Simple Bio Information Development Platform - Bioperl + Visual Basic + HTML

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

The purpose of the program ======== Combined with Bioperl's biological information processing capability, Visual Basic's GUI development capabilities and HTML report capabilities, and build a simple biological information programming platform.

Platform review ======== BiOperl advantages: Bioperl acts as a PerL language-based module library is a tool for biological information processing related programming development. Disadvantages: Perl's GUI is not very convenient.

Visual Basic Advantages: Visual Basic is a commonly used convenient GUI development language. Disadvantages: No good modules for biological information processing.

HTML Benefits: Can be used as a carrier of the report, plus CSS, can achieve a very beautiful GUI for data browsing. Disadvantages: Not suitable for data processing.

Solution ======== With ActiveState's Perl DEV KIT Pack the module in BiOper to a separate .dll file, then call in Visual Basic. Data reports are implemented with Visual Basic's XML, HTML library.

Code example ========

... DIM SEQPROC SEQPROC = CreateObject ("Perldevkit.seqProc") '<- dim seqio set seqio = seqproc.openseqfile ("e: / xbio/develop/perlvb/test.fas")' <- DIM ID iD = "default" DIM Leng Dim Seq Dim Flag Flag = 1 do while (flag = 1) ... set seq = seqio.next_seq '<- id = set itmx = listview1.listItems.add () itmx.text = ID leng = seq.length '<- ... loop ...

Troubleshooting ========

Planning arrangement ======== Implement XML and RSS

Links ========

[BSMagic | WSMagic original, Creatyl of tokamak bioinformatics suite] -


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