Classic Collection: Use and Example of Network Command Line (4)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

Source: Date: 2005-03-03


Run the command on the remote computer running the RSH service. Windows XP and Windows 2000 do not provide RSH services. Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit provides RSH services called RSHSVC.exe. Use RSH display without parameters to display help.


RSH [Host] [-l username] [-n] [command]



Specifies the remote computer running Command.

-l username

Specifies the username used on the remote computer. In the case of omitting, the name of the current login user is used.


Redirect RSH's input to NULL devices. This prevents the display of the local computer command result.


Specifies the command to run.


Display help at the command prompt.


Standard operation

The RSH command copies the standard input to the remote command, copies the standard output of the remote Command to its standard output, and copy the standard error of the remote Command to its standard error. RSH usually terminates when the remote command is terminated.

Use redirection symbol

In order to occur on the remote computer, the redirect symbol (for example, ">>") is to be reset to the quotation mark. If you do not use quotation marks, redirect will occur on the local computer. For example, the following command attached to the remote file "remotefile" in the local file "LocalFile":

RSH OtherComputer Cat Remotefile >> Localfile

The following command attached to the remote file Remotefile in the remote file OtherRemotefile:

RSH OtherComputer Cat Remotefile ">>" OtherRemotefile


This domain's primary domain controller must be used to confirm that the username or RSH command failed when using a computer that has been logged in to a domain and running Windows XP Professional.

.rhosts file

.rhosts file usually licenses network access to UNIX systems. The.rhosts file lists the computer name and associated login name that can access the remote computer. When you run the RCP, REXEC, or RSH commands on the remote computer of the .rhosts file, you don't have to provide login and password information for remote computers.

The .rhosts file is a text file that each behavior is an entry. The entry is composed of local computer names, local usernames, and all annotations related to this entry. Each entry is separated by a tab or space, and the note is taken with a symbol (#). E.g:

Host7 #this computer is in room 31a

.rhosts file must be in the user home directory of the remote computer. For more information on remote computers .Rhosts file specific execution, see the documentation for the remote system.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection.


To perform a Telcon command with the name admin1 on the remote computer VAX1, type:

RSH VAX1 -L Admin1 Telcon


Transfer files to run the ordinary file transfer protocol (TFTP) service or Daemon remote computer (especially running Unix) or remote computer from the running ordinary file transfer protocol (TFTP) service or Daemon (especially running UNIX) file.


TFTP [-i] [Host] [{GET | PUT}] [Source] [destination]



Specify binary image transfer mode (also known as octal mode). In binary image mode, the file is transmitted in one byte. Use this mode when transferred binary files. If the -i is omitted, the file will be transmitted in ASCII mode. This is the default transmission mode. This mode converts the tail (EOL) character to the appropriate format of the specified computer. Use this mode when sending a text file. If the file transfer is successful, the data transfer rate will be displayed. Host

Specify local or remote computers.


Transfer the Destination file on the local computer to the Source file on the remote computer. Because the TFTP protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log in to the remote computer, and the file must be written on the remote computer.


Transfer the Destination file on the remote computer to the Source file on your local computer.


Specifies the file to be transmitted.


Specifies the location to transfer files. If Destination is omitted, it will assume that it is the same name in the Source.


Display help at the command prompt.


Use the get parameters

If you transfer file Fileton on your local computer to file fileOne on the remote computer, specify PUT. If you transfer file FileTwo on a remote computer to file fileOne on a remote computer, specify GET.

Windows XP or Windows 2000 does not provide general purpose TFTP servers. The TFTP server service provided by Windows 2000 provides remote boot feature for Windows XP and Windows 2000 client computers.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection.


To transfer file users.txt from the local computer to users19.txt on remote computer VAX1, type:

TFTP VAX1 PUT Uses.txt Users19.txt


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