Classic Collection: Use and Example of Network Command Line (5)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

Source: Date: 2005-03-03


The NetBIOS statistics, NetBIOS name table, and NetBIOS name cache are displayed based on the TCP / IP (NetBT) protocol of the local computer and the remote computer. NBTSTAT can refresh the NetBIOS name cache and registering the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name. Use NBTSTAT display help with parameters.


NBTSTAT [-A Remotename] [-A ipaddress] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-r] [-rr] [-S] [-s] [interval]


-A Remotename

Display the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer, where RemoteName is the NetBIOS computer name of the remote computer. The NetBIOS Name Table is a list of NetBIOS names used by the application running on the computer.

-A ipaddress

Displays the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer, which is specified by the IP address of the remote computer (separated by a decimal point).


Display the NetBIOS name cache content, NetBIOS name table, and each address thereof.


Displays the NetBIOS name table of the local computer. The status in the registered indicates that the name is registered by the broadcast or WINS server.


Display the NetBIOS name resolution statistics. On the Windows XP computer configured to use WINS, this parameter will return the name number that has been parsed and registered by broadcast and WINS.


Clear the contents of the NetBIOS name cache and reload from the LMHOSTS file with a #pre tag.


Release and refresh the NetBIOS name of the local computer registered through WINS.


Display the NetBIOS client and server session and try to convert the target IP address to the name.


Display the NetBIOS customer and server session, listed remote computers only via the IP address.


Re-display the selected statistics, you can interrupt the number of seconds specified in Interval between each display. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NetStat will only display a current configuration information.


Display help at the command prompt.


NBTSTAT command line parameters are case sensitive.

The following table lists the column headings generated by NBTSTAT. Title description

The number of bytes received in input.

The number of bytes sent in Output.

IN / OUT This connection is from a computer (outgoing) or other computer to the local computer (incoming).

The LIFT Name The time the cache item is saved before being cleared.

Local Name Local NetBIOS name is associated with a connection.

Remote Host is related to a remote computer related name or IP address.

<03> Transforms the last byte of the hexadecimal NetBIOS name. Each NetBIOS name is 16 characters long. Since the last byte usually has special significance, because the same name (only the last byte) may appear several times on a computer. For example, <20> is a space in ASCII text.

TYPE name type. The name can be a single name or a group name.

Whether the NetBIOS service ("Registered") is running on the Status remote computer, or whether the same computer name has been registered ("conflict").

State NetBIOS connection status.

The following table lists the possible NetBIOS connection status. Status description

The connected session has been established.

The endpoint of associated connections has been created and associated with the IP address.

INVASTATION The endpoint is available to the inner direction.

The idle end point has been opened without receiving connections. The connection session is in the connection phase. At this stage, the mapping of the name to the IP address of the selected target is being parsed.

Accepting an inbound session is currently being accepted and will be connected in a short term.

Reconnect the session will try to reconnect (if the first connection failed).

The outbound session is in the connection phase. This phase is creating a TCP connection.

Inbound inbound sessions in the connection period.

Disconnecting the session is disconnecting.

The interrupts have been interrupted and the local computer has been disconnected and waited for the confirmation of the remote system.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection.


To display the NetBIOS Name table of the NetBIOS computer named Corp07, type:


To display the NetBIOS name table of a remote computer that allocated IP addresses, type:


To display the NetBIOS name table of the local computer, type:


To display the contents of the local computer NetBIOS name cache, type:


To clear the NetBIOS name cache and reload the item with tag #pre in the local LMHOSTS file, type:


To release the NetBIOS name registered through the WINS server and re-register it, type:


To display NetBIOS session statistics every 5 seconds, type:



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