Lotus Scribw Function and Algorithm (Lotus Script)

zhaozj2021-02-11  244

Date lowercase change

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Lotus Notes often requires a larger to write a date (such as document, date). There is a function to be provided to communicate.

Algorithm: Small write digitally converted into uppercase letters, transitions in Notes. Message of small variable algorithm: mainly put "zero .. 10" in a group, take the corresponding array value according to the input number. Special treatment (only two) is not as "0". Date is also the same.

Notes date small turn large source code:

Sub Click (Source As Button) DIM X (10) AS String

ZZ = "zero one two three four five six seven eight ninety" m = len (zz) for i = 0 to Ubound (x) x (i) = left (zz, 1) zz = Right (ZZ, M-1 ) m = m-1Next

DAE = Format (now, "YYYY-MM-DD") NUM = INPUTBOX ("Please enter the date!" Dae, "", dae)

y = strright (NUM, "-") M = strright (Right (Num, 5), "-") D = Stright (Right (Num, 5), "-")

'Year DY = LEN (Y) for i = 1 to DY YY = YY X (Left (Y, 1)) Y = Right (Y, DY-1) DY = DY-1NEXT

'Moon Dim MD (1) AS integerim mm (1) as stringmd (0) = mmd (1) = Dfor i = 0 to Ubound (md) Select Case truecase MD (i) <= 10mm (i) = x ( MD (I)) Case 10

MSGBOX YY "Year" mm (0) "Month" mm (1) "Day" End Sub


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