Recently, there is a certain interest in the mutual conversion of Java objects and XML text, so I look at the relevant information online. Discovered Castor.
And browsed this page, but found that the above code has some wrong leaks.
I wrote a simple code with Eclipse as follows: (Mainly referring to the contents of the website mentioned above)
The program is read into the Page.xml file and then converts to a Java object. Then write the Java object to another file.
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1.Page.xml, page to be converted to object
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
*********************************************************** **********************************, a simple class that conforms to the JavaBean specification
Package tryforcastor;
Public class homepagecontent implements {
PRIVATE STATIC FINAL Long SerialVersionuid = 3689909565688657717L;
Private integer ID;
Private string navlink; private string icon;
Private string description;
Public HomePageContent () {}
Public integer getId () {returnid;}
Public void setid (integer ID) { = ID;}
Public string getname () {return name;} public void setname (String name) { = name;} public string getnavlink () {Return Navlink;
Public void setnavlink (string navlink) {this.navlink = navlink;}
Public string geticon () {return}
Public void seticon (string icon) {this.icon = icon;
Public string getDescription;} {Return Description;
Public void setdescription (string description) {this.description = description;
*********************************************************** **********************************,
Package tryforcastor;
Import java.util. *;
Public class homepagecollection implements {
Private string sitename;
Private list homepagecontents = new arraylist ();
Public HomePageCollection () {}
// - manipulate the list of page objects public void addHomePagecontent (HomePageContent); HomePageContent;
Public List GethomePageContents () {Return HomePageContent
// - manipulate the name of the address book public string getName () {Return SiteName;}
Public void setname (string name) {this.sitename = name;}
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4. mapping.xml, mapping file, link the XML file you want to transform and Java class
XML Version = "1.0" Encoding = "UTF-8"?>, execute the transformation class
Package tryforcastor;
Import; import; import java.util. *;
Import org.exolab.castor.mapping.mapping; import org.exolab.castor.xml.Marshaller; import org.exolab.castor.xml.unmarshaler;
/ ** * @Author hbm * * / public class trycastor {public mapping mapping;
Public string xmlfile;
public void HomePageHandle (String mapfile, String xmlfile) throws Exception {this.xmlfile = xmlfile; try {mapping = new Mapping (); mapping.loadMapping (mapfile); // read mapping file} catch (Exception e) {throw new EXCEPTION (E.GetMessage ());}}
// - page.xml the data read into Homepagecollection public Homepagecollection read () throws Exception {Homepagecollection homepages = null; try {Unmarshaller un = new Unmarshaller (Homepagecollection.class); // xml -> java special class un.setMapping (mapping);
FileReader IN = New FileReader; HomePages = (HomePageCollection) un.unmarshal (in); // Convert in.close ();} catch (exception e) {throw new exception (E.GetMessage ());} return Homepages;
// hbm add public FileWriter write (String outFile, Object obj) throws Exception {FileWriter out = new FileWriter (outFile); try {Marshaller mar = new Marshaller (out); // java-> xml special class mar.setMapping (mapping ); Mar.Marshal (OBJ); Catch (Exception E) {throw new exception (E.getMessage ()); // conversion} return out;}
/ ** * @Param args * / public static void main (String [] args) {Trycastor TC = New Trycastor (); try {// read data from page.xml and put it in the object hcollection tc.homepagehandle (" Mapping.xml, "page.xml"); HomePageCollection hcollection = (); list list = hcollection.getHomePageContents (); for (item.hasnext (); itute .hasnext ();) {HomePageContent H = (HOMEPAGECONTENT) ITER.NEXT (); system.out.println (h.getdescription ()); system.out.println (h.geticon ()); system.out.println (h.getname ()); System.out.println (h.getnavlink ()); system.out.println (h.getname2 ()); system.out.println (h.getid ()); system.out.println (h.getclass () ); System.out.println ( ");} // Write to XML Text FileWriter FW = Tc.write (" D.xml ", hcollection; if (null! = fw) {fw.close ();}} catch (exception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();}
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Summary: I feel that the write file (mapping.xml) is cumbersome, can you use a mapping to solve the automatic lookup class field to implement the conversion of Java to XML?