on provides results extends the Method .. Focus on

THE PURPOSE OF this paper is to

Furthermore, Moreover, In Addition, WE WILL Also Discuss ...

c) Another role in the prequel that circles its own research is to tell readers, including the main research content of your article. If the processing is not good, REVIEWER will make strict suggestions, such as you have not considered some possibility, some research methods, etc. In order to reduce this controversy, in the end of the foreword, you have to clearly propose scope of this article: 1) Time Scale Question If your problem involves a relatively long timing, you can clearly propose this paper only concerned about this time range. We prelinenarily focus on the Older ... or two time scale problems (long-term and short term), you can say that both is important, but this article only involves one of the 2) research area issues Like time problems, clearly put forward you only care about this area.

d) The final at the end of the preface, can also be summarized, this research helps other research. Or, Further Studies on ... Will Be Summarized in Our Nextstudy (Or elsewhere)

In short, its purpose is to let readers come on the idea to focus on the problem you want to discuss. Reduce arguments.

Regarding the vocabulary and common structure, it is often summarized, and more reading is multi-mode imitation to integrate.

The above is a common language structure, not plagiarism. How to make a view

What kind of strategy is taken when proposed your own point of view. Inappropriate sentences will usually be sentence doubt by Reviewer.

1) If the point of view is not the latest in this article, usually use We confirm what ...

2) For yourself, you can use We Believe That ...

3) In more common cases, a certain conclusion is inferred by data, using, Results Indicate, Infer, Suggest, Imply That ...

4) In terms of special conditions, we can use We Put Forward (discover, observe ..) .. "for the first time". To emphasize your innovation.

5) If you are not fully affirmed by your own point of view, we can use We Tentative Part Forward (Interrprete this to ..)

Or the results may be due to to (caused by) Attributed Torsulted from ..

Or this is probably a connectionquence ofit seems this .. can account for (interpret) this ..

Or it is pisible what it Stem from ...

Pay attention to these structures to be reasonably matched. If the article is type 1) and 5), the meaning of this article is greatly reduced. If all 2), it will definitely be sentenced. So carefully analyze your innovation and credibility.

Connection words and logic

One of the most common problems written in English papers is the logic of the article. The solutions are: 1) Sentences must be coherent, unable to let sentences, unique connection words, HOWEVER, ALSO, IN Addition, Consequently, Afterwards, Moreover, Furthermore, Further, Alth, Unlike, in Contrast, Similarly , Unfortunately, Alternative, Parallel Results, in Order To, Despite, For Example, Compared with 2her Results, Thus, Therefore ...

Using these conjunctions, it is more clear that the viewpoint is expressed.

For example, if you describe a time order or literature, the earliest document can be used with aa advocated it for the first time. Next, you can use the BB Further Demonstrate That .. More Recent studies by dd ..

If you narrate two views, you have to separate them at AA PPUT Forward That ... in Contrast, BB Believe

OR unlike aa, bb suggestor on the contrary (indicating the previous point of view, if only two opposite views, use in contrast, BB .. If two views are similar, available AA Suggestsimilarily, Alternative, BB..or Also , Bbor bb allso does ..

Indicates causality or before and after, available CONSEQUENTLY, THHEREFORE, AS A RESULT,

Indicates the progressive relationship, available for Furthermore, Further, Moreover, In Addition,

When writing a paragraph, it is best to first check if these connect words are applied well.

2) The overall logic of paragraphs often we want to describe a few aspects of a problem. In this case, you must pay attention to the logical structure. First of all, the first paragraph should clearly tell the reader you want to discuss several parts ... The First Questuon Involves ... The Second Problem Reals To The Thrid Aspect Deals with .. The above example can clearly describe the view by layer.

OR, you can use First, Second, Third ... Finally, ..

Of course, Furthermore, In Addition, etc. can be used to supplement.

3) Discussion part of the overall structure

The small title is a better way to divide the problems to be discussed into several fragments. Generally, the first fragment indicates the most important data and conclusions of the article. The supplementary description can be placed in the last fragment.

Be sure to understand the readers of the article will be divided into multiple grades. In addition to reading the professionals of this major, the article must find ways to let more foreign professionals read. Therefore, the discussion part can be divided into two parts, one of the discussion, another detailed introduction process, and the basis of the discussion. Such a professional person can understand the main point of view, and the professional discussion he can treat it as a black box, and this part of this profession can further study.

In order to make the article clear, when the concept is first proposed, it is best to add a parentheses, give more detailed explanation.

If the article uses a lot of abbreviation, two ways to solve 1) It is best to add Appendix in the article, put all ABREVIATION lists 2) on different pages, to give the abbreciation meaning, to remind the reader.

In short, the purpose of writing articles is to let readers read, read clear, and take various measures to be convenient for readers.

Be sure to pay attention to definitely impossible for the results of predecessors, even if you look at the conclusions of the former people. This is the minimum respect for the former people, and the English is called the work of others Credits.

So the article does not have a very NEGATIVE, such as Their Resultsare Wrong, Very Questions, Have No Commensence, ETC.

In the case of this situation, it can be emitted: Their Studies May Be More Reasonable if The Hadconsidered this Situation.

Their Results Could Be Better Convinced If They ...

Or Their Conclusion May Remain Some Uncertain.

What else is discussed?

1. Summary of primary data characteristics 2. Main conclusions and comparison with predecessors 3. Third, in the third point of this article, in general authors seem to be inevitable. In fact, the shortcomings of the article is precisely important means to protect their own articles. If you deliberately hide the vulnerability of your article, I feel that others can't see it, it is very unwise.

The so-called insufficient, including the following: 1. The problem of research is a little one-sided discussion, IT SHOULD BE NOTED That this study Has Examined Only .. We Concentrate (FOCUS) ONLY ... WE HAVE TO POINT OUT That We do NOT .. Some Limitations of this Study Are ...

2. Conclusions Some shortcomings The results do Not Imply, The Results Can not be used to determine Be Taken As Evidence of Unfortunately, we can not determien this from this data company, it is pointed out that after these shortcomings, Subsequently, it must be added to the importance of this article and the means that may take to solve these shortcomings, and put a floating pen for others or their next step. NOTWITHSTADING ITS Limitation, this Tudy Does Suggest..however, The Problems Culd Be Solved IF We consdierDespite Its Preliminary Character, this study can clearly indeicate ..

In Chinese, this part is the left and right. The problem that the reviewer thought was given to an explanation, and it was indicated that you were thinking about these problems, but due to the constraints of the article length, test progress or test methods, these issues cannot be answered. However, these issues can be achieved in the future research through some of your suggestions.


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