English writing common vocabulary and phrase

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  25

Surface into the first, firstly to begin with second, secondly to start with third, thirdly what's more also and then and equally important besides in addition further in the first place still furthermore last last but not the least next besides too moreover finally table illustrates for example for instance to illustrate as an illustration after all tables explain as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words table summarizes in summary in a word in brief in conclusion to conclude in fact indeed in short in other words of course it is true specially namely in all that is to summarize thus as has been said altogether in other words finally in simpler terms in particular that is on the whole to put it differently therefore for emphasis of course indeed above all most important emphasis certainly in fact table Concerts Still Nevertheless In Spite of All The Same Even SO AFTER All Concession Grand Natural The Course Table Compare In Comparison Likewise Similarly equally however likewise in the same way table turning by contrast although at the same time but in contrast nevertheless notwithstanding on the contrary on the other hand otherwise regardless still though yet despite the fact that even so even though for all that however in spite of instead table time after a while afterward again also and then as long as at last at length at that time before besides earlier eventually finally formerly further furthermore in addition in the first place in the past last lately meanwhile moreover next now presently second shortly simultaneously since so far soon STILL SUBSEQUENTLY THEN1AFTER TOO Until Until Now When

English writing common vocabulary and phrase · Surface into table example · Table Explanation · Table summary · Table emphasis · Message · Table comparison · Table turning · Table Time Formation into First, Firstly to Begin with Second, Secondly to Start With Third, thirdly what's more also and then and equally important besides in addition further in the first place still furthermore last last but not the least next besides too moreover finally table illustrates for example for instance to illustrate as an illustration after all as a matter of interpretation table fact frankly speaking in this case namely in other words table summarizes in summary in a word in brief in conclusion to conclude in fact indeed in short in other words of course it is true specially namely in all that is to summarize thus as has been said altogether in other words finally in simpler terms in particular that is on the whole to put it differently therefore for emphasis of course indeed above all most important emphasis certainly in fact table concessions still nevertheless in spite of all the same even so after all concession granted natur ally of course table compares in comparison likewise similarly equally however likewise in the same way table turning by contrast although at the same time but in contrast nevertheless notwithstanding on the contrary on the other hand otherwise

regardless still though yet despite the fact that even so even though for all that however in spite of instead time table after a while afterward again also and then as long as at last at length at that time before besides earlier eventually finally formerly further furthermore in addition in the first place in the past last lately meanwhile moreover next now presently second shortly simultaneously since so far soon still subsequently then thereafter too until until now when represents progress, improving the verb: improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade refine

Important key: important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital substantial material; slightly digress for a moment there are conspicuous striking prominent eminent noticeable

Correct, incorrect: Correct Rectify Accurate Precise Proper UndistORTED RIGHT IMPECCABLE

Growth and reduce (the super popular!) Increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate lessen abate raise boost intense (intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish dwindle (swindle fraud means) slump

And proof related: Justify Warrant Assert Claim Contend Argue Validate Substantiate Verify ACCUSE ASSIGN INDICT ALLEGE AFFIRM

Topic: Statement Claim Declaration Assertion Opinion Belief View Conviction Persuasion

Request Request Demand Needs Requisition

Undo to Cancel; To Revoke; To Countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash

Establish To Build Up; To Establish; To Set Up; To Take Root; To Strike Root

Eliminate To Eliminate; To Clear; To Remove; To Clear Up; To Take Away; To Smooth Away

Reasoning 1. [Logic] Inference; Reasoning; Deduction; Ratiocination 2.to Reason 3.to Put Two and Two Together

Corresponding 1.corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate 2.accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way 3.to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other

Leading 1.To Lead to; To Bring About (OR On); To Result In; To Cause; To Condu; To Procure; To Induce; To Generate

Consequences a connectionquence; an offmath; an outcome

Check to inspect; to check; to pick over; to put to the Test; to keep a check on

Send (prizes) (ft, I don't understand how I need REVIEW?) PRIZE REWARD AWARD GRANT ASSIGN Confer (ON) Honor Fame Credit Contribution Acknowledgement Recognition

A bunch of expressions Very strikingly greatly highly imparkable exceedingly DREADFULLY Remarkables Dravestical

Sufficient Sufficient Adequate ENOUGH

There are also a few of the commonly used Present Justify Practicable Hence Consequently Examination Accountable Responsible

Expressed progress, improved verbs: Improve Ameliorate Better Develop Remedy Refine Enhance Enrich Upgrade Refine

Important key: important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital substantial material; slightly digress for a moment there are conspicuous striking prominent eminent noticeable

Correct, incorrect: Correct Rectify Accurate Precise Proper UndistORTED RIGHT IMPECCABLE

Growth and reduce (the super popular!) Increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate lessen abate raise boost intense (intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish dwindle (swindle fraud mean) slump and prove relevant : Justify Warrant Assert Claim Contend Argue Validate Substantiate Verify Accuse Assign Indict Allege Affirm

Topic: Statement Claim Declaration Assertion Opinion Belief View Conviction Persuasion

Request Request Demand Needs Requisition

Undo to Cancel; To Revoke; To Countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash

Establish To Build Up; To Establish; To Set Up; To Take Root; To Strike Root

Eliminate To Eliminate; To Clear; To Remove; To Clear Up; To Take Away; To Smooth Away

Reasoning 1. [Logic] Inference; Reasoning; Deduction; Ratiocination 2.to Reason 3.to Put Two and Two Together

Corresponding 1.corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate 2.accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way 3.to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other

Leading 1.To Lead to; To Bring About (OR On); To Result In; To Cause; To Condu; To Procure; To Induce; To Generate

Consequences a connectionquence; an offmath; an outcome

Check to inspect; to check; to pick over; to put to the Test; to keep a check on

Hair (prize) (ft, then I do not understand how'll need to review these words?) Prize reward award grant assign confer (on) honor fame credit contribution acknowledgement recognition pile indicates the degree adverb very strikingly greatly highly insatiably exceedingly dreadfully remarkably drastically DRAMATILY

Sufficient Sufficient Adequate ENOUGH

There are also a few of the commonly used Present Justify Practicable Hence Consequently Examination Accountable Responsible


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