Accelerated Delphi2005 for Win32

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

Before you look at the text below, make sure you have already installed it.


2005 UPDATE 1

-r parameter also applies to D2005

Simply put, BDS.EXE-RFEUVAN, then run over again

(Where to bds.exe please find yourself)

This will generate an HKCU-Software-Borland-Feuvan in the registry.

The content of the branch will be replicated from HKLM-SOFTWARE-BORLAND-BDS

Then you can change the content of HKCU-Software-Borland-Feuvan according to your needs

Set up a Delphi2005 suitable for you, is it very caul, huh, huh

For example, we can have bds.exe -rwin32 and bds.exe -rdotnet. ;-)

They use different registry branches, but they are present in front of you, they will be two distinct interfaces.

Of course, they are essentially BDS.exe

HKCU-Software-Borland-Feuvan-3.0-KNown Ide Packages,

I have retained the following key value (a registry file, I will change myself and then use it)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / BORLAND / Feuvan / 3.0 / KNown IDE package]]

"$ (Bds) // bin // vclmenudesigner90.bpl" = "(untric)"

"$ (Bds) // bin // Win32Debugproide90.bpl" = "(uns)"

"$ (Bds) // bin // Todoide90.bpl" = "borland Todo"

"$ (Bds) // bin // htmlhelp290.bpl" = "borland htmlhelp viewer"

"$ (Bds) // bin // Coreproide90.bpl" = "Core Ide Pro Package"

"$ (Bds) // bin // delphivclide90.bpl" = "

Delphi VCl Designer IDE Package "

"$ (Bds) // bin // Win32Debugide90.bpl" = "(untricled)"

"$ (Bds) // bin // Delphide90.bpl" = "

Delphi Win32 Ide Personality

"$ (Bds) // bin // mlcc90.bpl" = "Markup Language Code Completion Package"

"$ (Bds) // bin // item ITeidew3290.bpl" = "Borland Integrated Translation Environment for Win32"

"$ (Bds) // bin // refactoride90.bpl" = "Borland Core Refactoring Package"

"$ (Bds) // bin // plugview90.bpl" = "Pluggable Tree View Package"

"$ (Bds) // bin // iDETools90.bpl" = "build tools"

I found that such a combination is enough to write Win32 / VCL, and when you exit, there will be no XXX error, then a zombie process stay in the process, or constantly error. To be honest, even after Update1, 2005 still gives the feeling of Buggy.

Start Delphi2005, in Component-Install Packages, in the new window that pops up, put all the checks you don't need in the TOTALN PACKAGES. I have left Borland Standard Component and INDY 10.

Start now


2005 It takes only two seconds, and there is no RTL90.bPL error, and BDS.exe memory access is wrong.

As for .NET Application, I think I want to write, I still open VS2003.

BTW, summoned the Delphi2005 integrated Update1, and UPDATE1 actually wants the original CD, FT, and the XXXXXX.MSP solution in the update1 it released does not support administrator installation.

(Source: Id = 264 & nid = 111111) If only delphi forwin32 is used, use this method: re-run the first CD install select Modify then Do not choose to have the above and 2 options as long as the middle is fine. OceanV's method "$ (bds) // bin // vclmenudesigner90.bpl" = "" $ (bds) // bin // historyide90.bpl "=" "$ (bds) // BIN // DelphivClide90.bpl "=" Delphi VCl Designer IDE Package "" $ (bds) // bin // Win32Debugide90.bpl "=" "" $ (bds) // bin // delphide90.bpl "= "Delphi Win32 Ide Personality" "$ (bds) // bin // Coreproide90.bpl" = "Core IDE Pro Package" "$ (bds) // bin // delphicoreproide90.bpl" = "" "" " BDS) // bin // htmlhelp290.bpl "=" borland htmlhelp viewer "


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