Network error number interpretation control

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

Network error number Interpretation of the Control & Windows update problem 0x800c0002, 0x800401e4 and 0x80072ee5

The address of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again.


Cannot Start An Internet Session.

0x800C0004 and 0x80072efd

Cannot Connect To The Internet Server.


Cannot Locate The Internet Server or Proxy Server.

0x800C0006 and 0x80072efc

(Http / 1.0 404) of The Site Reports That The Item You Requested Could Not Be Found.


The Internet Site Reports That A Connection Was Established But The Data IS



CANNOT Download The Information You Requested. (This is an incorrect date on

Your PC OR A Server Certificate Revocation!)


(Http / 1.0 401)


The Internet Site Cannot Return The Object You Requested. (HTTP / 1.0 403)

0x800C000B and 0x80072EE2

The Connection to this Internet Site Took longer Than the allotted time.


The Site Reports That The Request Is Not Valid.

0x800C000D and 0x80072ee8

The Required Internet Protocol Is Not Installed On Your Computer, or The

Internet Address You Requested May NOT BE VALID.


A Security Problem Has Occurred.

0x800C000f and 0x800401EA

Cannot Open the specified file.


Cannot Start The Program Needed to Open this file.

0x800401e6 and 0x80040154

No program is registered to open this file.


The HyperLink Cannot Be Followed to The Destination.


The Transfer Request Timed Out While Waiting for a Gateway. Resume The Job

At a later time. (HTTP Error 504)


The Service IS Temporarily Overloaded and Cannot Process The Request. Resume



Proxy error: host name not recognized or host not found (http error 400) Download this patch, install, reboot and try again. Q823718

IF That Fails: Open regedit and go to the folload key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion

Now Look in The Right Pane and See IF The IS A SUB-Key There Named

"VersionNumber" if The "VersionNumber" Sub-Key Exists, delete it.


The Requested Url Does Not Exist on The Server. (HTTP Error 404)


"FIPSALGORITHMPOLICY" = dword: 00000001

Switch IT Off with:

"fipsalgorithmpolicy" = dword: 00000000

(For Windows 2003 and XP Only ... Windows 2000 Does Not Fully Support FIPS

And so does not have help.

A official help website of Microsoft is dedicated to solving the problem of Windows. The following is the connection of the Microsoft website:

The following items are for users with Microsoft products to solve the problem of Windows updates, using these items

See Microsoft's Terms of Use.

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Word or word is looking for.

Problems when connecting to updates.

Download / Install the software problem (non-driver class)

Download / Install the driver problem


Problem when connecting updates

1. When loading a Windows update page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x8007007E

Problem Description:

When you load a Windows update web page, you receive an initialization error message from 0x8007007E, in Windows

In the updated log file you will see the following error message: iungine error, please confirm the machine settings (wrong

Misuse Error 0x8007007E: Can't find the specified module)

Usually because the Windows file URLMON.DLL is lost and there is no correct registration, it may also be Cabinet.dll

File loss or damage.

Treatment method:

Run the system file inspection Replace the two files (Cabinet.dll and Urlmon.dll).

1. Click Start, click Run.

2. Enter "SFC / Scanon" in the Run dialog box (excluding quotation marks), click OK.

For Windows 2000, you can follow the steps below:

Recommendation 1: Register URLMON.dll

1. Click Start, click Run.

2. Enter "Regsvr32 Urlmon.dll" in the Run dialog and click OK (not including quotation marks).

Then you will pop up a successful dialog box.

3. Run the Windows update program to see if the problem is resolved.

Recommendation 2: Run the Internet Explorer Repair Tool 1 to open the Control Panel.

2, double-click "Add or Remove Programs".

3. Click Microsoft Internet Explorer in the Add or Remove bar.

4. Click Add / Remove, click "Repair the existing Microsoft Internet Explorer installation", single


Recommendation 3:

Install the latest version of Microsoft XML Parser, the current version of Microsoft XML Parser 3.0 SP2

Download in the website below:


Note: This link is relatively long and must be entered correctly.

You can also download the Microsoft Download Center, the address is:


Go to update and see if the problem is resolved.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

2. When loading a Windows update web page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x800B0004 or 0x800B0003

Problem Description:

You cannot access Windows update web pages, in the Windows update log file contains the following error message:

IUCTL digital signature error, c: / program files / windowsupdate / v4 / file is not

Ren (error code 0x800B0003)

IUCTL digital signature error, c: / program files / windowsupdate / v4 / file is not

End (error code 0x800B0004)

Treatment method:

This error has several potential reasons. First, make sure that the latest version of IE browser, current IE browser version

This number is IE 6 SP1, you can download and install from the web page:

Second, if you are online, ask your network administrator to set anonymous to log in to the Internet.

You can solve this problem as follows:

Recommendation 1:

Register The Following Files with these Steps:

Follow these steps to register the following files:

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 SoftPub.dll" (excluding quotation marks)

2. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 INitpki.dll" (excluding quotation marks)

3. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 MSSIP32.DLL" (excluding quotation marks)

4. Upgrade to update to see if the problem is resolved.

Recommendation 2:

Run Internet Explorer

Click Tool, click "Internet Options". .

Click "Advanced", then check "Use HTTP 1.1 through the proxy connection". .

Click the "OK" button.

Recommendation 3:

If there is a Windows updated entry file, called Hosts (or HOSTS.SAM), rename him

Or delete. Since the IP address of the web page is constantly changing, you don't need a static IP address. Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98se

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

3. C: /Windows/system32/iuctl.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check your installation disk.

Problem Description:

Receive this error message when you try to log in to Windows Update the web. This may make a file due to Windows update

been destroyed.

Treatment method:


Download a new control and save it to your desktop. Using the following method to decompress the .cab file:

1. Right-click the file

2. Click "Unzip to"

3. Specify where you want to depreciate the compressed file, click OK.

4. Find the place just unplenating, right-click "iuctl.inf".

5. Click Install.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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4. When loading a Windows update web page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x80072F78

Problem Description:

Windows updates an unexpected error and cannot display the required pages.

Treatment method:

This error is related to the proxy / firewall, so double-click your firewall / proxy setting to disable your firewall, see

Whether the question is solved. The Checkpoint firewall is one of the famous culprits of this mistake. Make sure TCP / IP 80 and

The 443 port has been opened two-way, and your firewall does not block the script function of the web page. This error causes you

The PC cannot be connected to a part of the Windows update the web page. Disable all of the firsts before starting Windows updates

Three-party software (such as anti-virus software). Here are several solutions:

Recommendation 1:

Check your hosts file (or hosts.sam file), make sure there is no Windows update in this file.

Static IP of the web page. If it is Win98 / ME, Hosts is in the C: / Windows directory.

If you are Winnt / 2K / XP, in the C: / Windows / System32 / Drivers / etc directory

You can open the Hosts file with Notepad. Windows may ask you to specify the open mode (Notepad) of the file.

Web Acceleration software If TweakmasterDNS adds static IP to your Windows update page in the Host file,

Thereby, the error message of 0x80072F76 is caused.

Recommendation 2:

Check and disable your firewall / proxy settings. This error causes your PC that cannot be updated with Windows.

Partial connection. Disable all third-party software (including anti-virus software) before accessing Windows update web pages.

Recommendation 3:

Add the following URLs in your "Internet Options" or it is possible to solve this problem:


(Note: https is correct)

Add these URLs as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click Internet Options. 3. Click "Security"

4. Click the "Trusted Site" icon

5. Click Site.

6. Clear "For all sites in this area require server authentication (https :)" check box.

7. Add the above four URLs.

Recommendation 4:

This problem can also be added to the "Exceptions" list of your "Internet Options"

Windows Update URL to resolve:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click Internet Options.

3. Click Connect, click LAN Settings.

4. Click "Advanced" and turn; and Add to "Exception" list

in. If you have installed other firewall software, add this website to the "exception" list of these software.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98se

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

5. When loading a Windows update page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x801901F6

Problem Description:

When loading a Windows update web page, receive "No Update" error message, update the log file in Windows

The error code in Error 0x801901F6.

Treatment method:

This error indicates that you are using the Netscape Proxy Server Version 3.52 agent

This agent is not compatible with HTTP. You can download updates from the following URLs:

Key update:

Recommended update:

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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6. When loading a Windows update web page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x80070052

Problem Description:

When loading a Windows update web page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x80070052, updated in Windows

There is no error in the display.

Treatment method:

This error is found in the registration item

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion Specifies "Program" directory

For "H: / Program Files", all the program files here are in the H disk, but the Windows update folder in the C drive

Under the program folder.

The solution is to copy the Windows update folder from the C drive to the H disk.

There have been a user to specify "../program files / windowsupdate / v4 / temp" directory to his

There are partitions (he has several partitions, such as E: / f: / h: / l: /) (while ensuring that is also in this directory)

, WU (Windows Update) website is normal.

Be applicable:


Whether the problem is solved?

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7. When you open a web window, a 0x8007045A error_dll_init_failed error problem description:

You cannot download updates from Windows update websites and receive the following error message: 0x8007045A


Treatment method:

Can be from

Upgrade or install the latest version of XML Parser to solve this problem.

You can also copy msxml3.dll, msxml3a.dll, and msxml3r.dll files from other normal computers to you.

Computers to solve this problem.

Replace the computer after replacing the file.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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8. When loading a Windows update web page, an initialization error occurs, the code is 0x80040FF2

Problem Description:

When visiting the Windows update web page, some way in XML Parser fails, resulting in failed web page loading, appearing

The error code of 0x80040ff2.

Treatment method:

To solve this problem, you need to upgrade the IE browser to the latest version. Or upgrade your XML Parser to the latest

Version (currently here) download the latest version: Url = / downloads / list / xmlgeneral.asp

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98se

Windows me

Whether the problem is solved?

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9. When reading the access location, 80072ef7 error occurred.

Problem Description:

Receive the error code of 0x80040ff2 when accessing the Windows update web page.

Treatment method:

Check if your network card sets a valid gateway IP address.

How to check the default gate value.

If it is W98 and ME

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "Winipcfg" (excluding quotation marks), click OK.

2. Click on the NIC and click More Info.

3. If the default gateway is empty, it means not set.

If it is W2K, XP and Windows Server 2003

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "CMD".

2. Enter "IPConfig" under the DOS window

3. Find your network card list

4. If the default gateway is empty, it is not set.

If the default gateway is empty, find the network administrator to enter the correct gateway value.

For convenience, the setting method of some default gateways is listed below, pay attention to these methods without considering security or firewall issues.

- A considerable number of small networks are connected to the Internet by providing DHCP and NAT (ICS) services.

The default gateway is often determined by such devices.

- If you are connected to the Internet via routing, and there is only one subnet, the IP address of the route is the default gateway.

- In some specific settings, IP addresses may be required by ISP.

- Set an invalid or unsavailable default gateway for a customer of one or more subnets. This causes access to access

The network resources outside the local net failed. Use at your own risk.

Be applicable:

Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information 10. Scan quickly complete, prompt "There is no update available", the error code in the log file is 0x800C0008 or 0x80072EE4

Problem Description:

The scanning update quickly reached 100%, showing information that "there is no update at this time", the error code in the log file is

0x800C0008 or 0x80072EE4.

Treatment method:

This error is caused by SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Recruitment updates need SSL if your computer

Date and time The effective time of the SSL certificate updated by Windows is divided into wife, and the scanning update will be wrong. Adjust you

The computer's system time and guarantees that your IE browser's "language preference" is not empty.

Check the "Language Preferences" of the IE Browser

1. Click Tool, and then select Internet Options.

2. Click "Language". Click "Languages".

3. Make sure the Language Preferences dialog has a language.

Delete Internet cache and cookies.

1. Click Tool, and then select Internet Options.

2. Click "Delete Cookies :.

3. Click "Delete File".

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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11. Windows update error, does not provide the required page; you can't display the required page (Windows XP)

Problem Description:

This error appears when you uninstall SP1.

Repair or reload Windows XP (in the same directory). You may see a "web accident error" or "desired page cannot be displayed" error prompt page.

Treatment method:

Press the following steps to register

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / CSDVERSION value under Control / Windows is set to 0.

1. Click Start, "Run".

2. Enter "regedit" and click OK.

3. Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / CONTROL / Windows registration item in the left window.

4. Double-click "csdversion" in the window on the right.

5. Set it to 0 and click "OK".

6. Restart the computer

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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12. Error code 0x8007045A in Windows 2000 Update Website

Problem Description:

Error message: "Windows update has an unexpected error, cannot display the desired page", send an error report to Microsoft, error code 0x8007045a.

Treatment method:

Download and install Windows 2000 Service Pack from

Be applicable:


Whether the problem is solved?

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13. Error Code 0x80190197 (MSUS)

Problem Description:

The user receives the following error message:

Detailed description file (first read this, and end all user license agreements):

Http:// Download failed, (Error 0x80190197: HTTP error 407. Requires proxy authorization) - AURTF.CAB processing Measures:

If the user who has installed the firewall is running SUS, adjust the SUS service, users can access by ISA

Internet, allows users to download EULA files, and everything goes through the Internet.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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14. MSUS Error 0x80190194

Problem Description:

When the client connects the SUS server, the following error is generated:

Software update directory (error code 0x80190194) is obtained to http: ///autoupdatedrivers/getmanifest.asp (Error Code 0x80190194).

Treatment method:

This is because the AU client executes the drive check on the SUS server. Because SUS is not synchronized with the drive update,

The / autOUpdatedRivers directory does not exist, so the server returns the HTTP state of the code 404.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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15. Windows update control manual installation guidance

Problem Description:

Outdated or mismatched URL software will cause several errors updated by Windows, follow the prompts below for all

Make the latest Windows update (in addition to Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0).

Treatment method:

Windows 98 and Windows ME:


Download Control (File) to your desktop and follow these steps to install the file:

1. Right click on the file on the desktop

2. Click "Unzip to"

3. Specify the specific location (such as a desktop), click "OK"

4. Locate the location of the decompressed file, right-click the iuctl.inf file

5. Click "Install"

Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003:


Download Control (File) to your desktop, install it below:

1. Right click on the file on the desktop

2. Click "Open"

3. Select all files

4. Right-click these files, click "Unzip"

5. Specify specific location (such as desktop), click OK

6. Locate the location of the decompressed file, click IuCTL.inf file

7. Click "Install"

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows Server 2003 Family

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

16. Scan stopping at 0%

Problem Description:

Scanning update stops at 0%

Treatment method:

Recommendation 1:

From to download and install the latest script.

Recommendation 2: Repair IE Browser

1. Turn on the control panel.

2. Open "Add or Remove Programs".

3. Select "Microsoft Internet Explorer and Internet Tools".

4. Click Add / Remove.

5. Click Repair.

6. Follow the wizard prompts.

7. Click OK.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

17. Software update page Repeat the "Update" button now

Problem Description:

When performing Windows Update, the program proceeds to the software update page, click "Update Now" and pop up the same

Page, update cannot be performed.

Treatment method:

We are now studying this problem

Some advanced users solve this problem in accordance with the following steps. If you are looking for these files or registration items,

Calculate. Because deleting these items may cause the system to crash.

1. Turn off the IE browser.

2. Remove the iUCTL.DLL and IUENGINE.DLL files in both Directory in System32 / DLLCACACHE and SYSTEM32.

3. Remove HKLM / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / WindowsUpdate / iUControl Key

The value of "SelfupdateStatus" is under.

4. If there is an iUEnginenew.dll file, delete it.

Download and install the software on the Windows Update Website can also solve this problem.

FOLLOW The instructions in the article on manually installing the windows. INSTALLING INSTALLING THE WINDOWS

Update Software, Located Elsewhere on this page.

Follow the steps below to delete your Internet cache file or solve this problem.

1. Turn off the IE browser.

2. Right-click the IE IE icon

3. Click "Properties"

4. Under the General column, click "Delete File"

If the network administrator damaged the Microsoft Software Update Service (MSUS), or redirected your Microsoft software update service

(MSUS) The server will cause this problem.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

18. Access is rejected, please system administrator and contact (Windows 98 and Windows Me)

Problem Description:

When accessing Windows update sites, Win98 / ME users may see the following error message: Access is rejected. network

The strategy settings do not allow you to update Windows updates.

If you think it is this error, please contact your system administrator.

Treatment method:

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "regedit", open the registry editor.

WARNING: Registry operation inadvertently causing serious problems, even reloading Windows 98 / ME. Microsoft does not guarantee

Problem caused by the registry operation error. Modifying all the consequences triggered by the registry are at your own risk.

2. Find the following registration item:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer3. You will see "NOWINDOWSUPDATE" registration item

Check the value of this item, to access the Windows Update website, this value should be "0", if "1" is not allowed

You visit Windows Update Site.

4. After the value is changed to "0", turn off the registry, restart the computer, and update it online.

If the above operation still does not solve this problem, try the following methods:

1. Open Registry Editor

2. Find hkey_local_machine / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / policies / coster

3. Delete the "NOWINDOWSUPDATE" item

4. After the value is changed to "0", turn off the registry, restart the computer, and update it online.

For more methods, please query Microsoft KB information from the website:


Be applicable:

Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

19. Initialization error when accessing to Windows update, the code is 0x800A01AD, Update.log errors

Code is 0x80040154

Problem Description:

An initialization error occurs when accessing Windows update websites, and the code is 0x800A01AD. 0x800A01AD ACTIVEX

Components cannot create objects, have the following error message: iuengine error, check the machine settings (0x80040154 error: Class is not registered)

Treatment method:

Recommendation 1:

Press the steps below to make sure the MSXML file is registered correctly:

Note: You may not need the files required for 2nd, 3 steps, but please perform 3 steps at all. if you do not have

One of these files, which will pop up the window containing the following text when registering:

Can't find the required file ("file name .dll"), the load link library failed.

Simply ignore this error, perform the next step.

Specific steps are as follows:

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/msxml.dll" (excluding quotation marks)

2. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/System/msxml2.dll" (excluding quotation marks)

3. Click Start, "Run", enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/msxml3.dll" (excluding quotation marks)

Re-internet update, see if the problem is resolved.

Recommendation 2:

This error may also be because msxml.dll does not match or disrupt. Update XML Parser to the latest version

, The current latest version is 3.0 SP2, you can download this document from the following website:

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information 20. Scanning update 80070057 Error

Problem Description:

The user's error code is 0x800A138F at the scanned update, but the update.log file is 0x80070057

This error seems to be caused by the Netop program, which generates an enum / root / unknown registration item in the registry

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CONTROLSET001 / Control / Class / {63C35530-D3DF-11D3-8F5D-0060B0A3612B} / 0000]

"Providentername =" danware data a / s "

"DriverDesc" = "Netop Driver 3 Ver. 7.00 (2002014)"

"Driverdate" = "JAN 14 2002"

"DRIVERVER" = "7.00 (2002014)"

"MatchingDeviceID" = "Danware_Netop_Driver3"

DriverDate and driverver format are not

Treatment method:

If NETOP software is installed, access and run

If you have a Lynx device

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "regedit", open the registry editor.


Registry Operations Inadvertently causing serious problems, even reloading the Windows operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee solving

Registry operation error caused by an error. Modifying all the consequences triggered by the registry are at your own risk.

2. Find the following registration item:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Control / Class / {4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} / 0020

3. Change the date format by August 16, 2000 to 8/16/2000

After the above treatment, the problem can generally be solved.

If it is still not resolved, please visit the Microsoft Technical Support website:

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

21. During the update process, the software installation is not completed (Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

Problem Description:

When performing Windows, the prompt software update is not completed. This is because logging in to Windows XP in a non-administrator.

Treatment method:

Please log in as an administrator.

You can also update the Windows update control:


Download the control and save it to your desktop.

Install controls according to the following:

1. Right click on

2. Click "Unzip to"

3. Specify the path to decompress the storage file, click OK.

4. Find the path that just decompresses the file, right-click iuctl.inf.

5. Click "Install"

The following operations may also solve this problem: Turn off the browser, press below to delete the Internet cache file:

1. Right click on the IE IE icon

2. Click "Properties"

3. Open the General tab, click "Delete File"

Delete Iuctl.dll in Windows / System32 / DLLCACHE or Winnt / System32 / DLLCAChe directory and

Iuengine.dll file, delete Windows / System32 / DLLCACHE Folder or T

The iuEnginenew.dll file under the Winnt / System32 / Dllcache directory, if these files exist.

Under HKLM / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / WindowsUpdate / iuControl

The value of "SelfupdateStatus" is changed to 0, the steps are as follows:

1. Click Start, click "Run"

2. Enter "regedit" in the Run dialog (excluding quotation marks), click OK.

3. Find: in the left window of the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE // Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / WindowsUpdate / iUControl

4. Double-click SelfupdateStatus on the right window in the registry.

5. Change the value to 0, click "OK"

6. Restart the computer.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

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22. Windows updated webpage loading initialization error, code is 0x80072ee2

Problem Description:

Web pages have expired

Treatment method:

This problem may be used in the Internet Options to use HTTP 1.1 by proxy connection

Enable "using HTTP 1.1" by proxy connection

1. Open the IE browser, click Tool, and then click Internet Options.

2. Click "Advanced"

3. Click "Use HTTP 1.1"

4. Click "Use http 1.1 by proxy connection"

5. Re-Internet Update

You may also add the following URL to the Exceptions list:

Use wildcard:



Specific Website:

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

23. When Windows updates the web page, the initialization error occurs, the code is 0x800C0002

Problem Description:

This error occurs when we update in Windows updates in other servers.

This issue is more common in a user who transitions to a formal product user or a Beta program.

For multi-user machines, their administrators destroy the software update service will also cause this error.

Treatment method:

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "regedit" (excluding quotation marks), open the registry


Registry Operations Inadvertently causing serious problems, even reloading the Windows operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee solving

Registry operation error caused by an error. Modifying all the consequences triggered by the registry are at your own risk.

2. Find hkey_local_machine / currentversion / windowsupdate / currentversion / windowsupdate / iuControl3. If you want to access the official (not beta version) Windows website, make sure that "IdentServer" is empty, or the "IdentServer" item does not exist.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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24. When accessing Windows Update a web page, receive an error message: Reject access, contact system management (Windows XP and Windows 2000)

Problem Description:

When accessing Windows updates, the following error message appears:

access denied

The network policy settings are not allowed to use Windows update features and download Windows updates. If you believe that this is this

For an error, please contact your system administrator.

Treatment method:

Please follow the steps:

1. Click Start, "Run", enter "regedit" (excluding quotation marks)

WARNING: The registry operation inadvertently causing serious problems, even reloading the Windows operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee

Resolve problems caused by registered operation errors. Modifying all the consequences triggered by the registry are at your own risk.

2. Find hkey_current_user / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / policies / windows update

3. You will see the "DisableWindowsUpdateAccess" item

Check the value of this item. To access Windows Update Site, the value of this item should be "0".

4. Find hkey_current_user / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / policies / explorer]

5. You will see "NOWINDOWSUPDATE"

Check the value of this item. To access Windows Update Site, the value of this item should be "0".

6. After modifying the values ​​of these two items, turn off the registry, restart the machine, and update it online.

If the user does not have the right to use the Program files / windowsupdate / v4 / temp directory or not

This error will also appear in the file.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

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25. When performing Windows Update, prompt "System administrator (can be operated)" (only Windows XP)

Problem Description:

When you visit Windows Update Site, receive the following error message:

System administrators only (-2146828218). To install Windows updates, you must be system administrators or

Log in as a member of the administrator group. If your computer is in the LAN, the network policy settings may also prohibit you from completing this process.

This error message may also be received even if you log in as a system administrator or a member of the system administrator group.

Treatment method:

This error describes that accessing resource issues and lack of administrative privileges, one of the following methods may be helpful.

Press the following steps to resolve this issue:

1. Click Start, click "Run"

2. Enter "regedit" in the Run dialog box, click OK.

3. Find hkey_local_machine / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / windowsupdate4. Click Edit, click "Permissions"

5. Click Add, enter "Everyone" in the pop-up dialog box.

6. Click "Check Name", then click "OK"

7. Select "Everyone" in the "Group or Username" list

8. "Permissible" in "Everyone" column "Allow", pay attention to "Read" at this time is also checked "Allow".

9. Select each user in the "Group or Username" list to confirm that all users have not checked "Reject", if the "rejection" is checked, remove it.

10. Click "Advanced", then check "Use the item that can be applied to the child object in place of all sub-objects", click "OK"

11. If you want to confirm the settings, click Yes.

Note: You should also check your firewall and proxy server settings.

This issue may also be solved by adding the following content by "Agent Settings" list under the Internet Options.

"Exception" setting step

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click Internet Options.

3. Click "Connection", then click LAN Settings "

4. Click "Advanced" and add to "Exception" list

1. Open the IE browser, click Tool, and then click Internet Options.

2. Click "Advanced"

3. Dragning flow lines until you see "Use http1.1 through the proxy connection" and check it

4. Click "OK" Click "OK."

5. Close and restart the IE browser, you should be able to connect to Windows to update the website.

Rename C: Windows / System32 / CaTroot2 is CATROOT2TEM32 / CATROOT2TEMP /.

Restart the machine and update the Internet.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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26. General processing of script errors

Problem Description:

Receive script error messages when performing Windows updates.

Treatment method:

First, check if your IE browser settings are correct.

1. Click Tool in the IE browser, then click Internet Options.

2. Click "Security"

3. Click "Custom Level"

4. Guaranteed "File Download"

5. Guaranteed "Run Active X Controls and Plugins"

6. Guaranteed "Activity Script"

7. Set the security level of "Java Permissions"

8. Guaranteed "Loading Programs and Files in IFRAME"

Recommendation 2

To ensure that movable programs, web speed programs, and anti-virus programs are easy to cause script errors.

Recommendation 3

If the above steps do not solve the problem, try the following:

1. Open the IE browser, click Tool, and then click Internet Options.

2. Click "Connection"

3. Click "LAN settings"

4. Delete all the contents in the Auto Configuration bar and clear the hook before using the Auto Configuration Script.

Recommendation 4

If the above method still does not solve the problem, register the following dynamic chain pull file (DLLS)

1. Click Start, click "Run"

2. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/vbscript.dll", click "OK" 3. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/mshtml.dll" (WITHOUT THE Quotes), single Hit "OK"

4. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/msjava.dll" (WITHOUT THE quotes), click "OK"

5. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/jscript.dll", click "OK"

6. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/msXml.dll" (WITHOUT THE quotes), click OK

7. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/System/ActXPRXY.DLL", click "OK"

8. Enter "Regsvr32 C: /Windows/system/shdocvw.dll" (WITHOUT THE Quotes), click "OK"

Note: The above operation is for Windows 98 or Windows ME; for Windows 2000 or Windows NT4,

Change "Windows / System" to "WinNT / System32"; for Windows XP, if you are from WindowsNT 4 or

Windows 2000 upgrade installation, change "windows / system" to "Winnt / System32",

Install other methods, change "windows / system" to "Windows / System32". If the operating system is safe

The partition other than the C disk is used to change the drive to the partition of the operating system.

After completing the above operation, please restart the machine and update Windows.

Be applicable:



Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows NT4

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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27. Display the error code when scanned updates, error code in the update.log file is 0x800C00008

Problem Description:

27. Display the error code when scanned updates, error code in the update.log file is 0x800C00008

Treatment method:

This is a common mistake because SSL is connected to the server.

Some users solve this problem by disabling or using network acceleration software.

Recommendation 2

If this issue occurs without language settings, you will add language settings: in the IE browser

Click Tool, "Internet Options", click "Language", if the language list is empty, add the language you use.

Recommendation 3

Check the system time, if the system time is more than 100 days, SSL will lose its function.

Recommendation 4

Cancel the check-in "Check the server certificate revocation (need to restart)"

Open IE browser

2. Click Tools

3. Click "Internet Options"

4. Click "Advanced" tab

5. Drag the scroll bar until you see "Safe"

6. Do not check "Check the server certificate revocation (need to restart)" 7. Restart the machine

Recommendation 5

Some users solve the 0x800C0008 error by updating MSN Messenger. If you have installed MSN

Messenger, you have to check if it is determined.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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28. When loading a Windows update web page, 0x800A1391 initialization error occurs

Problem Description:

0x800A1391 initialization error occurs when loading a Windows update web page

Treatment method:

We are in more research on this issue. This problem seems that the user cannot download the ActiveX control. One

Examples of successfully solving this problem are disabled firewall programs.

Recommendation 2

You can also add the following URLs in the "trusted site" of the Internet option:


(Note: The https is correct)


The addition method is as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, "Internet Options"

3. Click "Security" tab

4. Click the "Trusted Site" icon

5. Click the "Site" button

6. Cancel "Requires Server Verification (HTTPS :)" for all sites in this area.

7. Add the above four URLs to the URL list

Recommendation 3

You can also add "Agent" settings in the "Internet Option" to "Exception" settings in "Internet Options".

Solve. Methods as below:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, "Internet Options"

3. Click "LAN Settings" under the "Connection" tab

4. Click the Advanced button to add;; Add to Exceptions list.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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29. "Search the latest version of Windows Update software ..."

Problem Description:

When you are performing Windows Update, the dialog box appears:

"Search the latest version of Windows Update software ...

Depending on your connection speed, this may take some time. During this time, you may receive one or more security guards

. Please review each security warning to make sure the content is signed by Microsoft, and then click "Yes" to start installing the software. "

Then stay in this picture.

Treatment method:

This may be caused by a third-party firewall software called ZONE ALARM, please turn off when Windows Update

This procedure, you must open this (firewall) program after Windows Update.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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30. Network policy settings on your computer disabled Windows Update

Problem Description:

Failed when you want to download update software, and in the Windows Update log file prompt: "Management Policy Prohibits Access Windows Update".

Treatment method:

Your Group Policy settings are forbidden to access Windows Update. For detailed information, please ask your system administrator (enabled "to delete all users remote access connections").

Be applicable:


Windows XP

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31. Initialization error occurs when loading a Windows Update web page, the code is 0x80072f76

Problem Description:

Initialization error occurs when loading a Windows Update web page, the code is 0x80072f76. In Windows

There is a bug prompt in the update.log file:

2002-11-25 23:25:11 0:11 iuctl errors, from

Download files to C: / Program Files / WindowsUpdate / V4 / TEMP failed (0x80072f76 error).

Treatment method:

This is a blocking problem. The client cannot connect an integral part of the Windows Update website, the main reasons

: Agency / firewall setting, DNS input error, or network connection related to some applications related to network connection

connection. Here are some processing methods:

Suggestion 1

Check your hosts file (also likely called hosts.sam), make sure there is no Windows Update in this file.

Site static IP settings.

If it is Win98 / Me, the folder where the hosts file is located is C: / Windows

If it is Winnt / 2K / XP, it is C: / Windows / System32 / Drivers / etc

Open Hosts with Notepad.

Web acceleration programs, such as TweakmasterDns, etc., will also write a static IP of the Windows Update website to you.

Hosts file, there may be a 0x80072f76 error.

Suggestion 2

Check your firewall / proxy settings, disable firewalls; disable all third-party applications (including anti-virus programs).

Suggestion 3

Add the following URL to the "Trusted Site" list of "Internet Options":


(Note: The https is correct)


The addition method is as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click Internet Options.

3. Click "Security"

4. Click the "Trusted Site" icon

5. Click Site "

6. Do not check "All sites in this area require server verification (https:) (s)"

7. Add all sites to the list.

Suggestion 4

It is also possible to add Windows Update's URL to the Exceptions list of Internet Options, as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click "NTERNET Options"

3. Click "Connection", then click LAN Settings "

4. Click "Advanced" and will;, and Add to Exceptions list. If you have run another proxy / firewall program, you also add the above URL to the Exceptions list of these applications.

Suggestion 5

As a test, you can try this website:

When you click on this connection, you will pop up a dialog box, ask if you are opening the file or saving the file to your meter

Computer. If you can't connect this address, you will display errors that don't open the web page, check your Internet connection settings.

Suggestion 6

Mailgate3.5.171 Beta previous version will also trigger this error, now the software has corrected this error, this new version can be

Http:// Download

The following excerpts comments from the Mailgate 3.5.171beta version.

1.1 SDR0137 - Add http head command support to the website agent. This command is used for Microsoft Windows XP Update services.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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32. SUS client - this website has not been set yet

Problem Description:

You try to access the SUS server from the client (access http: // servername), and receive an error message from this website yet.

Treatment method:

If your server (except SUS) has not set up a website, it will receive it when you visit the root web page (root web).

To this error message. The client will automatically check the / content folder without accessing the root page.

Use GPEDIT.MSC to set the local group policy, create the correct type of item in the correct place, and give the correct value to ensure that the client can receive policy information.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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33. An error occurred while running getmanifest.asp, the error number in the Windows Update.log file is 0x80072F05

Problem Description:

You may see the following error in the Windows Update.log file:

Iuengine error, please visit

Ask the software update directory (0x80072f05 error).

Treatment method:

Make sure the date and time setting of your computer is correct, this is the main reason for this error. If the setting is correct, check

And properly installed, the method is as follows:

1. Open the IE browser, click Tool, click "NTERNET Options"

2. Select the "Content" tab, click "Certificate"

3. Select "Trusted Root Certification Authority" label

4. Check the "Microsoft Root Authority" certificate

5. Double-click it

6. Under the "General" tab, make sure "issuer" is effective, the date should be as "1/10/1997 to 12/31/2020"

7. Make sure the content in the Certificate Path tab is "the certificate is not problematic".

8. Click OK, then locate the "no Liability Accepted" certificate

9. Under the General tag, make sure that "issuer" is effective, the date should be as "5/11/1997 to 1/7/2004" 10. Make sure the "certificate status" box of the Certificate Path tab The content is "there is no problem with the certificate."

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows Server 2003 Family

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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34. Receive the following error message when visiting the Windows Update website: Thank you ... Windows Update no longer provides you with updates.

Problem Description:

Receive the following error message when accessing the Windows Update website: Thank you ... Windows Update no longer provides you with updates.

This problem occurs in the machine that does not run IE5 or higher IE.

Treatment method:

If you are familiar with the registry, you can resolve this issue by deleting the following registration items. Any changes to the registry

Previously, you must derive the registry to a safe place by clicking "Export" under the Registry Editor's file menu.

Delete the Post Platform registration entry to identify its own version when the IE's Internet is communicated.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Settings / User Agent / Post Platform

Be applicable:



Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows NT4

Whether the problem is solved?

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35. When you do Windows Update, it is prompted that the site is not available.

Problem Description:

When you do Windows Update, it is prompted that the site is not available.

Treatment method:

Copy the file from Program Files / WindowsUpdate / V4 to the Program Files / WindowsUpdate / V4 / Temp directory.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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36. A 0x3 initialization error occurs when loading Windows Update.

Problem Description:

The error reason is that the version number in iuctl.dll and iungine.dll file is different from the file.

It is usually a cache problem.

Treatment method:

The solution is to download, install new Windows Update software, see this website manually installed Windows Update software.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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37. Row 10 script error

Problem Description:

Users receive the following error message in the Windows Update website:

The website has a script error

Dot: 10

Char: 2

Can't find the specified module

Code: 0 URL:


Do you want to continue to run this script?

Treatment method:

This problem is because the user runs a software called Rumba, to solve this problem, or disable this software. Be applicable:

Windows XP

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38. Need HTTP / 1.1 407 agent authorization (refusal to access)

Problem Description:

Users cannot access (Windows Update) websites through the firewall or agent.

Treatment method:

1. I Open "Tools" in the IE Browser, "Options"

2. Click "Advanced" tab

3. Scrolling the scroll bar until you see "Use HTTP 1.1 by proxy", hook up in front of the box.

4. Click OK Click OK

5. Close and restart the IE browser to connect to Windows Update.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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39. 0x80070003 software update is not completed

Problem Description:

In the accessing Windows Update website, the user receives an error in "Software Update Unfinished". In Windows

The following error is displayed in the update.log file: 2002-04-11 19:17:38 iuctl errors, from

Download failed (0x80070003 error: The system cannot find the specified path)

Treatment method:

If the user has modified the location of the Program Files folder with the Tweakui program, simply put the Program

Files folder is changed to the original C: can't resolve this issue, to solve this problem, you need to find the registry, and all

D: / program files / ... change to C: / Program Files / ...

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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40. Initialization errors in the loading of Windows Update, the error code is 0x800A01B6

Problem Description:

VB script running time error, 800A01B6 - Object does not support this property or method

Anti-virus software or firewall may cause this issue

Treatment method:

Some users are turning off their anti-virus software or firewall to solve this problem when performing WindWos Update.

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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41. 1312 row script error

Problem Description:

Web page error:

Row 1312

Character 2

Object error

Code 0


Treatment method:

It is not correct by the area setting.

1. Click the "Start" button

2. Click Control Panel

3. Click Region and Language Options

4. Make sure the data format is 123, 456, 789

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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42. Scanning update stops at 0%

Problem Description:

After clicking "Scan to find update", receive information: "Windows Update is looking for available updates ... 0% complete", then stop.

Treatment method:

There are several of the following methods.

Install the latest version of the script, download address is If Netsonic is installed, it will be loaded.

If you do not install the latest version of Windows Update software, please refer to "Manually Install Windows"

UPDATE Control Guide for installation.

Disable "Automatic Detection Settings" and "Using Auto Configuration Scripts", steps are as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tool, click Internet Options.

3. Click "Connection", then click LAN Settings "

4. Make sure that "Automatic Detection Settings" and "Using Auto Configuration Scripts" are not ticking

Try Windows Updat.

Also check if you can connect to the SSL website (with https: // website)

Most online dealers use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) during settlement or payment. If you have

After connecting such a website, where SSL is working properly, you can also use SSL website

To test your SSL connection

If you don't connect the SSL website, Windows Update will not work normally. To ensure your network

The SSL port (port 443) has been opened.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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43. After clicking "Install Now", the EULA window cannot pop up.

Problem Description:

After clicking "Install Now", the EULA window cannot pop up, and prompt "To install updates, you must accept the User Agreement".

Treatment method:

This problem is caused by Guard-IE software, and the load-containing software can solve this problem, or in the Guard-IE property

"Disable Popup Message Dialog" is not enabled in the ad-fillet.

To access the properties of Guard-IE, right-click the application icon on the taskbar, select the properties. Click the ad filter,

Cancel the "Disable Popup Message Dialog".

Be applicable:

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

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44. 98 Operating system, click "Start Scan" and prompt the WinsPool.drv application error.

Problem Description:

When I do Windowsupdate and start the scanning update, the scan window on the left is displayed 66%, and then the appearance is wrong.

Moderate, requires Microsoft to send an error report and restart IE.

Error Tip BUCKET: 02331424 Microsoft Internet Explorer App Winspool.drv

Iexplore.exe 6.0.2600.0 error

Treatment method:

Replace 98 version 4.10.1998 version of SpoolSs.dll with the ME 4.90.3000 version of Spoolss.dll. This is like

It is the time problem of anti-virus software, you can also turn off the anti-virus program when performing Windows Update.

To get this ME version of the DLL, please contact Microsoft Product Support

Be applicable:

Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information 45. When you access the Windows Update website, you receive the following information: Thank you - you must run

Microsoft Windows operating system for Windows Update

Problem Description:

When the access URL is

When the Windows Update web page, the web page is immediately redirected. /en/thanks.asp

Webpage prompts you to run the Microsoft Windows operating system for Windows Update. This mistake

Mistaken happened in the simultaneous enabled firewall with Windows XP.

Treatment method:

Please delete the following registration items. Before deleting, you must export this registration to a safe place:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet

Settings / User Agent / Post Platform

Maybe you have to put third-party firewalls to solve this problem.

System administrators may not allow you to access Windows Update when performing a firewall or proxy setting, please contact you

System administrators contact to allow firewalls to allow access to Windows Update.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

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46. ​​Why do I receive information on ActiveX controls from this website?

Problem Description:

This information is displayed when you set the security level of the IE browser too high. To ensure that Windows Update is going well

You must set the security level of the Internet to neutral or lower.

Treatment method:

Open IE browser

1. Click "Tool" in the menu bar

2. Click Internet Options in the drop-down menu

3. Click "Security" tab

4. Click the "Internet" icon

5. Click "Default Level (D)" or "Custom Level (C)" to adjust the security level

6. If the control is also incorrect, the security level is lowered.

Another way is to add the following domain name to the "trusted site":



Proceed as follows:

Open IE browser

2. Click Tools and Internet Options.

3. Click "Security" tab

4. Click the "Trusted Site" icon

5. Click the "Site" button

6. Add the above domain name

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

47. 0x80072EE2 error

Problem Description:

You can't access update sites, error number is 0x80072ee2

Treatment method:

The user's HOSTS file has a Windows Update IP hard code, removes these code from the HOSTS file (

The Hosts file is in the C: / WinNT / System32 / Drivers / etc directory). Another way is to run DNS / FLUSH.

It is not recommended to write Windows Update's URL to the HOSTS file, because the IP of this URL will change frequently. Note that web acceleration software such as Tweakmaster DNS will write this IP to the HOSTS file in the case where you don't know.

Be applicable:


Whether the problem is solved?

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48. When loading a Windows Update page, an error occurred in 0x80070002.

Problem Description:

When visiting the update site, the user receives an error in the 0x80070002.

Treatment method:

This is an intermittent error that is often caused by intermittent network connection errors. Internet is a dynamic network,

A successful connection is often necessary to do multiple trials. According to our experience, most users are just short-lived.

This problem is encountered, then immediately disappears, the Windows Update function is normal.

This error occurs when you select an old file when you select an old file. Old version of Windows

After the UPDATE control file is saved, an 80070002 error occurs. Control file iuengine.dll and

Iuctl.dll is in the C: / Windows / System32 directory, you need to check your date and version.

Be applicable:


Windows XP

Whether the problem is solved?

Your answer is anonymous and helps improve this webpage. Your privacy is protected. More information

49. Network problems, can not connect to Windows Update Server, error number is 0x80072eff and 0x80190193

Problem Description:

Network problem, can not connect to the Windows Update server, error number is 0x80072EFF and 0x80190193

Treatment method:

This problem is usually caused by the service too busy, please try again later.

Sometimes the latest version of the Windows script can also resolve this issue, download the URL:

[url =]


1. Click Microsoft Windows Script 5.6 download connection

2. Download the appropriate installation package. .

3. Save scripten.exe to your desktop

4. After the download is complete, double-click Scripten.exe for installation.

Be applicable:


Windows 98 and Windows 98 SE

Windows me

Whether the problem is solved?

When Windows Update looks up, an error, an error number: 0x800C0005.

First check that it is a network server or a proxy server error. If it turns off the agent

Method 1, there are two positions of iuctl.dll to delete one is System32 one is System32 // Dllcable

Method Two,

Open cmd.exe.

2. Type Regsvr32 SoftPub.dll and Press Enter.

3. Press ok to the dllregisterServer in SoftPub.dll succeeded message.

4. Type Regsvr32 WinTrust.dll and Press Enter.

5. Press Ok to the dllregisterServer in wintricust.dll succeeded message.

6. Type regsvr32 initpki.dll and press enter.

7. Press Ok to the dllregisterServer in initpki.dll succeeded message.8. Close the cmd.exe window.

9. Shutdown and restart your server.


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