Data record statistics in DataTable

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  25

When we use SQL Server, we can easily pass the results through SUM, AVER, COUNT, etc., then in the DataSet (DataTable) that has been retrieved? Especially through the Web Service, I got DataSet, this time, there is no way to modify the SELECT statement to get these statistics. So is it possible to count in DataSet / DataTable? The answer is yes.

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This article describes a simple method that does not require a record-by-frame recording to easily get the record statistics in DataTable. This simple way is to call the function of powerful DataTable.

First, call instructions (as an example, below):

Public Object Compute (String Strfilter), STRING STRECT COMPUTE


Strexpression: The expression string to calculate, basically similar to statistical expressions in SQL Server

Strfilter: Statistical filter string, only records that satisfy this filter condition will be statistics

Second, call example:

The following example, suppose a product sales table table describes the actual records of each promoter sales in a shopping mall, including the field as: name (name), gender (SEX, 0 is female, 1 is male), birthday (birthday), sales The product's code (ProID), the number of sales (Quantity), Sales Price.

1. The quantity of the salesperson for all genders:

Table.Compute ("count (*)", "sex = 0");

2. Statistics All salespersons are greater than 20 years old.

Table.Compute ("count (*)", "birthday <'" today); // Today is today's date string

3. Average price of statistical sales products

Table.Compute ("AVER (Price)", "True");

4. Product sales quantity of statistical product code:

Table.Compute ("QUM (Quantity", "ProID = 1"); 5. Statifying the total amount of sales:

To count the total sales amount, because there is no product data for a certain product sales in Table, we can get it through Quantity * Price. such as:

Table.Compute ("Quantity * Price", "True");

One problem here is that the statistical function of DataTable has no SQL Server, which is wrong because Compute does not have SUM (Quantity * Price). then what should we do?

For such complex data statistics, we can create a new field in DataTable to complete, such as Amount, and set the expression of this field for Quantity * Price, so we can use the statistics:

Table.Compute ("SUM (AMOUNT)", "True");


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