Boool variable
CCHAROWS character
CHAR windows characters
ColorRef red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32-bit)
CONST , the value of this variable remains constant during execution.
Critical_section critical paragraph object
DLGPROC pointer to a dialog process
ENHMFENUMPROC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate enhanced meta file record
EnumreslangProC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerates a resource language.
EnumResNameProC Pointer to a pointer for a callback function defined by an application, which enumerates a resource name.
EnumRestypeProC pointed to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, which enumerates a resource type.
FarProC pointed to a callback function
Float floating point variable
Fmorder 32-bit font mapping value
FontenumprocproC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate the font
GOBJENUMPROC point to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate the graphics device interface (GDI) object
Haccel acceleration key table handle
HBitmap 位
HCONV Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Conference Handle
HConvlist DEDE session handle
Hcursor cursor handle
HDDEDATA DDE data handle
HDLG dialog
Henhmetafile enhance the original file handle
HFILE file handle
Hinstance 实
HKEY register keyword handle
HMEMU 单 handle
HMIDIIN input file handle
HMIDIOUT midi output file handle
HookProC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
HPALETTE palette handle
HPEN 画 手柄
HSZ #DDE string handle
HWAVEIN wave input file handle
HWaveout wave output file handle
Hwinsta station handle
HWND 口 手
Langid language identifier
LCID logs
LINEDDAPROC pointer to a callback function of the callback process row coordinate LONG 32-bit signed integer
LP pointed to a Unicode (TM) string ended with "NULL"
LPARAM 32-bit message parameters
LpBool pointed to a Boolean variable
LPBYTE pointing to a byte pointer
LPCCH pointed to a Windows character constant
LPCCHOOKPROC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
LPCFhoolProC pointers in a hook function defined by an application
LPCH pointed to a Windows character
LpColorRef pointed to a ColorRef value
LPCritical_section Pointer to a critical paragraph object
pointed to a Windows string constant ended with "NULL"
LPCWch pointed to a Unicode Character Constant with "NULL"
LPCWSTR pointed to a Unicode string constant with "null"
LpfrhoolProC pointer to a hook function defined by an application
LPHANDE pointed to a handle
Lohandler_function pointer to a handler function
Lphwavein pointed to a waveform input file handle
Lphwaveout pointed to a waveform output file handle
LPINT pointed to a symbol integer
LPLONG pointed to a symbol length (32-bit)
LPOFNHOOKPROC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
LPPRINTHOOKPROC pointers in a hook function defined by an application
LPsetUphookProc Pointer Pointer to the Hook Functions defined by an application
pointed to a Unicode or Windows string ended with NULL
LPVOID point to any type of pointer
LPWSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "null"
McIDeviceID media control interface (MCI) device identifier
MFENUMPROC pointed to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumeration element file record
Npstr pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
NWPSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "NULL"
PBOOL pointed to a Boolean variable
PBYTE point to a byte pointer
PCCH pointers pointing to a Windows character constant
PCH pointed to a Windows character
PCHAR pointed to a Windows character
PCRITICAL_SECTION Pointing to a critical paragraph object
PCSTR pointed to a Windows string constant ended with "NULL"
PCWch pointed to a Unicode character constant
Pfloat pointed to a floating point variable
Pfncallback pointed to a callback function
Phandle pointed to a handle
Phandler_routine pointing to a handler
Phkey pointed to a registration keyword
PINT pointed to a symbol integer
Plong pointed to a symbol length
Pluid pointed to a local unique representative (Luid)
PropenumProc Pointer Pointer Pointer Tune Declining Tonance Function
Pshort pointed to a short integer of a symbol
Psid pointed to an encryption identifier (SID)
PSTR pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
Psz pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
PTCH pointed to a Windows or Unicode character
PTCHAR pointed to a Windows or Unicode character
PTSTR pointed to a Windows or Unicode string ended with "NULL"
Puchar pointed to an unsigned Windows character
Puint pointed to an unsigned integer
Pulong pointed to an unsigned long integer
Pushort pointed to an unsigned short integer
PVOID point to any type of pointer
PWCH pointed to a Unicode character
PWCHAR pointer to a Unicode character
PWORD pointed to an unsigned word
PWSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "NULL"
Regsam register keyword encryption mask
SC_HANDLE service handle
Service_status_handlet service status value sector
Sphandle pointed to a handle
TCHARODE or Windows characters
TimerProC pointed to a timer callback function defined by an application
Void any type
WCHARODE character
WndenumProC pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumeration window
WndProc pointed to a window process defined by an application
Word no sign (16)
WPARAM 32-bit message parameters
Boool variable
CCHAROWS character
CHAR windows characters
ColorRef red, green, blue (RGB) color value (32-bit)
CONST , the value of this variable remains constant during execution.
Critical_section critical paragraph object
DLGPROC pointer to a dialog process
ENHMFENUMPROC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate enhanced meta file record
EnumreslangProC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerates a resource language.
EnumResNameProC Pointer to a pointer for a callback function defined by an application, which enumerates a resource name.
EnumRestypeProC pointed to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, which enumerates a resource type.
FarProC pointed to a callback function
Float floating point variable
Fmorder 32-bit font mapping value
FontenumprocproC pointing to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate the font
GOBJENUMPROC point to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumerate the graphics device interface (GDI) object
Haccel acceleration key table handle
HBitmap 位
HCONV Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Conference Handle
HConvlist DEDE session handle
Hcursor cursor handle
HDDEDATA DDE data handle
HDLG dialog
Henhmetafile enhance the original file handle
HFILE file handle
Hinstance 实
HKEY register keyword handle
HMEMU 单 handle
HMIDIIN input file handle
HMIDIOUT midi output file handle
HookProC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
HPALETTE palette handle
HPEN 画 手柄
HSZ #DDE string handle
HWAVEIN wave input file handle
HWaveout wave output file handle
Hwinsta station handle
HWND 口 手
Langid language identifier
LCID logs
LinedDaproC pointed to a callback function, the reconvection function processing row coordinates
LONG 32-bit symbol integers
LP pointed to a Unicode (TM) string ended with "NULL"
LPARAM 32-bit message parameters
LpBool pointed to a Boolean variable
LPBYTE pointing to a byte pointer
LPCCH pointed to a Windows character constant
LPCCHOOKPROC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
LPCFhoolProc Pointer Pointer Pointer Pointer LPCH LPCH Pointer to a Windows Character
LpColorRef pointed to a ColorRef value
LPCritical_section Pointer to a critical paragraph object
pointed to a Windows string constant ended with "NULL"
LPCWch pointed to a Unicode Character Constant with "NULL"
LPCWSTR pointed to a Unicode string constant with "null"
LpfrhoolProC pointer to a hook function defined by an application
LPHANDE pointed to a handle
Lohandler_function pointer to a handler function
Lphwavein pointed to a waveform input file handle
Lphwaveout pointed to a waveform output file handle
LPINT pointed to a symbol integer
LPLONG pointed to a symbol length (32-bit)
LPOFNHOOKPROC pointed to a hook function defined by an application
LPPRINTHOOKPROC pointers in a hook function defined by an application
LPsetUphookProc Pointer Pointer to the Hook Functions defined by an application
pointed to a Unicode or Windows string ended with NULL
LPVOID point to any type of pointer
LPWSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "null"
McIDeviceID media control interface (MCI) device identifier
MFENUMPROC pointed to a pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumeration element file record
Npstr pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
NWPSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "NULL"
PBOOL pointed to a Boolean variable
PBYTE point to a byte pointer
PCCH pointers pointing to a Windows character constant
PCH pointed to a Windows character
PCHAR pointed to a Windows character
PCRITICAL_SECTION Pointing to a critical paragraph object
PCSTR pointed to a Windows string constant ended with "NULL"
PCWch pointed to a Unicode character constant
PCWSTR pointed to a Unicode string constant ended with "NULL"
PDWORD pointed to a signless double word
Pfloat pointed to a floating point variable
Pfncallback pointed to a callback function
Phandle pointed to a handle
Phandler_routine pointing to a handler
Phkey pointed to a registration keyword
PINT pointed to a symbol integer
Plong pointed to a symbol length
Pshort pointed to a short integer of a symbol
Psid pointed to an encryption identifier (SID)
PSTR pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
Psz pointed to a Windows string ended with "NULL"
PTCH pointed to a Windows or Unicode character
PTCHAR pointed to a Windows or Unicode character
PTSTR pointed to a Windows or Unicode string ended with "NULL"
Puchar pointed to an unsigned Windows character
Puint pointed to an unsigned integer
Pulong pointed to an unsigned long integer
Pushort pointed to an unsigned short integer
PVOID point to any type of pointer
PWCH pointed to a Unicode character
PWCHAR pointer to a Unicode character
PWORD pointed to an unsigned word
PWSTR pointed to a Unicode string ended with "NULL"
Regsam register keyword encryption mask
SC_HANDLE service handle
Service_status_handlet service status value sector
Sphandle pointed to a handle
TCHARODE or Windows characters
TimerProC pointed to a timer callback function defined by an application
Void any type
WCHARODE character
WndenumProC pointer to a callback function defined by an application, the callback function enumeration window
WndProc pointed to a window process defined by an application
Word no sign (16)
WPARAM 32-bit message parameters
YieldProC pointing to a pointer to an output callback function