Classic Robocode Example Code - Snippetbot

zhaozj2021-02-11  269

Classic Robocode Example Code

- -snippetbot

I have seen Robocode's articles, I have a probably understanding of Robocde, now I am going to analyze how it is seamless between Robocode, Java, and now I have a classic Robocode example source code.

Classic Robocode newcomer entry example, including mobile, radar, cannula. . . After watching it and apply it, keep you Robocode thousands of miles away.

Note: The translation style has changed, some did not translate, some have added the experience of We only pay attention to principles, not heavy form.

Everyone can take a look at the part that has no translation, just learn foreign languages! Finally, About Duelist is introduced to a paragraph of the world's first robot development process.

This thing is on the day, look good to the collection! Source code can also download this

package wind; import robocode *; import java.awt.Color;. / ** * SnippetBot - a robot by Alisdair Owens * This bot includes all sorts of useful snippets It is not * designed to be a good fighter (although it does. well 1v1), * just to show how certain things are done * Bits of code lifted from Nicator and Chrisbot * Conventions in this bot include: Use of radians throughout * Storing absolute positions of enemy bots rather than relative ones * Very little code in events * These are all good programming practices for robocode * There may also be methods that arent used; these might just be useful for you * / public class SnippetBot extends AdvancedRobot {/ ** * run:. SnippetBot's default behavior * / Enemy target; / / OUR CURRENT Enemy Represents to the opponent, including all useful parameters of the opponent Final Double Pi = Math.pi; // Just a constant int direction = 1; // Direction we are heading ... 1 = forward, -1 = backwards / / We tank car Direction Double FirePower; // the power of the shot we will be using - set by do firepower () Set our fire power public void run () {target = new enemy (); // instantiate Enemy () Target .distance = 100000; // initialise the distance suwe can select a target setcolors (,,; // sets the colors of the robot // The next two toves mean That Turns Of The Robot, Gun and Radar are independant // Let Gun, Radar is independent of tank car setjustgunForrobotturn (TRUE); setjustradarforgunturn (TRUE); Turnradarrightradians (2 * pi);

// Turns The Radar Right Around To Get A View of The Field Calculates Rotation One Week WHILE (TRUE) {Domovement (); // Move The BOT Mobile Robot DofirePower (); // Select The Fire Power To Use Select Fire Doscanner (); // oscillate the scanner over the BOT scan DOGUN (); //move the gun to predict where the Enemy Will BE predicts the enemy, adjusting the artillery Out.println (Target.distance); Fire (FirePower); // After all the actions are completed, fire execute (); // Execute All Commands Top Used above the non-blocking call // control in the AdvanceDrobot class is in us, all here use of blocking methods to return to control to robots}} / * * this Simple .. function calculates the fire power to use (from 0.1 to 3) * based on the distance from the target We will investigate the data structure * holding the target data later * / void doFirePower () {firePower = 400 / target.distance; // selects ab Ulleet Power Based on Our distance away from the enemy's distance to choose fire, because it goes forward, back to 300, so firepower will not be too large} / * * this is the movememnt function. It will cause us * to circle strafe the enemy (ie move back and forward, * circling the enemy. if you do not know what strafing means * play more quake. * The direction variable is global to the class. Passing a * negative number to setAhead causes the bot to Go backwards * Swing back and forth in the target main center * / void Domovement () {if (getTime ()% 20 == 0) //? After 20 multiples, inversion direction {// every twenty 'ticks' direction * = -1;

// REVERSE DIRECTION setahead (Direction * 300); //move in what timection}); // every Turn Move To Circle Strafe The Enemy // Each time period is enemy Center Round Movement} / * * This Scanner Method Allows Us To make Our scanner TRACK OUR TARGET. * IT WILL TRACK to WHEREURE TARGET IS AT The Moment, and some further * in case the target HAS MOVED. THIS WAY WE ALWAYS GET Up to the minute * information on our target Radar lock target * / void doscanner () {double radaroffset; // radar offset IF (gettime () - target.ctime> 4) // ??? Why is coming 4 The round did not sweep to mean the goal, and then sweep it again {// if we haven't seen anybody for a bit .... Radaroffset = 360; // rotate the Radar to find a target} else {//// Next is the amount we need to rotary the radar by to scan where the mark is now // The radar rotation is determined by scanning the radar rotation, "see the basic principle direction Analysis and goal lock ". Radar radians - enemy angle Get the difference of twists range of rotary values ​​Radaroffset = getradarheadingradians () - Absbearing (Getx (), getY (), target.x, target.y); // This Adds or Subtracts Small Amounts from The Bearing for the Radar To Produce The Wobbling // And Make Sure We Don't Lose Target / / In the resulting angle, add or minus a point angle, make the radar in a small range Do not lose target IF (Radaroffset <0) Radaroffset - = pi / 8; //(0.375) Else Radaroffset = Pi / 8;} // Turn The Radar SetTurnRadarleftradians (NormaliseBearing (Radaroffset);

// Left adjustment rotation angle to pi} / * * this Simple method Moves the gun to the bearing That We prefer the gun to be by the time ou ly, get there, * the 'absbearing' method can be found in the helper functions section * the nextX and nextY method can be found in the 'Enemy' class description * / void doGun () {// works out how long it would take a bullet to travel to where the enemy is * now * // This is the best estimation we have // ​​Calculate the length of time for bullets to reach the target Speed ​​= 20 - 3 * power; there is a calculation formula, the distance except speed = time long time = getTime () (int) (Target.distance / (20 - (3 * firepower))))))); // offsets the gun by the angle to the next shot based on linear targeting provided by the first minear target // The angle of the next time the bullet is launched in a straight line. (This makes the chance of bullet emption to decrease.

But there is a problem with the mutual movement of the robot that does not move and makes a circular motion) //target.guessx (), target.guesy () Double gunoffset = getGunHeadingradians (), Target.guesx (Time), Target.Guesy (Time)); setTurngunleFTradians (NormaliseBearing (Gunoffset)); // Adjust relative angle to 2pi} / * * this set of helper methods. You May Find Several of these Very Useful * THEY INCLUDE The Ability To Find The Angle To a point. * / // if a bearing is not with the --pi to pi ing, alters it to pi} {ix {ix {ix {ix {ix (ang> pi) ang {ix - = 2 * pi; if (Ang <-pi) ang = 2 * pi; returnon;} // if a heading is not with the 0 to 2Pi Range, Alters It to provide the Shortest Angle Double NormaliseHeading (Double Ang ) {IF (Ang> 2 * pi) Ang - = 2 * pi; if (Ang <0) Ang = 2 * pi; return ang;} // Returns the distance between Two x, y coordinates '**' / / With both sides The distance between PUBLIC DOUBLE GETRANGE (Double X1, Double Y1, Double X2, Double X1) {Double X = Y2-Y1; Double H = Math.SQRT (XO * X) YO * YO); RETURN H;} // Gets the Absolute Bearing BetWeen to X, Y COORDINATES / / The absolute angle is obtained according to the coordinates of x, y, see "Coordinate lock" to reveal the angle using a right angle coordinate system.

? ? ? Public Double Absbearing (Double X1, Double Y1, Double X2, Double Y2) {Double XO = X2-x1; Double YO = Y2-Y1; Double H = GetRange (x1, y1, x2, y2); if (xo> 0 && yo> 0) {// Anti-sicrosion definition, except for the arc of the side. Refer to the absolute direction and coordinate system in Robocode, Y, Y is 0-90, X Positive Y The lower corner is 90-180, x, y negative left corner 180-270, x negative, Y positive upper right corner 270-360 // This is to understand that the absolute angle in Robocode is 0, and the lower 180, if the center is Distinguishing quadrant gets the following result Return Math.asin (XO / H);} if (xo> 0 && yo <0) {return math.pi - math.asin (XO / h); // x is positive, Y is a negative second quadrant angle} if (XO <0 ​​&& yo <0) {return math.pi math.asin (-xo / h); // Third quadrant 180 angle} IF (XO <0 ​​&& YO> 0) {RETURN 2.0 * Math.pi - math.asin (-xo / h); // 4 quadrant 360-angle} Return 0;} / ** * OnscannedRobot: What to do when You see Another Robot * Scan Event, also the process of initializing target data * / public void onscannedRobot (ScannedRobotevent E) {/ / if we have found acloser robot .... IF ((E.GetDistance ()

// Works out the x coordinate of where the target is target.y = getY () math.cos (absbearing_rad) * E.GETDISTANCE (); // Works out the y coordinate of where the target is target.bearing = e Target.Bearing = E .getBearingradians (); target.head = E.getHeadingradians (); target.ctime = gettime (); // Game Time At Which this scan .speed scanned to robots Target.Speed ​​= E.GETVELOCICITY (); / / Get the enemy speed target.distance = E.GetDistance ();}} public void onrobotdeath (effect e) {if (E.GETName () == target.distance = 10000; // this will effectively make it it search for a new target}} / * * This class holds scan data so that we can remember where enemies were * and what they were doing when we last scanned then. * You could make a hashtable (with the name of the enemy bot as Key) * OR a Vector of these So That You Can Remember Where All of your enemies Are * in relation to you. * This class also holds the guessX and guessY methods. These return where our targeting * system thinks they will be if they travel in a straight line at the same speed * as they are travelling now. You just need to pass the time At Which You Want To Know * Where The Will Be. * Save all useful data for the target we scanned, you can also use the HashTable, Vector method to process all and our target data (for group war) * Guessx, Guesys Method is to do a strategy for line average sports robots * / Class Enemy {/ * * OK, We Should Really Be Using Accessors and Mutators Here, * (IE getName () and setname ()) BUT Life's Too Short. * / String Public Double Bearing; Public Long CTime;

// Game Time That The Scan Was Produced Public Double Speed; Public Double X, Y; Public Double Distance; Public Double Guessx (long when) {// Take the time difference between the bullet arrives at the maximum speed = distance, then use the opponent Coordinate plus moving coordinates to get the enemy moving coordinate long Diff = when - ctime; returnix x math.sin (head) * speed * diff; // Target Moved coordinate} public double guessy (long when)} DIFF = WHEN - CTIME; RETURN Y MATH.COS (HEAD) * SPEED * DIFF;} To learn more about information, please refer to:

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