/ ** *
ClassName: Schema interface p> *
Description: p> *
Copyright: CopyRight (c) 2002 p> *
Company: p> * @author: * @version: * @date: * / public interface Schema {public static int TYPE_NOFOUND = -1; // public static int TYPE_MIN = -1; // the minimum value of type public static int TYPE_STRING = 0; // java.lang.string public static int type_date = 1; // java.util.date public static int type_float = 2; // Float public static int type_int = 3; // int public static int type_double = 4; // Double public static int type_max = 5; // the maximum value of type
PUBLIC STRING [] getpk ();
/ / Return the value of PUBLIC STRING GETV (String Fcode) by name or index;
Public String GetV (INT NINDEX);
/ / Return to the type of the field by name or index, such as schema.type_string public int getfieldtype (string strfieldname);
Public int GetFieldType (int NfieldIndex);
// Get the number of fields public int getfieldcount ();
// Name and index mutual check public int getfieldindex (String strfieldname);
Public String getfieldname (int nfieldIndex);
/ / Set public boolean setv (String StrfieldName, String String StrfieldValue);} / * *
ClassName: laholsschema p> *
Description: DB layer Schema class file p> *
CopyRight : Copyright (c) 2002 p> *
Company: sinosoft p> * @Database: management * @createdate: 2004-12-20 * / package com.schema;
Import java.sql.resultset; import java.sql.sqlexception; import java.util.date;
Import com.db.laholsdb; import com.pubfun.fdate; import com.utility.crror; import com.utility.chgdata; import com.utility.schema; import com.utility.stertool Import com..utility.sysconst;
public class LAHolsSchema implements Schema {// @Field / ** coding * / private String AgentCode; / ** * / private String AgentGroup; / ** means * / private String ManageCom; / ** record sequence number * / private int Idx ; / ** Indicator Calculates Code * / Private String Indexcalno; / ** Please leave the Type * / Private String Aclass; / ** Number * / Private Int Vacdays; / ** Date * / Private Date Leavedate; / ** Date * / Private date enddate; / ** Number * / private string absDays; / ** Fill in the flag * / private string fillflag; / ** Certificate Sign * / private string confidenflag; / ** Add Sign * / Private string addvacflag; / * * 号 * / Private Double Summoney; / ** Approved Man * / Private String ApproveCode; / ** Operator Code * / Private String Operator; / * / Private Date makedate; / ** Overhal time * / private string maketime; / ** Last modified date * / private date modifydate; / ** Last modification time * / private string mode; / ** Type * / private string branchtype ; / ** Date * / Private Date Shouldnddate; / ** Status * / Private String Leavestate; / ** External Code * / Private String Branchattr; Public Static Final Int FieldNum = 25; // Database Table Field Number
Private static string [] pk; // master key
Private fdate fdate = new fdate (); // processing date
Public cerors merror; // error message
@Constructor public laholsschema () {MERRORS = New Cerrors ();
String [] pk = new string [2]; pk [0] = "AgentCode"; PK [1] = "idx";
PK = PK;}
@Method public string [] getpk () {return pk;}
public String getAgentCode () {if (AgentCode = null && AgentCode.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {AgentCode = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (AgentCode);} return AgentCode;} public void setAgentCode (String aAgentCode ) {Agentcode = aagentcode;
public String getAgentGroup () {if (AgentGroup = null && AgentGroup.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {AgentGroup = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (AgentGroup);} return AgentGroup;}
Public void setagentgroup (string aagentgroup) {agentgroup = aagentgroup;
Public string getManagecom () {if (managecom! = null&&! management.com.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {managecom = strtool.unicoDetogbk (managecom);} Return ManageCom
Public void setmanagecom (string aManageCom) {managecom = aManageCom;
Public int getidX () {returni IDX;
Public void setidx (int AIDX) {idx = aidx;}
Public void setidx (String Aidx) {IF (AIDX! = Null &&! Aidx.equals (")) {INTEGER TINTEGER = New Integer (AIDX); INT I = Tinteger.intValue (); idx = i;}}
public String getIndexCalNo () {if (IndexCalNo = null && IndexCalNo.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {IndexCalNo = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (IndexCalNo);} return IndexCalNo;} public void setIndexCalNo (String aIndexCalNo ) {Indexcalno = aindexcalno;
Public string getaclass () {i (aclass! = null&&! aclass.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {aclass = strtool.unicodetogbk (aclass);} return aclass;}
Public void setaclass (string aaclass) {aclass = aaclass;
Public int getvacdays () {return vacdays;}
Public void setvacdays (int avacdays) {vacdays = avacdays;
Public void setvacdays (string avacdays) {if (avacdays! = null &&! avacdays.equals (")) {integer Tinteger = new integer (avacdays); int i = tinteger.intValue (); vacdays = i;}}
Public string getleavedate () {if (leavedate! = null) {return fdate.getstring (leavedate);} else {return null;}}
Public void setleavedate (date aleavedate) {leavedate = aleavedate;}
Public void setleavedate (string aleavedate) {if (aleavedate! = null&&! aleavedate.equals (")) {leavedate = fdate.getdate (aleavedate);} else {leavedate = null;}}
Public string getenddate () {if (enddate! = null) {return fdate.getstring (enddate);} else {return null;}}}} public void setEnddate (Date Addate) {
Public void setEnddate (String Addate) {if (said) {enddate;} else {enddate = null;}
Public string getabsdays () {if (absdays! = null&&! absdays.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {absdays = strtool.unicoDetogbk (absdays);} return absdays;}
Public void setabdays (string aabsdays) {absdays = aabsdays;
public String getFillFlag () {if (! FillFlag = null && FillFlag.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!) {FillFlag = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (FillFlag);} return FillFlag;}
Public void setfillflag (String Afillflag) {FillFlag = AfillFlag;}
public String getConfIdenFlag () {if (! ConfIdenFlag = null && ConfIdenFlag.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!) {ConfIdenFlag = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (ConfIdenFlag);} return ConfIdenFlag;}
Public void setconfidenflag (string aconfidenflag) {confidenflag = aconfidenflag;
public String getAddVacFlag () {if (AddVacFlag = null && AddVacFlag.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {AddVacFlag = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (AddVacFlag);} return AddVacFlag;} public void setAddVacFlag (String aAddVacFlag ) {Addvacflag = AADDVACFLAG;
Public Double getSummoney () {Return Summoney;
Public void setsummoney (double asummoney) {summoney = asummoney;
Public void setsummoney (string asummoney) {if (asummoney! = null&&&! asummoney.equals (")) {double tdouble = new double (asummoney); double d = tdouble.doublevalue (); summoney = d;}}
public String getApproveCode () {if (ApproveCode = null && ApproveCode.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {ApproveCode = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (ApproveCode);} return ApproveCode;}
Public void setApprovecode (string aApprovecode) {approvecode = aApprovecode;
Public string getnoti () {if (noti! = null&&! noti.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {noti = strtool.unicoDetogbk (noti);} return noti;}
Public void setnoti (string anoti) {noti = anoti;
public String getOperator () {if (Operator = null && Operator.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!!) {Operator = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (Operator);} return Operator;} public void setOperator (String aOperator ) {Operator = aoperator;
Public string getmakedate () {if (makedate! = null) {return fdate.getstring (Makedate);} else {return null;}}
Public void setmakedate (date amakedate) {Makedate = Amakedate;}
Public void setmakedate (String amakedate) {if (amakedate! = null&&! amakedate.equals (")) {makedate = fdate.getdate (amakedate);} else {makedate = null;}}
Public string getmaketime () {if (Maketime! = null&&! maketime.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {maketime = strtool.unicodetogbk (maketime);} returnometime;}
Public void setmaketime (string amaketime) {maketime = amaketime;}
Public string getModifyDate () {if (modifydate! = null) {return fdate.getstring (modifydate);} else {return null;}}
Public void setmodifydate (date amodifydate) {modifydate = amodifydate;
public void setModifyDate (String aModifyDate) {if (aModifyDate = null && aModifyDate.equals ( "")!!) {ModifyDate = fDate.getDate (aModifyDate);} else {ModifyDate = null;}} public String getModifyTime () {if (ModifyTime! = Null &&! Modifytime.equals (") && sysconst.changecharset == true) {modifytime = strool.unicoDetogbk (modify);} return model;}
Public void setmodifytime (string amodify) {modifytime = amodifytime;}
public String getBranchType () {if (! BranchType = null && BranchType.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!) {BranchType = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (BranchType);} return BranchType;}
Public void setbranchType (String AbranchType) {branchtype = AbranchType;}
Public String getSholdDDate () {if (shopnddate! = null) {return fdate.getstring (shouldDate);} else {return null;}}
Public void setSholddenddate (date asholddenddate) {shouldddate = asholddenddate;
public void setShouldEndDate (String aShouldEndDate) {if (aShouldEndDate = null && aShouldEndDate.equals ( "")!!) {ShouldEndDate = fDate.getDate (aShouldEndDate);} else {ShouldEndDate = null;}}
public String getLeaveState () {if (! LeaveState = null && LeaveState.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!) {LeaveState = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (LeaveState);} return LeaveState;} public void setLeaveState (String aLeaveState ) {LeaveState = aleavestate;
public String getBranchAttr () {if (! BranchAttr = null && BranchAttr.equals ( "") && SysConst.CHANGECHARSET == true!) {BranchAttr = StrTool.unicodeToGBK (BranchAttr);} return BranchAttr;}
Public void setbranchattr (String Abranchattr) {branchattr = Abranchattr;}
/ * ** LAHolsSchema a further object to the use Schema assignment * @param: Schema Object * @return: None ** / public void setSchema (LAHolsSchema aLAHolsSchema) {this.AgentCode = aLAHolsSchema.getAgentCode (); this.AgentGroup = aLAHolsSchema. getAgentGroup (); this.ManageCom = aLAHolsSchema.getManageCom (); this.Idx = aLAHolsSchema.getIdx (); this.IndexCalNo = aLAHolsSchema.getIndexCalNo (); this.AClass = aLAHolsSchema.getAClass (); this.VacDays = aLAHolsSchema. getVacDays (); this.LeaveDate = fDate.getDate (aLAHolsSchema.getLeaveDate ()); this.EndDate = fDate.getDate (aLAHolsSchema.getEndDate ()); this.AbsDays = aLAHolsSchema.getAbsDays (); this.FillFlag = aLAHolsSchema. getFillFlag (); this.ConfIdenFlag = aLAHolsSchema.getConfIdenFlag (); this.AddVacFlag = aLAHolsSchema.getAddVacFlag (); this.SumMoney = aLAHolsSchema.getSumMoney (); this.ApproveCode = aLAHolsSchema.getApproveCode (); this.Noti = aLAHolsS chema.getNoti (); this.Operator = aLAHolsSchema.getOperator (); this.MakeDate = fDate.getDate (aLAHolsSchema.getMakeDate ()); this.MakeTime = aLAHolsSchema.getMakeTime (); this.ModifyDate = fDate.getDate (aLAHolsSchema .getModifyDate ()); this.ModifyTime = aLAHolsSchema.getModifyTime (); this.BranchType = aLAHolsSchema.getBranchType (); this.ShouldEndDate = fDate.getDate (aLAHolsSchema.getShouldEndDate ()); this.LeaveState = aLAHolsSchema.getLeaveState () Id.branchattr = alaholsschema.getbranchattr ();
/ ** * Use the first line in ResultSet * @Param: ResultSet object; i line number * @return: boolean ** / public boolean setschema (ResultSet RS, INT i) {Try {//rs.absolute (i); // Non-rolling cursor IF (rs.getstring ("agecode") == null) {this.Agentcode = null;} else {this.Agentcode = rgenTString ("AgentCode"). Trim (); } IF ("AgentGroup" == null) {this.AgentGroup = null;} else {this.AgentGroup = rs.getstring ("AgentGroup"). Trim ();}
IF ("ManageCom" == null) {this.managecom = null;} else {this.managecom = rs.getstring ("managecom"). Trim ();}
THIS.IDX = rs.getint ("idx"); if (rs.getstring ("indexcalno") == null) {this.indexcalno = null;} else {this.indexcalno = rs.getstring ("indexcalno"). Trim ();
IF (rs.getstring ("aclass") == null) {this.aclass = null;} else {this.aclass = rs.getstring ("aclass"). TRIM ();}
This.vacdays = rs.getInt ("Vacdays"); this.Leavedate = rs.getdate ("LeaveDate"); this.Enddate = rs.getdate ("enddate"); if (rs.getstring ("absdays") = = null) {this.absdays = null;} else {this.absdays = rs.getstring ("absdays"). Trim ();} if (rs.getstring ("fillflag") == null) {this.FillFlag = null;} else {this.fillflag = rs.getstring ("fillflag"). Trim ();
IF ("confidenflag") == null) {this.confidenflag = null;} else {this.confidenflag = rs.getstring ("confidenflag"). TRIM ();}
IF ("addvacflag") == null) {this.addvacflag = null;} else {this.addvacflag = rs.getstring ("addvacflag"). TRIM ();}
This.Summoney = rs.getdouble ("Summoney"); if ("approvecode" == null) {this.approvecode = null;} else {this.approvecode = rs.getstring ("ApproveCode"). Trim ();
IF (rs.getstring ("noti") == null) {this.noti = null;} else {this.noti = rgetstring ("noti"). Trim ();}
IF ("Operator") == NULL) {this.operator = null;} else {this.operator = rs.getstring ("operator"). Trim ();} this.makedate = rs.getdate "Makedate"); if (rs.getstring ("maketime") == null) {this.maketime = null;} else {this.maketime = r g gTString ("maketime"). Trim ();}
THIS.MODIFYDATE = rs.getdate ("modifydate"); if (rs.getstring ("modifytime") == null) {this.modifytime = null;} else {this.modifytime = rs.getstring ("ModifyTime"). Trim ();
IF ("BranchType" == null) {this.branchType = null;} else {this.branchtype = rs.getstring ("branchtype"). Trim ();}
THIS.SHOULDENDDATE = rs.getdate ("ShouldDate"); if (rs.getstring ("leavestate" == null) {this.leavestate = null;} else {this.Leavestate = rgetstring ("leavestate"). Trim ();
IF ("branchattr" == null) {this.branchattr = null;} else {this.branchattr = rs.getstring ("branchattr"). Trim ();}
} Catch (SQLEXCEPTION SQLE) {@@ 错误 处理 CERROR TERROR = New Cerror (); TERROR.ModulenAme = "laholsschema"; terror.functionName = "setschema"; terror.errorMessage = SQLE.TOSTOSTRING (); this.merror .addoneError (TEERROR); RETURN FALSE;} Return True;
Public laholsschema getschema () {laholsschema alaholsschema = new laholsschema (); Alaholsschema.Setschema (this); Return AlaholssChema;}
Public laholsdb getdb () {laholsdb adboper = new laholsdb (); adboper.setschema (this); return adboper;}
StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (AddVacFlag)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER ChgData.chgData (SumMoney) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (ApproveCode)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (Noti)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (Operator)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (fDate.getString (MakeDate))) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim ( StrTool.unicodeToGBK (MakeTime)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (fDate.getString (ModifyDate))) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (Modif yTime)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (BranchType)) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool.unicodeToGBK (fDate.getString (ShouldEndDate))) SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER StrTool.cTrim (StrTool .unicodetogbk (leavestate)) Sysconst.PackagesPilter STRTOOL.CTRIM (STRTOOL.UNICODETOGBK (BRANCHATTR)); Return Strreturn;}
/ ** * Data unpack, unpacking order See History Credential Certificate The homekess information table field * @Param: StrMessage: Contains a record data string * @return: boolean ** / public boolean decode (string strMessage) {try {AgentCode = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 1, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); agentGroup = StrTool.getStr (StrTool .GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 2, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); ManageCom = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 3, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); Idx = new Integer (ChgData.chgNumericStr (StrTool.getStr (strMessage, 4, . SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER))) intValue (); IndexCalNo = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 5, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); AClass = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 6, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); VacDays = new Integer (ChgData.chgNumericStr (StrTool.getStr (strMessage, 7, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER))) intValue ();. LeaveDate = fDate.getDate (StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 8, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER)); EndDate = fDate.getDate (StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 9, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER)); AbsDays = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 10, SysConst. PackageSpilter; FillFlag =
StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 11, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); ConfIdenFlag = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 12, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); AddVacFlag = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage) , 13, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER);. SumMoney = new Double (ChgData.chgNumericStr (StrTool.getStr (strMessage, 14, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER))) doubleValue (); ApproveCode = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 15 , SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); Noti = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 16, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); Operator = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 17, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); MakeDate = fDate. GetDate StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 18, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER)); MakeTime = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 19, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); ModifyDate = fDate.getDate (StrTool.getStr (StrTool .GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 20, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER)); modifyTime = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 21, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); BranchType = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 22, SysConst .Packagespilter; ShouldEnddate =
fDate.getDate (StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 23, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER)); LeaveState = StrTool.getStr (StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 24, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER); BranchAttr = StrTool.getStr (StrTool .GBKToUnicode (strMessage), 25, SysConst.PACKAGESPILTER);} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {// @@ error handling CError tError = new CError (); tError.moduleName = "LAHolsSchema"; tError.functionName = "decode"; Terror.ErrorMessage = ex.Tostring (); this.merrors.addoneError (TERROR); RETURN FALSE;} Return true;}
/ ** * String Field value of the corresponding Parameter * @Param: fcode hopes to get the field name * @return: FValue String form Field value * fValue = "" No matching field * Fvalue = "null" Field value is null ** / public string getv (string fcode) {string strreturn = ""; if (fcode.equals ("agecode") {strreturn = strtool.gbktounicode (Strreturn.Valueof (AgentCode));} IF FCode.equals ( "agentGroup")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (agentGroup));} if (FCode.equals ( "ManageCom")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (ManageCom)) ;} if (FCode.equals ( "Idx")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (Idx));} if (FCode.equals ( "IndexCalNo")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (Indexcalno);} if (fcode.equals ("acvel")) {strreturn = strtool.gbktounicode (Strreturn.Valueof (acvel)); } If (FCode.equals ( "VacDays")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (VacDays));} if (FCode.equals ( "LeaveDate")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf ( . Getleavedate ());} if (fcode.equals ("enddate")) {strreturn = strtool.gbktounicode (Strreturn.Valueof (this.Getenddate ());} if (fcode.equals ("absdays") ) {Strreturn = STRTOOL.GBKTOUNICODE (Strreturn.Valueof (absdays));
} If (FCode.equals ( "FillFlag")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (FillFlag));} if (FCode.equals ( "ConfIdenFlag")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf ( ConfIdenFlag));} if (FCode.equals ( "AddVacFlag")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (AddVacFlag));} if (FCode.equals ( "SumMoney")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode ( strReturn.valueOf (SumMoney));} if (FCode.equals ( "ApproveCode")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (ApproveCode));} if (FCode.equals ( "Noti")) {strReturn = STRTOOL.GBKTOUNICODE (STRRETURN.Valueof (noti));} if (fcode.equals ("operator")) {strreturn = strtool.gbktounicode (Strreturn.Valueof (Operator));} if (fcode.equals ("makedate") ) {Strreturn = strool.gbktouni code (strReturn.valueOf (this.getMakeDate ()));} if (FCode.equals ( "MakeTime")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (MakeTime));} if (FCode.equals ( "ModifyDate ")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (this getModifyDate (.)));} if (FCode.equals (" modifyTime ")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (modifyTime));} IF (fcode.equals ("branchtype")) {strreturn =
StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (BranchType));} if (FCode.equals ( "ShouldEndDate")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (this getShouldEndDate ()).);} If (FCode.equals ( "LeaveState")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (LeaveState));} if (FCode.equals ( "BranchAttr")) {strReturn = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (strReturn.valueOf (BranchAttr));} if ( Strreturn.equals (")) {strreturn =" null ";} return strreturn;}
/ ** * Take the field value corresponding to the specified index value in Schema * @Param: nfieldIndIndex specified by the field index value * @return: field value.
* If there is no corresponding field, return "" If the field value is empty, return "null" ** / public string getv (int nfieldIndex) {string string stringvalue = ""; switch (nfieldIndex) {case 0: strfieldValue = STRTOOL. GBKToUnicode (AgentCode); break; case 1: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (agentGroup); break; case 2: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (ManageCom); break; case 3: strFieldValue = String.valueOf (Idx); break; case 4: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (IndexCalNo); break; case 5: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (AClass); break; case 6: strFieldValue = String.valueOf (VacDays); break; case 7: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode ( String.valueof (this. getLeaveDate ())); break; case 8: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (String.valueOf (this getEndDate (.))); break; case 9: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (AbsDays); break; case 10: strFieldValue = STRTOOL.GBKTOUNICODE (FillFlag); Break; Case 11: StrfieldValue = strtool.gbktounicore (confidenflag); Break; Case 12: StrfieldValue = strtool.gbktounicode (addvacflag); Break;
case 13: strFieldValue = String.valueOf (SumMoney); break; case 14: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (ApproveCode); break; case 15: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (Noti); break; case 16: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (Operator); break; case 17: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (String.valueOf (this getMakeDate ()).); break; case 18: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (MakeTime); break; case 19: strFieldValue = StrTool. GBKTOUNICODE (String.Valueof (this. GetModifyDate ())); break; case 20: strfieldvalue = strup.gbktounicode (modifytime); break; cas 21: strfieldvalue = strool.gbktounicode anchType); break; case 22: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (String.valueOf (this getShouldEndDate ().)); break; case 23: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (LeaveState); break; case 24: strFieldValue = StrTool.GBKToUnicode (BRANCHATTR); BREAK; Default: strfieldvalue = "";}; if (strfieldValue.equals (")) {strfieldValue =" null ";} return strfieldValue;}
/ ** * Set the field value of the String form corresponding to the incoming parameter * @Param: Fcode hopes to get the field name * @return: FVALUE STRING Field value * Fvalue = "" No matching field * Fvalue = "null" Field values are null ** / public boilean setv (string fcode, string fvalue) {if (string.ctrim (fcode) .Equals (")) {returnaf false;}
IF ("AgentCode")) {if (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.Equals (")) {agentcode = fvalue.trim ();} else {agentcode = null;}}} f (fcode) Equals ("AgentGroup")) {if (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {agentgroup = fvalue.trim ();} else {agentgroup = null;}}} (fcode.equals) ")) {If (FValue! = Null&&! Fvalue.equals (")) {managecom = fvalue.trim ();} else {managecom = null;}}} f (fcode.equals ("iDX")) { IF (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {integer tinteger = new integer (fvalue); int i = tinteger.intValue (); idx = i;} } F ("indexcalno") {if (Fvalue! = Null&&! Fview.equals (")) {indexcalno = fvalue.trim ();} else {indexcalno = null;}} if (fcode) . Equals ("ACLASS")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fvalue.Equals (")) {aclass = fvalue.trim ();} else {aclass = null;}}} f ("
Vacdays ")) {if (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {Integer Tinteger = new integer (fvalue); int i = tinteger.intValue (); vacdays = i;}} = Equals ("LeaveDate")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {LeaveDate = fdate.getdate (} else {leavedate = null;}}}} (fcode.equals) Enddate ")) {if (FValue! = Null &&! FValue.equals (")) {enddate = fdate.getdate (flash});} else {enddate = null;}}}}; "absdays") ) {If (FValue! = Null&&! Fview.equals (")) {absdays = fvalue.trim ();} else {absDays = null;}} IF (Fcode.equals ("FVALUE! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {FillFlag = FVALUE.TRIM () Else {FillFlag = null;}}} Equals ("confidenflag")) {if (FValue! = null&&! fValue.equals (")) {confidenflag = fvalue.trim ();} else {confidenflag = null;}}} (fcode.equals)
Addvacflag ") {if (FValue! = Null&&! Fview.equals (")) {addvacflag = fvalue.trim ();} else {addvacflag = null;}}} ("Summoney)) {IF (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {double tdouble = new double (fvalue); double d = tdouble.doublevalue (); summoney = d;}}}}}} ")) {If (FValue! = Null&&! Fview.equals (")) {approvecode = fvalue.trim ();} else {approvecode = null;}}}}) { IF (FValue! = Null &&! FValue.equals (")) {NOTI = fValue.trim ();} else {noti = null;}} = Fcode.equals ("Operator")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fvalue.Equals (")) {Operator = fvalue.trim ();} else {operator = null;}}} f (fcode.equals "Makedate")) {if (FValue! = Null&&! FValue.equals (")) {MakeDate = fdate.getdate (fValue);} else {makedate = null;}}} f (fcode.equals)
Maketime ")) {if (FValue! = Null&&! Fvalue.equals (")) {maketime = fvalue.trim ();} else {maketime = null;}} f (fcode.equals ("modifydate)) {IF (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {modifydate = fdate.getdate (fview);} else {modifydate = null;}}} f (fcode.equals (" modifytime ") {IF FValue! = Null&&! Fview.equals (")) {modifytime = fvalue.trim ();} else {modifytime = null;}}}} (fcode.equals (" branchtype ")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fview.equals (")) {branchtype = fvalue.trim ();} else {branchtype = null;}} IF (Fcode.equals ("ShouldEnddate")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fvalue.Equals (")) {ShouldDDate = fdate.getdate (fview});} else {ShouldEndDate = null;}}}}} {if (FValue! = Null &&! Fvalue.equals (")) {LeaveState = FVALUE.TRIM ();} else {willopy
}}}} ("Branchattr")) {if (Fvalue! = Null &&! Fview.equals (")) {branchattr = fValue.trim ();} else {branchattr = null;}} returntr = null;}} return }
public boolean equals (Object otherObject) {if (this == otherObject) {return true;} if (otherObject == null) {return false;} if (! getClass () = otherObject.getClass ()) {return false;} LAHolsSchema other = (LAHolsSchema) otherObject; return AgentCode.equals (other.getAgentCode ()) && AgentGroup.equals (other.getAgentGroup ()) && ManageCom.equals (other.getManageCom ()) && Idx == other.getIdx () && IndexCalNo.equals (other.getIndexCalNo ()) && AClass.equals (other.getAClass ()) && VacDays == other.getVacDays () && fDate.getString (LeaveDate) .equals (other.getLeaveDate ()) && fDate. GetString (Enddate) .Equals (Other.Getenddate () && AbsDays () && Fillflag.equals (Other.Getfillflag () && confial IdenFlag.equals (other.getConfIdenFlag ()) && AddVacFlag.equals (other.getAddVacFlag ()) && SumMoney == other.getSumMoney () && ApproveCode.equals (other.getApproveCode ()) && Noti.equals (other.getNoti ( )) && operator.equals (Other.getoperator () .Equals (Other.getmakeDate () && Maketime.Equals (Other.getmaketime () && fdate.getstring (ModifyDate) .Equals .Equals. Other.getmodifyDate ()) &&
ModifyTime.equals (other.getModifyTime ()) && BranchType.equals (other.getBranchType ()) && fDate.getString (ShouldEndDate) .equals (other.getShouldEndDate ()) && LeaveState.equals (other.getLeaveState ()) && BranchAttr } / ** * Get the number of Schema owners with fields ** / public int getfieldcount () {Return Fieldnum;}
/ ** * Obtain the index value corresponding to the specified field name in Schema * If there is no corresponding field, return -1 ** / public int getfieldindex (string strfieldname) {if (StrfieldName.Equals ("AgentCode") {Return 0; } IF ("AgentName.Equals (" AgentGroup ")) {RETURN 1;} if (StrfieldName.Equals (" ManageCom ")) {Return 2;} if (StrfieldName.Equals (" iDX ")) {Return 3;} IF (StrfieldName.equals ("indexcalno")) {return 4;} if (strfieldname.equals ("acfieldname.equals (strfieldname.equals (" vacdays ")) {Return 6;} if (StrfieldName . Equals ("LeaveDate")) {RETURN 7;} if (StrfieldName.Equals ("enddate")) {Return 8;} if (strfieldname.equals ("absdays") {Return 9;} if (strfieldname.equals ("FillFlag")) { Return 10;} if ("confidenflag")) {RETURN 11;} IF (StrfieldName.Equals ("addvacflag")) {RETURN 12;} if (strfieldname.equals ("summoney)) {Return 13 }} {RETURN 14;} if (StrfieldName.Equals ("noti")) {Return 15;} (StrfieldName.Equals ("Operator")) {Return 16;} IF (StrfieldName.equals ("Makedate"
)) {RETURN 17;} if (strfieldname.equals ("maketime")) {RETURN 18;} if (strfieldname.equals ("modifydate")) {Return 19;} if (StrfieldName.Equals ("modifytime)) {RETURN 20;} IF ("BranchType")) {RETURN 21;} if (StrfieldName.equals ("ShouldEnddate")) {Return 22;} IF (StrfieldName.Equals ("LeaveState)) {Return 23;} IF (strfieldname.equals ("branchtr")) {RETURN 24;} Return -1;}
/ ** * Field name corresponding to specified index values in Schema * If there is no corresponding field, return "" ** / public string getfieldname (int nfieldindex) {string string stringname = ""; switch (nfieldIndex) {case 0: strFieldName = "AgentCode"; break; case 1: strFieldName = "agentGroup"; break; case 2: strFieldName = "ManageCom"; break; case 3: strFieldName = "Idx"; break; case 4: strFieldName = "IndexCalNo"; break; case 5: strFieldName = "AClass"; break; case 6: strFieldName = "VacDays"; break; case 7: strFieldName = "LeaveDate"; break; case 8: strFieldName = "EndDate"; break; case 9: strFieldName = "Absdays"; break; case 10: strFieldName = "FillFlag"; break; case 11: strFieldName = "ConfIdenFlag"; break; case 12: strFieldName = "AddVacFlag"; break; case 13: strFieldName = "SumMoney"; break; case 14: strFieldName = "ApproveCode"; Break; Case 15: StrfieldName = "noti"; Break;
case 16: strFieldName = "Operator"; break; case 17: strFieldName = "MakeDate"; break; case 18: strFieldName = "MakeTime"; break; case 19: strFieldName = "ModifyDate"; break; case 20: strFieldName = " modifyTime "; break; case 21: strFieldName =" BranchType "; break; case 22: strFieldName =" ShouldEndDate "; break; case 23: strFieldName =" LeaveState "; break; case 24: strFieldName =" BranchAttr "; break; default : Strfieldname = "";}; return strfieldname;}
/ ** * Type of field type corresponding to the specified field name in Schema * If there is no corresponding field, return schema.type_nofound ** / public int getfieldType (StrfieldName.Equals ("Agentcode") {Return Schema .TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "agentGroup")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "ManageCom")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "Idx") ) {return Schema.TYPE_INT;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "IndexCalNo")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "AClass")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "Vacdays")) {return schema.type_int;} if ("LeaveDate") {return schema.type_date;} if (StrfieldName.Equals ("enddate") {Return Schema. TYPE_DATE;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "AbsDays")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "FillFlag")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "ConfIdenFlag")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "AddVacFlag")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "SumMoney")) {return Schema.TYPE_DOUBLE;} if (strFieldName.equals ( " ApproveCode ")) {returnch schema.type_string;
} If (strFieldName.equals ( "Noti")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "Operator")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "MakeDate")) {return Schema.TYPE_DATE;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "MakeTime")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "ModifyDate")) {return Schema.TYPE_DATE;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "modifyTime" )) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "BranchType")) {return Schema.TYPE_STRING;} if (strFieldName.equals ( "ShouldEndDate")) {return Schema.TYPE_DATE;} if (strFieldName.equals ("LeaveState") {return schema.type_string;}}} (StrfieldName.Equals ("branchattr")) {return schema.type_string; } Return Schema.Type_nofound;}
/ ** * index value to obtain the specified field type corresponding to the Schema * If there is no corresponding field, returns Schema.TYPE_NOFOUND ** / public int getFieldType (int nFieldIndex) {int nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_NOFOUND; switch (nFieldIndex) {case 0: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 1: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 2: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 3: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_INT; break; case 4: nFieldType = Schema. TYPE_STRING; break; case 5: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 6: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_INT; break; case 7: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_DATE; break; case 8: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_DATE; break; case 9: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 10: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 11: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 12: nFieldType = Schema.TYPE_STRING; break; case 13: nFieldType = Schema .TYPE_DOUBLE; BREAK; CASE 14: nfieldType = schema.type_string; break; case 15: nfieldtype = schema.type_string;