C C ++ program with CDT plugin under Eclipse

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  24

C C program with CDT plugin under Eclipse

The author is no two http://blog.9cbs.net/sundaylin

1 CDT plugin download http://www.eclipse.org/CDT/

2 CDT is just a shell that is really compiled C C is GCC, GDB and Make.

Want to use Using MingW http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml

What I am here is MINGW-3.1.0-1.exe (I already have an updated version when I load)

3 Installing MINGW has been next to NEXT (a hypothesis you are installed in the D disk)

4 Set the environment variable of mingw

Create a text file to post the following

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / Controlset001 / Control / session manager / environment]

"Path" = "D: // mingw // bin;% PATH%"

"Library_path" = "d: // mingw // lib"

"C_include_path" = "D: // mingw // incrude"

"CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" = "D: //mingw/include//c //include//c //3.2.3//mingw32; d: // mingw // include //c //3.2.3//backward ;d://mingw/include "

The registration form is written by D: // jboss, this is comment after "//" semicolon.

Import this registry again for REG

note! ! After importing the registry, you must see if you click "OK" to take effect. ! !

To test the environmental variable, set it wrong

Run -cmd hit G if "G is not internal or external command ..." So your setting is right

Your first C program

1 Open Eclipse New-> Project-> Standard Make C Project Re-enter the project named TEST

2 In Project-> Properties-> C / C Make Project, "MINGW32-MAKE" is changed to "MingW32-make"

Press "Apply" "OK"

3 new-> file fill in main.cpp

Open him

Put on


Using namespace std;

INT main (void) {

COUT << "Hello World";

Return 0;


4 new-> file fills in "makefile" without subsequent name

Put on


G main.cpp -o main

note! ! "G " is before the Tab button is not available.

The string behind "-o" is the name of the generated EXE

5 Window-> Show View -> Make Targets

Add Maketargets Press "OK" to

Double-click this maketargets to automatically help you generate EXE

6 In Project-> Properties-> C / C Make Project-> binary paser changes Elf Parser to PE Windows Parser

7 big megadownload megadownloadtebiz l

You will see Hello World below.


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