C ++ good website and other websites

zhaozj2021-02-11  273

C good website and other websites

Common website:

Hou Junjie (Personal Program Website) http://www.jjhou.com ** Products Code Project (Program) http://www.codeproject.com *** Code Guru (Programming Poltui) http: // www .codeguru.com **** Product vChelp (VC Class Copythwa) http://www.copathway.com ** China Software (Program Comprehensive 4192) http://www.9cbs.net ** Google (Engine) http://www.google.com/ **** Yahoo (Engine) http://www.yahoo.com.cn *** Jinshan Online Antivirus HTTP : //www.iduba.net/antiscan/ Ask Expert (Programming Forum) http://www.china-askpro.com *** IT Writing Community (Bulings) http://www.donews .com ** 51Job http://www.51job.com ** China British talent network http://www.chinahr.com * China Talent Hotline http://www.cjol.com.cn * China Shanghai Talent Market http://www.hr.net.cn/news/index.asp China Shared Software Registration Center http://www.softreg.com ** Shuimu Tsinghua BBS station http: / /BBS3W.TSIINGHUA.EDU.CN / *

** C Soul Character (Spirit)

Bjarne stroustrup http://www.research.att.com/~bs/

Stanley B. Lippman http://people.we.mediaone.net/stanlipp/index.html

Scott meyers http://www.aristeia.com/

David musser http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~musser/

Bruce eckel http://www.bruceeckel.com

Nicolai M. Josuttis http://www.josuttis.com/

Herb Sutter http://www.gotw.ca/

** C Depth Exploration (Inside)

C compiler free download or trial

Borland C 5.5 http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler/cppc55steps.html

Cygwin http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/

Kai C http://www.kai.com/

GNU C http://gcc.gnu.org/

C related resources (very good C English program website)

G FAQ http://www.faqs.org/faqs/g -faq/iso IEC JTC1 / SC22 / WG21 - C http://anubis.dkuug.dk/jtc1/sc22/wg21/

Open Source Project http://www.sourceforge.net

C Boost http://www.boost.org/

Chinese C Technology Network http://flagon.net9.org/

Wild programming GP / STL

Stlport http://www.stlport.org/

Dinkum C Library http://www.dinkumware.com/

SGI STL http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/

RouGewave Standard C library http://www.ccd.bnl.gov/BCF /cluster/pgi/pgc _lib/stdlib.htm

A collection of stl Documentation http://www.ge.infn.it/geant4/training/stl.html


Dr. Dobb's journal http://www.ddj.com/

C / C Users journal http://www.cuj.com/

** C Network Direction (NET)

Network Programmalon Http://www.programsalon.com/default.asp (with large network program code)

Linux http://www.linuxbyte.net

Forever UNIX programming http://www.fanqiang.com/

** C Guangsheng Extension (Explore)


Pattern Depot http://www.patternDepot.com

Huston Design Patterns http://rampages.onRamp.net/~huston/dp/patterns.html

Software Engineering Expert Network http://www.21cmm.com ***

System Analyst's Window http://www.sawin.com.cn/ **

Engineering technical information http://person.zj.cninfo.net/~ Yhaiyan/index.html **


Uml resource page http://www.omg.org/technology/uml/technological

UML seed machine http://www.umlchina.com

Other technical links

AT & T Labs Research - Software Tools http://www.research.att.com/sw / t oS/

MSDN http://msdn.microsoft.com

TOGET Software Database TOGET.PCHOME.COMEPAGE/10Work_HomePage_EffECT/20000107_5273.html Security Website


Http://www.20cn.net 20cn Network Security Team

Http://www.cnns.net/frankie Early Hacker Website (http://www.cnns.net/frankie/hack/hac1.htm)

http://www.chinawebfan.com/abc/hlc/ China Black Union

Http://www.xfocus.net is a good security site, there are some programming knowledge

Http://www.peckerland.com has a lot of web masters

http://www.netxeyes.com Xiaoxia Software

Http://fetag.dhs.org/, coolfire master's hacker personal website

Zhonglian Green Alliance - Green Corps Business Website http://www.nsfocus.com

Green Corps - Domestic Very old hacker station http://www.vertarmy.com

Red Guest Alliance - a hacker website that has recently been very prosperous, http://www.cnhonker.org

Cabbage Park - famous domestic decryption encryption website http://secrecy.Ayinfo.ha.con

Chinese Eagle - Eagle Home Station http://www.chinawill.com


http://www.huzhou.zj.cn/~Yuange/ Yuan Ge's technology network

Http://www.safefan.com/index1.htm arrogant eagle

Network Technology - Foreign Website http://www.hack.co.za

Network Security Evaluation Center http://www.msecure.org

China Safety Information Contest - the country's largest vulnerability library http://www.chinafirst.org

Lavender Park http://go6.163.com/~reddkross

Computer book publishing

Addison Wesley http://www.awl.com/ http://www.aw.com/cseng/

Amazon http://www.amazon.com

Waiting (Mainland) http://www.huachu.com.cn/

China Interactive Publishing Network http://www.china-pub.com/

Shanghai New Wind Rain Network Bookstore http://www.cnforyou.com


Windows Developers Journal Http://www.wdj.com

MSDN online http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/

Education Training

QA-Systems http://www.qa-systems.com

Angelika langer http://home.camelot.de/langer/


Robocode China League http://www.robochina.org A programming robot website, Java learning is a good place

Java Chinese Technology Network http://www.cn-java.com is very good Java Table

Java official website http://www.java.sun.com

IBM DevelopWorks Java Edition: http://www-900.ibm.com/developerWorks/cn/java/index.shtml supports Java to support a good official website, all master Chinese

Other (computer)

http://pande.363.net/pread. Many English introduced programmaries and styles of articles

Http://www.lili.cc/ 2000 Best Women's Website

Http://www.xxinfo.net Xiangxi Digital Hong Kong (www.416000.com) http://asm.yeah.net/ (http://bigluo.tz163.net) Luo Yunbin Programming Park is a good compilation website

Http://www.zoudan.com Zou Dan

Http://www.drbob42.com Classic Personal Notes and Delphi, Linux Combine Site

Http://www.codelphi.com (CODELPHI) China Development Online, Nice Chinese Delphi Website, User http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl Delphi Classic Website

Http://vcl.vclxx.org/ delphi deep adventure

Soul - Based on game programming http://member.netese.com/~cloudwu

Oracle Technology Network, a large number of oracle knowledge http://www.oradb.net

Lotus Lotus China Official Website http://www.lotus.com.cn

Very good English Notes website, many expert examples in Iris Sandbox http://www.notes.net

English website established by experts and professors, there are many good examples in the Download Center http://www.notes411.com

Personal English website, with personal product example and good post http://www.notesdesign.com

Computer enthusiast magazine http://www.cfan.cn.net

Volkswagen Magazine Network http://www.popsoft.com.cn

Internet Week Magazine Network http://www.ciweekly.com

Ask experts - a large number of programming issues, do not understand the experts will reply in time to http://www.china-askpro.com

Computer Education Magazine Network http://www.cce.com.cn

Other (miscellaneous)

Online map http://www.go2tomap.com

Joint Morning Post http://www.zaobao.com

China Science Network http://www.cnc.ac.cn/net

China Science Network, a large number of science knowledge http://www.kepu.com.cn

Crown Jinshen, anti-virus website http://sc.kill.com.cn

Fisherman's Wharf, Best Fresh Website in 1998 http://rabbitty.yeah.net

Furi.com free space, a lot of free information http://www.254free.net

Http://www.softdo.comwww.rongshu.com Banyan http://www.sxsoft.com (sxsoft1004) project trading platform, there are a large number of trading software projects, development **


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